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Citation: Judy B. Krutky, "Acknowledgements," The Lyceum, no. 1 (Winter 1979).
This marks the first of what is hoped will be a series of journals originating within the Baldwin-Wallace community and covering a variety of topics. The suggestion for the journal came from a faculty evaluation of the Mission Action Project in the Spring of 1978 as those present explored ways to promote more faculty interaction. Since then the scope of the project has broadened to include the larger B-W community, both as contributors and in the panel sessions to discuss the articles published.
As with any new publication we are indebted to many for their help. Our thanks go especially to Dean Mark Collier who took the idea, assembled the first set of contributors and encouraged us to establish the format. The publication would not have been possible without MAP funding or without the technical assistance of Louise Kuhns and Kathy Schmidt who designed the cover. Professor Charles Burke provided inspiration for the title. Joanne Cutliffe and Kimberly Kirsch typed the manuscripts for printing. Each of the contributors, Alwyn Ashburn, Norm Clay, Al and Louise Gray, who took the time to help plan the journal and the distribution of the first issue as well as write articles also deserve special recognition.