To locate books about a specific person or topic, use the Subject Search in the OPAL Library Catalog. Each book has been tagged with specific subject headings that describe its content.
There are a variety of subject headings that pertain to music theatre.
To find books about a composer's songs, use the composer's name followed by "songs."
Sources such as encyclopedias and select bibliographies/guides will be located in the reference collection.
Call Number |
Genre |
ML 48-50 | Translations of opera texts & librettos |
ML 54.6 | Translations of vocal texts |
ML 102.M88 | Dictionaries/Encyclopedias |
ML 128 M78 | Bibliographies/Literature guides |
ML 820-950 | Singing and vocal techniques |
ML 1711, ML 2054 | General history of the musical |
MT 95 | Plots |
MT 955 | Production |
Catalog of books and other materials held in Ohio college and university libraries.
Books and printed music are arranged according to the Library of Congress' Classification System. The library has circulating and non-circulating (reference) collections. Each collection is divided in to three sections.
The Jones Music Library has distinct collections for music education and music therapy resources. A complete description of the library's collections may be found here.