Citation: Thomas. A. Stiger, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1896), pp. 51-52.
The Alethean Literary Society was organized in 1855 and has enjoyed forty-one years of prosperity, until to-day t stands as one of the foremost organizations of its kind in Baldwin University. It has had trials, of course, but has always been able to meet all difficulties and surmount all obstacles, until now it stands forth in' all the glory of an active society in splendid working order.
At one time there was not the same harmony that now exists, for the society was engaged in an internal conflict which resulted in the secession of part of her number and the formation of a new society. For a long time there were feelings of strong animosity existing between the two, but the feeling has changed to one of the friendliest sort, and nothing stronger than a wholesome rivalry now exists.
The society was organized for the purpose of "developing the social, moral and intellectual powers" of its members, and "especially to cultivate the art of writing and speaking." It has kept its object steadily in view in all the past years of its history.
The programmes have been rich and varied, and of a high order. This, however, could 8carcely be different from the very location of the Alethean parlors, they being elevated and well suited to lofty thoughts. There have been debates on all the important questions of the day, and while other societies may have settled some of them, still, the Aletheans claim to have decided a goodly number of important questions, such as "Veal vs. Beef." Resolved :-"That Man is not Inferior to Woman," etc. There have been orations and "soarations," poetry and blank verse, and many other things which have tended to make the programmes indeed "feasts of reason."
There have been Alethean Annuals and Alethean Reunions, and many things which indicate that those who were once active members do not forget their society, though engaged in a life work elsewhere.
The fact that the Aletheans have a band of Phreno brothers of whom they are justly proud, must not be overlooked, for many interesting things have come to pass from this friendly relation.
This year has been one of unusual success, the numbers being larger and working force better than ever before.
Though it was not the society's good fortune to win first place at the recent Oratorical Contest, its members went home resolved that they would not be discouraged by one defeat, but be there again next year to win.
Citation: John J. Martin, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1900), pp. 62-63.
The year of 1897-8 has seen the Alethean Society progress as only the concentrated effort of all the members could make it to progress. Each determined to make this year better than the last.
In the fall term we paid off the debt on our new piano, thereby relieving us of all financial burdens. Thus we were again free to devote our entire attention to literary work. Early in the year we felt the need of a greater amount of substantials, and so excluded dreams, fictions, etc., entirely from our programs. We have substituted in their stead, orations, debates, lectures and expositions.
Perhaps less attention has been paid to the social side of our society this year than heretofore, and yet we have not neglected it. Besides the regular term receptions we have engaged in but one frolic. The members of the society who are fortunate enough to live in town surprised us one night with a feast, after the society had adjourned. The unexpected sight of home delicacies spread in abundance before the "hall girls" was like a dream. There was, however, more than a suggestion of angel food, confectionery and mirth.
We feel that on the whole our work, as a society, this year has been very thorough. We have gained much in ability, both as debaters and extempore speakers. The interest maintained throughout the year, united with the determination of each member to make her work thoroughly good, has made this one of the most profitable years of Alethean history.
Alpha Kappa Sigma, local campus sorority, will become the Alpha Iota chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta national sorority at the beginning of the coming fall-term. It was announced at the Alpha Kappa dinner-dance on Saturday, May 18.
Mrs. John Latham, an Alpha Gamma Delta, guest at the banquet, announced the granting of the charter and the proposed installation of the local sorority into the national organization. Alpha Kappa now boasts of a proud and dignified history; the group being a merger of the Athenian and Clionian societies way back in 1919.The official announcement to the faculty of the birth of the Alpha Iota chapter on Baldwin-Wallace campus, will take place at the college Commencement Exercises.
Phyllis Burke, president of the local sorority will assume the office of presidency in the newly installed chapter next fall.
Alpha Gamma Delta began nationally in 1904 at Syracuse University. In 1919, the National sorority became the first National Panhellenic Council sorority to adopt a definite altruistic project by establishing summer camps for underprivileged children.
The Baldwin-Wallace chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Iota, has actively upheld the sorority's altruistic traditions, and have dedicated their efforts toward serving their new altruistic project - Juvenile Diabetes.
The sorority has made many achievements as a group and as individuals, including a second place award at Interfraternity Sing and the representation of four sisters on the Homecoming Queen court.
The officers for 1979-1980 were: Cathy Barber, President; Peggy Lorimer, Vice-President of Scholarship; Donna Leibold, Vice-President of Fraternity Education; Kathy Ellis and Mary Ellen Ripepi, Secretaries; and Nancy Whelan, Treasurer.
Citation: A. Wesley Roehm, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1928), pp. 156-157.
Rich in tradition, ideals and achievements is the sorority of Alpha Kappa Sigma; ours is a glorious heritage. In 1855 the first literary society for women was organized. The Alethian meetings were held in old South Hall. By the light of candles and lamps, programs of stupendous length and profound wisdom were given, showing the talents of our predecessors. As the college grew, it became necessary to organize another society. This was done in 1862 and the Clionians continued their work on the same basis as the Alethians. In 1918 these two societies were merged together into the present Alpha Kappa Sigma Sorority.
We are fortunate enough to have preserved all of the original records of both societies, in which we find a story about girls who loved their school and society, and who put their ideals so high that they have never been surpassed. It is a story of girls who through their intelligence and manner of working did much to further the education of women in general. There is pathos in the treasured pages, for women had a hard time convincing the educators of the value of group study and social life. · There is humor, too, for even then girls were fair co-eds.
It is on this solid foundation of our inspiring past that the present sorority is doing its work. We are actively represented in every department on the campus. We are proud of the everlasting bond of union with Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity, which is as old as the sorority. We are proud of our alumnae who are making places for themselves and are carrying to all parts of the globe the ideals and standards of Alpha Kappa Sigma.
Citation: Dean Webb, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1935), pp. 82-82.
Alpha Kappa Sigma Sorority had its origin back in the times of Baldwin University when there were two literary organizations organized by the women of the college. The first society was the Alethian Society, organized in 1855 to promote the study of literature. In 1862 the second such club was formed and named the Clionian Society. For many years these two clubs were bitter rivals, but broke down the barriers, and in 1918 merged to form the present Alpha Kappa Sigma Sorority whose motto is "Let us be known by our deeds."
Citation: Doris Hauser, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1940), p. 101.
The Alethian Society was the first women's society founded at Baldwin University. This was in 1855. About ten years later a similar organization called the Clionian Society was formed. Along in 1918 a change in administrative policy permitted sororities on the campus. So the Alethians and Clionians merged to form our present day Alpha Kappa Sigma sorority. This year Alpha Kappa Sigma celebrates its eighty-sixth anniversary-the oldest women's collegiate fraternal organization on the campus.
Girls of Alpha Kaps find they have many memories of this anniversary year. The house party at Marian Stanford's still calls for retelling of certain anecdotes. Pledgies are particularly proud of the smooth band at their Pledge Dance. Likewise do they remember the May Day Float-its joys and agonies and yawns. Even though spring was a little late in providing suitable atmosphere, all the Alpha Kaps remember those nights of sing practice.
'Twas a successful, pleasant year.
Citation: Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1987), p. 131.
The Freshman scholastic honorary, Alpha Lambda, was a relatively new organization, having been organized two years ago by Carol Templeman, Director of Academic Advising and Alpha Lambda Advisor. The criteria for membership was grade point average. First year students, not including transfers, were initiated after their first two quarters if they had a 3.5 accumulative or better.
The officers were: President; Laura Stegmaier, Vice President; Jonathon Amy, Secretary; Linda Koppenhafer.
(1980 Yearbook, The Grindstone, BWC, page 122)
Alpha Phi Alpha, the first national black fraternity, was founded in 1906. Seven individuals interested in promoting black unity at B-W initiated the organization. Jim Oliver is credited for sparking the club's interest.
Alpha Phi Alpha is a fraternity guided by the ever growing need for brotherhood, scholarship, and love for all mankind.
(1928 Yearbook, The Grindstone, BWC, page 145)
The Alpha Phi Gamma is considered one of the best honorary national journalistic fraternities in existence. The local chapter is chartered as the Delta Chapter of the organization.
The object of the organization is to unite in a fraternal way congenial students interested in the higher forms of journalism, and publishing official college publications.
The organization aims to instill in its members' minds esteem for the profession of journalism so that the interests of the profession and society as a whole may be advanced throughout the world.
(1935 Yearbook, The Grindstone, BWC, page 78)
Alpha Phi Gamma was organized in 1919 as a national co-educational honorary journalistic fraternity. The purpose of the group as then decided was to encourage a more cordial feeling between well known members of the journalistic professions and college students whose interests and abilities lie in those fields. Membership for students was to be determined by outstanding ability and achievement in the journalistic line.
During the past year, Alpha Phi Gamma has swelled its membership to include fifteen student members, and with their fine support has fostered better journalistic achievements on the Baldwin-Wallace campus.
(1940 Yearbook, The Grindstone, BWC, page 24-25)
Alpha Mu Chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi saw its beginning on the campus of German Wallace College in 1883 in the form of the Goethe Society. In 1925 this same organization was incorporated as a fraternity with the name of Gamma Lambda Sigma. In 1926 it was accepted as Mu Chapter of the national fraternity, Phi Pi Phi. Today the merging of Phi Pi Phi with Alpha Sigma Phi brings Alpha Mu Chapter of the latter to the campus.
The year-off to a flying start by holding a bang-up " rush" dance at the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce Ballroom. Next, a stag smoker at which the leading features were appearances of several of the Cleveland Rams' Pro football team. Then, to round out the year, two Bob Suhr productions, both held at the house: first, a Bum's Dance; second, a Christmas Kid's Party. Highlights of the Kid's Party were the short dresses worn by the girls, and the ten minutes it took someone to fix the main fuse. Brother Bomgardner whipped up several serenades that were appreciated by the girls at Emma Lang. Next, we properly "beat it out" at our midwinter dance, again at the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce Ballroom. Of course all this had an effect on the average grades of the fraternity, by giving us the highest fraternity point average. Wait a minute-there goes the fuse again! So 'mid soft candlelight, quiet cussin', and pleasant thoughts of the coming spring formal, we leave Alpha Sigma Phi, nature's (?) wonder spot of the B-W campus.
(1945 Yearbook, The Grindstone, BWC, page 88)
Baldwin-Wallace's chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, Epsilon Theta, revived in January, 1944, went through the school year of '44-'45 with increasing vigor. Under the leadership of Wally Erickson for the first semester, and later, under Tom Skillman, the fraternity carried on a full social calendar despite the fact that they were without the use of their chapter house. Regular meetings were held in the sister sorority's room, Alpha Gamma Delta. The ATO's conducted such fraternity activities as smokers, stag parties, picnics, dances and sings, carrying on in the spirit of pre-war fraternity life.
(1980 Yearbook, The Grindstone, BWC, page 124)
The Alpha Tau Omega fraternity was formally organized at Baldwin-Wallace on April 18, 1941. The organization is currently the largest fraternity on campus.
Renown for their May Day athletic triumphs, the fraternity members are very active in varsity and intramural sports. Brothers, past and present, have been active in several campus organizations, including Student Senate and the Exponent.
(1969 Yearbook, The Grindstone, BWC, pages 103-104)
Alpha Xi Delta is one of the largest sororities on the 8-W campus. The Fuzzies (short for Alpha Xi) are active in all phases of campus life. They have members who hold offices or are active members of many honoraries, organizations, and committees. The sisters are also busy with sorority activities which were exceptionally successful this year. After three months of practice Alpha Xi took first place in the lntrafraternity Sing and then proceeded to take first in the float competition for May Day a few weeks later.
Even with all of these activities, they managed to place second in scholarship among sororities.
The Alpha Xi's are a busy group, but being an Alpha Xi means growth intellectually, socially, culturally; for the college coed- most important of all-friendship found in Alpha Xi Delta will be remembered for a life time.