Below are links to web pages that provide useful information for conducting Business research. Email the librarian listed on this page if you have suggestions for additions, or discover a dead link.
Google Finance: Financial markets, news, portfolio access, stock screeners, domestic trends by economic sector.
Yahoo Finance: News, investing, personal finance, portfolio access.
Securities and Exchange Commission Databases:
Daily and Historical Stock Data:
Classification Systems:
Government Sites:
Small Business Resources:
The data provided by ICPSR are available to support research in the social sciences, including economics and finance, population studies, sociology, health care, education, politics and governmental studies. Includes data sets provided by governmental and non-governmental agencies, as well as data sets from privately and publicly funded research, opinion polls and other studies. For more guidance using the database see our ICPSR guide
See also databases:
A curated collection of United States statistics--use this tool to scan and search the contents of billions of datasets, compare and contrast variables of interest, and create customized views in tables, maps, rankings, and charts. Views also include descriptive summaries of the datasets and data sources. Datasets cover a wide range of subjects – including business, finance, banking, economics, sociology, political science, demography, agriculture, education, international studies, criminal justice, housing and construction, labor and employment, energy resources and industries, and more. Sources include public, private/commercial, and nongovernmental organizations
The Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development (the Poverty Center), a research institute housed at Case Western Reserve University's Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences provides a suite of data tools to assist researchers explore aspects of the Cleveland area such as population trends, poverty, employment, educational attainment, housing, and crime.