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Encyclopedia of Baldwin Wallace University History: Sports - S

An Index of Historical Content and Their Sources

Schneider, Russ


Citation: Charles G. Zierk, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1916), p. 100.

Among other features of the athletic world at Baldwin-Wallace, the game of soccer football has played a prominent part in the last two ln the fall of the school-year 1914-1915 so9cer was introduced and a call for candidates was issued. The call was responded to by a large squad of anxious men ready to be pounded into shape for the coming onslaughts of opposing teams. Mr. Munroe of Lorain, war engaged to act as coach for this sport. After several long and hard practices the team was chosen and acquitted themselves creditably throughout the year although soccer was still a new game to most of the men who composed the team. It was not until the call for candidates was issued last fall that the fellows really appreciated the game of soccer football. Those men who appeared daily and practiced faithfully soon found out that soccer was a good developer of physique. It is one of the best games for building up a strong and healthy body. Muscular activity and lung capacity play a most important part, although alertness and quick judgment are indispensable. Lt trains the eye to accuracy and demands a great sk111 in handling the ball properly.

Coach Wilson is himself a soccer enthusiast, and an excellent coach in this sport especially, He has played it for it goodly number of years and has become expert in handling the ball. It was greatly due to his efforts that the team this year was undefeated.


Citation: “The Evolution of Stinger,” B-W Community, November 7, 2020,

Baldwin Wallace's beloved mascot Stinger has changed quite a bit over the past decades since the first version of BW's mascot was introduced in 1979. Before Stinger was "Stinger," BW simply had the "bee" based on a mascot search the BW cheerleaders held in April 1976. Complete with wings and a bee antennae headband, the simple costume looked vastly different from today's more elaborate Stinger costume. 

Fast forward to 1985, and the BW mascot changed from a bee to its more aggressive wasp cousin, the yellowjacket. That year, BW premiered its new mascot "Jackie Jacket." An Exponent article on February 14, 1985 described Jackie. "She is six feet five inches tall, weighs close to 150 pounds and has measurements like a trash can."

Just eight years later, the BW mascot changed again in 1993, but this time to a male yellowjacket named "Stinger." Over the years that followed, Stinger would transform several times from a more comedic yellowjacket to the still lovable, but more muscular Stinger we know today. BW unveiled Stinger's latest look in 2016. 

Swimming Team

Citation: Mary Papp, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1945), pp. 110-111.

For the first time in its history, B-W put a varsity swimming team on the Ohio athletic scene, and after they had recovered from their greenness, the kids won three of six meets.

The Finnigan-coached team dropped its first three : to Oberlin, 55-23, to Wooster, 47- 27, and to Oberlin, 51-19.

Then they beat Bowling Green, 41-34, in a meet that sold swimming to B-W. Carnegie Tech came from Pittsburgh to be beaten, 46-29 as El Haltunnen set a new pool record for the breast stroke. Everyone was on the next meet as Wooster was beaten, 48-27.

The Jackets had several good men; outstanding was Westi Hansen, undefeated in the dashes all year.

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