We welcome you to our campus and to New Faculty Orientation!
On the pages of this guide, you will find the schedule of events, a link to the survey about the day, and a list of the various consultants who will present information or be available for conversations today.
You will have opportunity to meet one on one or in small groups with IT Support Staff, Educational Technology designers, veteran faculty colleagues, the university Chief Diversity officer and subject librarians. From 10:00 - 12:00 you may sign up for 15 minute sessions with the consultant(s) you choose. Please use the whiteboards positioned on the main floor in Ritter Library to reserve a spot. Sign up for a chair massages as well.
If you would like to schedule a follow up meeting with any of the consultants at another time please reach out to the individual. See the Consultant links page for more detail.
As always, ask questions. BW is a great community and we want to encourage you to have a very successful year.