Citation: Ann Skoglund, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1966), p. 56.
The Student Peace Forum is an organization of students who believe that there exist methods for the resolution of international tension morally superior to war. Through informal discussion and study, the members search for a better understanding of world problems and for viable alternatives to war. By bringing speakers and films to the campus, the Forum hopes to stimulate lively discussion of important issues among students.
Citation: Michael Stutz, “Cryptic Club on Campus,” Exponent (Berea, OH), October 16, 1991, p. 5.
There's a new organization on campus. They're called the PPFOC, and because of their shady nature, it is hard to get information about them. Fortunately, I managed to talk to a few people that interact with them and now I have a general idea of the organization's goals and beliefs.
It started last year, during the spring quarter. In Professor Penko's Calculus II class, it was not uncommon to see a sarcastic message about the "joys" of calculus scrawled on the blackboard by the PPFOC, thus revealing their existence. I really wasn't sure what it was all about, but they have been much more active this year.
The PPFOC stands for the People's Popular Front of Calculus. Talking with Gary Herrmann, a mathematics and computer science major, I was told that the PPFOC was primarily "just a rumor" last year, more or less "handed down from earlier generations of BW math students.'' I don't know, I never heard of it before. And so what is the point of this PPFOC business? "Whenever we become stuck too deep in the mire of calculus, the PPFOC will be there to pull us out. I know, because I've been there and the PPFOC was, in turn, there for me. And I'm truly thankful for that," said Herrmann. I guess something's brewing amongst certain CSC majors taking calculus.
Since this form of higher mathematics is part of the requirements for a computer science major, these guys basically get together and study their math. Apparently their "group effort" psychology helps ease the pain that large doses of math can cause.
But wait — don't computers and math go hand in hand? Don't these computer jocks sit around on Friday nights integrating hyperbolic functions for fun while other college-aged students are integrating amongst themselves in the bars? "No way, man," says CSC major Brad Rembielak. "I'm a programmer and I don't see what calculus has to do with computers."
Citation: Ann Skoglund, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1966), p. 43.
Program Board is the campus organization responsible for programming the activities for every phase of college life. Its members plan, execute, and evaluate programs designed to supplement the other campus activities. Working for the entire campus community, integrating cultural, educational, recreational, religious, and social aspects, it ensures a complete, well-rounded program of co-curricular activities. It also serves to help other campus organizations in their own particular program planning.
The Program Board, a structural aspect of Student Council, works through an organization of committees, each having the responsibility for a specific area of programming. Some examples are music, art, cultural programs, dances, films, and public relations. Programs range from Saturday morning breakfast seminars to the Homecoming and Christmas dances; from a movie-of-the-month to a Christmas party for faculty children; and from an evening of jazz to an art show from Europe.
Citation: Maria J. Hoffmann, ed., "WBWC-88," Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1977), p. 99.
Program Board is the source of much of the entertainment students enjoy at Baldwin-Wallace. Program Board is coordinated by student director Lew Kaplan. Jan Moskovitz served as advisor. Program Board is comprised of 18 members, half of whom are active on various committees. The five committees that make up Program Board are 1) Special Events responsible for handling parties and miniconcerts, 2) The Film Committee, 3) The Recreation Committee, which plans indoor and outdoor activities, 4) The Concert Committee, and 5) The Publicity Committee.
This year Program Board brought many entertaining and educational films to campus, as well as guest lecturers, art exhibits, campus parties, and various forms of recreation.
Program Board acts not only to provide entertainment for the student body, but for the growth of the students involved. According to Jan Moskovitz, Program Board members have the opportunity to learn responsibility and commitment to the College as well as to Program Board. Practically, members learn the ins and outs of contracts, sound systems, and exert their creativity and follow through with results.
Citation: Steven J. Varga, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1984), p. 174.
Program Board Productions is a student run organization. Such activities as the Homecoming formal, the Computer Dating Party, May Day Party, Think Pink Day, movies, lectures, coffee houses, and many other activities are sponsored by this organization.
Citation: Rhonda L. Fabrizi, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1989), p. 190.
Program Board has been very busy this year sponsoring new and creative ways for students to enjoy college life. The year began with the club sponsoring a Second City Comedy Club, which kicked off their new comedy showcase series. Also, the club redefined the concept of Homecoming with the S.S. B-W Bash which was quickly followed by other successful events such as the Blizzard O' Bucks, Barber and Seville, and the traditional Lil' Sibs Weekend. As in the past, the group had movie nights, and the attendance tripled last year's attendance. In addition, Program Board has doubled its membership this year.
Citation: Harold A. Speckmann, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1914), p. 115.
Prohibition League at Baldwin-Wallace! What need is there for an organization of this kind in a Methodist institution of learning- some may ask. Although there is hardly any need of creating sentiment for this cause, there is a great necessity for proper instruction of college men and women along the lines of constructive Temperance work. "As go the colleges of to-day, so goes the nation to-morrow," are words that might fittingly be quoted here. The prime object of the League is to acquaint the students of B. W. C. with the very latest developments and progress in the movement. To this end speakers of repute are engaged to address its meetings on some phase of Prohibition. At the instigation of the local League a "Liquor Problem" study-class has been added to the College Curriculum. Another important feature of the League is its annual oratorical contest, the winner of which represents the school at the State contest.
Citation: Noreen Bonk Garman, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1955), p. 20.
The newly organized Psychology Club was established to meet the needs of those interested in the problems presented at the study of man's thoughts and actions. Students who participated found the meetings stimulating.
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