As of 2020, we now have online access to the Chicago Manual of Style, which should answer all your questions about citing sources properly in Chicago Style.
Signed Article in print encyclopedia | Note: ³Author First Name Last, Title of Dictionary or Encyclopedia, Edition information (City: Publisher, Year), s.v. "word or term used." Note: ¹Dean A. Masullo, The Encyclopedia of the Blues, s.v. "Dixon, Willie James." If you would like to included publication details in your note: Note: ¹Dean A. Masullo, The Encyclopedia of the Blues, ed. Edward Komara (New York: Routledge, 2006), s.v. "Dixon, Willie James." Bibiography: Author Last Name, First. Title of Dictionary or Encyclopedia. Edition information. City: Publisher, Year. Bibliography: Komara, Edward. ed. The Encyclopdia of the Blues. New York: Routledge, 2006. |
Article in online encyclopedia |
Note: ¹Stephen Walsh, 2001 "Stravinsky, Igor," Grove Music Online, 18 Sep. 2018, http://// Walsh, Stephen. 2001 "Stravinsky, Igor." Grove Music Online. 22 Sep. 2018. http://// |
What is Humanities Style?
The Humanities Style, also known as Notes and Bibliography, is commonly used for writing in the area of literature, arts, and music. This style documents its sources using footnotes/endnotes and a bibliography. This style consists of two parts: a number in the text and a related note that describes the source in a footnote or endnote (a list of notes at the end of the document). A bibliography provides a complete list of resources referred to in the document.
What is "Turabian"?
Kate L. Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations is a simplified version of the Chicago Manual of Style written specifically for the the needs of student writers. This manual provides a wide variety of examples.
What are punctuation practices in Chicago/Turabian Style?
A complete description of punctuation practices may be found at the Chicago Manual of Style Online.