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Encyclopedia of Baldwin Wallace University History: Publications - G

An Index of Historical Content and Their Sources

Grand Panjandrum

Citation: “The Grand Panjandrum,” Grand Panjandrum, June 27, 1867, p. 2.

In this our second annual appear­ance before an indulgent public, we feel a sense of the responsibility resting upon us. We feel that there are many things which need saying and that we should be false to our posi­tion as public journalists if we left them unsaid. Our many friends and patrons will be expecting this course from us and we should be culpable if we neglected our trust. We intend that this paper shall be not only the friend but the staunch supporter of the school. It shall ever be found on the side of truth­ the champion of the right and bat­tling with error in all its forms.

There were those who have been so rash as to suppose there was no meaning in the title of our modest sheet nor any depth of purpose in our aims, that the one way a mythical nonentity and the other airy nothingness. To all such we can only say we trust this issue shall prove a refutation to their groundless conjectures.

We are confident in believing that it will not only gain for itself an established reputation, but will show to all doubters it has a local habitation, a place of publication and a NAME.

Since our last issue the corps of editors has been materially augmented by the acquisition of two new members who will prove a tower of strength. Both are known as among the most able writers and original thinkers of the present age. We presume it will be scarcely necessary to add that all articles appearing in these columns are original with the authors. It will be seen our Poet still enjoys the favor and basks in the smiles of the sisters nine. As occasion may serve, he warbles his matutinal song or chants his roundelay.

We refer with pride to our tele­graphic dispatches embracing the very latest news from all parts of the world.

It is with confidence that we send forth our little sheet, fully believing its merits will be appreciated and that it will receive. a hearty welcome.


Citation: Ann Skoglund, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1966), p. 47.

The college yearbook is your record of the people and events of the past year. The editors and staff of this year's Grindstone have attempted to produce the best yearbook possible. The dedicated students on the staff have put in many long hours of work, to be rewarded with a sense of personal satisfaction and the enjoyment you will receive from our publication. It is with great pride that we present the 1966 Grindstone.