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Teresa Carreno, Deux Elegies, Plainte!: Resources

by Rebekah Gibson and Bonnie Vigil


Kijas, Anna E. “The Life of Teresa Carreño (1853–1917), a Venezuelan Prodigy and Acclaimed Artist.” Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 76/1 (2019): 38–83. 

Mann, Brian. “Teresa Carreño: Walküre of the Piano.” Archives & Special Collections Library at Vassar College. Accessed February 25, 2023. 

Pita, Laura. “Los Conciertos de Teresa Carreño En Caracas En 1862: Construcciones de Género, Virtuosismo y Patriotismo.” Escena: Revista de Las Artes 79/2 (2020): 148–73. 

Pita, Laura. “Carreño, (María) Teresa.” Grove Music Online. Oxford University Press, May 28, 2015. 

Pita, Laura. Teresa Carreño’s Early Years in Caracas: Cultural Intersections of Piano Virtuosity, Gender, and Nation-Building in the Nineteenth Century. Dissertation, University of Kentucky, 2019.

Schell, Patience. “Digital Resources: The ‘Carreño Memories: Manners, Society, History’ Project.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. Oxford University Press, September 15, 2022.