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Encyclopedia of Baldwin Wallace University History: Campus Locations - C

An Index of Historical Content and Their Sources

Carmel Living and Learning Center

Citation: Trevor J. Allen, “Carmel Living Learning Center: A Dorm with a Difference,” The Exponent (Berea, OH), February 23, 2000, p. 7.

Carmel Living Learning Center. Source: "Housing; Living-Learning Communities,", Student Life. Click on image to enlarge.

The Carmel Living and Learning Center, which is under construction across the street from the Union, will open next year as a residence hall for students with "similar academic goals and interests." Students involved in one of live different programs may apply to live there with others from their program in a collaborative residence experience.

The students living there will be under the guidance of faculty. While they will share similar class loads with other members of their program, they will share at least one common class with all hall residents. The program faculty will teach the classes. They will also design the program so it includes co-curricular assignments and activities.

This hall will be of suite style, with two double occupancy rooms sharing a bathroom. The hall will also be equipped with air conditioning, a kitchen, Internet access in each room, two multimedia lounges, and a study lounge. A model suite will be available for prospective residents to tour.

The five programs that the hall will house arc Experiential Culture Learning, Community Building in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exploring the World Through Physics, and the Honors Program.

There are certain prerequisites for each program. Interested students can find these prerequisites in the Carmel Living and Learning Center Brochure.

The program in Experiential Cultural Learning will be lead by Dr. Stephen Hollander and Dr. Judy Krutky. The goal of this program is to equip students with the ability to "interact successfully with others from a variety of backgrounds."

It will focus on foreign language study, and the study of different cultures and their identities. Students will work as a team on various projects, take program oriented field trips, and hear a variety of special guest speakers.

The program in Community Building in Education is led by Dr. Nancy Peltola and Dr. Naomi Feldman, and it is open to all education majors. Participants in this program will work with other aspiring educators and "share experiences, creativity, and reflection about how and why lessons are prepared and how teachers interact with students and with other members of the school community."

Activities will help students in their student teaching experiences. They will also be exposed to community, guest speakers, and interaction with professionals in educational fields.

The Entrepreneurship program will be led by professor Sandy Maltby and is not limited to only business majors. According to the program's description, "students will develop creative-thinking skills and learn how to transform ideas into opportunities through a feasibility analysis. Problem solving abilities, communication skills, and strategic thinking skills will be developed as students formulate a business plan for an existing entrepreneur, learn how to marshal resources, and build an entrepreneurial team." They will have close contact with professionals in the field and learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

The Exploring the World through Physics Program will be lead by Dr. Robert Wallis. Students will learn to share with each other, and with those in other fields, how in-class material is pertinent to them and those they encounter. They will also become more familiar and comfortable with the field of physics. "Students will have the opportunity to create situations in which they can learn from each other, which will assist participants in perceiving the connections between what they are learning in general physics and other areas of math and science."

The Honors Program was developed by Dr. Barbara Wanchisen, and the program faculty will be Dr. Robert Ebert, Dr. Charles Levin, and Dr. John Gordon. Students formally enrolled in the Honors Program will be offered an introduction to economics course by Dr. Ebert in the fall and a religion/psychology course by Dr. Gordon and Dr. Levin. The theme of uncertainty will cross both courses. The fall term will "focus more clearly on the academic discipline of economics and organizations. In spring the focus will be on religion, philosophy and psychology."

Citation: Kovach, Tim, and Adam A Bowers. “The Haunted History of Baldwin-Wallace.” The Exponent, October 28, 2008, p. 4.

Carmel Hall and the Math & Computer Sciences Building - Once an elementary school, and the area where Carmel stands now was the school's playground. Some paranormal activity has been reported in Carmel, such as certain electronics turning on exactly at midnight, faces appearing for brief moments in the dark (a boy and girl with blond hair around 18-years-old,) and cell phones losing reception, with screams occurring for a few seconds before regaining reception.

Carnegie Hall


Carnegie Hall, circa 1900, when it was the Ladies' Dormitory. Source: 1900 Grindstone, page 55. Click on image to enlarge.

Citation: Mills, Jeffrey, and Bette L. Versaci. “Campus history: 1845-1900.” The Exponent, May 7, 1971, p. 4-6.

In 1847, a dormitory was needed [for Baldwin Institute] and South Hall was constructed. This frame structure was deemed unsafe in 1872; therefore, construction of Ladies Hall was begun. Completed in 1882, it was built of Berea Sandstone, cost $40,000 and took ten years to complete. According to the Berea Advisor (October 19, 1882), "One of the special features of the new hall is the platform for the front of the building. It is said to be the largest piece of prepared stone in the stale, weighs ten tons, is 1-4 feet long by 10 feet broad and 9 inches thick. It was quarried in Berea and required specially made trucks to haul it to its place."

Ladies Hall was dedicated on Founder's day October 13, 1882. Tickets were $1.00 and proceeds were used to finance the furnishing of the dining room. The basement was used for laundry work, kitchen facilities, and various other associated duties. A “dummy elevator” (dumbwaiter) connected the dining room with the kitchen below. The first floor contained the music room, reception parlors and a suite of rooms for the teachers, matron and steward. The second story was completely student dormitory space. The third floor held meeting room for the Alethean and Clionian Literary Societies.

Ladies Hall was the last building to be moved to the new campus. It was reconstructed on its new site with only one alteration — the main entry was moved from the front to the side. Financial aid for the moving of Ladies Hall came from the Carnegie Foundation, and consequently Ladies Hall became Carnegie Hall.

Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.

Carnegie Hall which was originally Ladies Dormitory, is located at 59 East Bagley Road on the north campus of Baldwin-Wallace. It was originally built on the southeast comer of Elm and Seminary Streets in Berea, near what is now known as south campus. The building was opened to the public on October 13th, 1882, which was founder's day and John Baldwin's 83rd Birthday. On that occasion, a Grand opening Banquet was held in the Dining room at a cost of $1.00 per person, resting in a huge turnout and celebration.

The basement of the dormitory was to used for various purposes including laundry and kitchen work. A dummy elevator connected the kitchen with the dinning room above. The first floor contained a music room, reception parlors and a suite of rooms for the teachers, matrons and steward. The second floor is occupies by student's dormitories. The third floor served to provide rooms for the Alethean and Clionian Societies. The Berea Advertiser stated, "The Hall is one of the finest, if not the finest in the country". It went on to say, "No event ever transpired in the Village that enlisted the sympathies and support of all classes and conditions of people as that of the great banquet". The building committee was composed of Lyman Baker, A. J. Campbell, and A. Schuyler.

The building was moved in 1905, when the Cleveland Sandstone Quarries Co. bought the land it was located on. It was the last building to be moved from the old campus. The structure was moved ¾ of a mile to its present location. The $6,000 cost of the move was provided by Carnegie Foundation, providing that the hall be used for the field of science. After the structure was moved it would be known as Carnegie Science Hall, housing the Biology and Chemistry departments. The Baldwin University Yearbook from 1906-1907 states, "The Carnegie Science Hall, gift of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, is a three story sandstone structure". The removal and rebuilding of the hall was supervised by John Paul Baldwin, grandson of founder John Baldwin. Each stone was marked so that the structure could be rebuilt in its as it had been originally.

Carnegie Hall which was built with Berea Sandstone in the Gothic style, is 60 ft. by 96 ft., and three stories tall. The stone is uniform in thickness and the irregular outline of the walls give the building its irregular appeal. One of the unique features of the building is the platform for the front of the building. Weighing ten tons, 14' long and IO' across, and 9" thick, it was said to be the largest piece of prepared stone in the state. The large stone was quarried in Berea and required special trucks to haul it. The hall originally cost $40,000 to build and was built over a period of ten years.

The structure now houses the departments of Psychology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice. It also contained the Education Dept. prior to the renovation of Wheeler Hall. Carnegie Hall has received some renovations over the years, and it is planned to be fully renovated within the next years. The hall currently provides classroom area, offices, computer labs, testing labs, and a lecture room. The future renovation of Baldwin Library and the addition of a new building, along with Carnegie, will provide a centralized location for the social sciences, including Sociology, Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Political Science. The project is planned to be completed within the next six years. 

Centennial Hall


An aerial view of Centennial Hall. Source: 1949 Grindstone, page 68. Click on image to enlarge.

Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.

Centennial was originally built in Willow Run, Michigan. In 1946 it was dismantled, shipped to Berea, and reconstructed on B-W's south campus. The hall, located on the corner of Grand St. and Maple Ave., housed 210 men and was moved to BW by the government. Labor disputes and a carpenter's strike caused a delay in the project forcing the opening of the fall quarter to be delayed one week for the first time in 100 years. Classes began on September 30 instead of September 27, two days after the opening of the football season at B-W against John Carroll.

202 single veteran men were assigned to the new temporary hall starting in 1946. It was a two-story frame structure. The building was delivered in 35 truckloads. The contractor for the job was M. Shapiro and Sons, Inc. of New York city. The addition of Centennial Hall brought B-W's resident population to 814. The hall has since been razed to make room for new campus improvements such as the Strosacker Student Union and parking lot. 

Chemical Laboratory

"Chemistry Laboratory - Baldwin University," c.1890. Source: University Archives Buildings Box 3, File BW.01.30.1. Click on image to enlarge.

Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.

The building that was known as the Chemical Laboratory of Baldwin University was previously the first business center of Berea. It was located on Main Street, opposite the southwest comer of the old Baldwin University. The structure, built by John Baldwin out of sandstone, was originally a store referred to as the "Stone Store". It was owned by Simian Gould and also by Hulet Fletcher before Baldwin University possessed the building. It is unclear how Baldwin University by what means it came into the college's possession, although it appears in early college records.

The former store was the college's first laboratory. It was referred to in the 1885- 1886 Baldwin University catalog as the Chemical Laboratory. The catalog states, "Baldwin University has four buildings, viz.: The Chemical Laboratory for qualitative and quantitative analysis and determinative mineralogy; South Hall, with its Art room, Phreno Cosmian, Philozetian Literary Society Halls, also rooms for gentlemen; Hulet Hall, with its chapel and recitation rooms; Ladies' Hall, with capacious Dining Hall, Reading Room, Alethean and Clionian Literary Society Halls, also elegant homes for ladies". The building was used by the college through the 1880's and1890's. Dr. Dayton C. Miller taught in this building. The Y.M.C. A. and Y.W.C.A. held meetings in the upstairs rooms. 

Cleveland Law School

Citation: Year Book (Berea: Baldwin University, 1910), 9.

Connected with the University is the Cleveland Law School, an institution of high grade. This school has for its object the promotion of legal education, and fitting the student for active practice of the profession or for business life.

It affords those who are engaged in offices or business houses during the day an opportunity to pursue a regular course of law studies under proper instruction. Its sessions are, therefore, held in the evening. Its Faculty is composed of jurists and active practitioners of the city of Cleveland, many of whom have attained wide reputation, while its methods of instruction conform to the most approved ideas upon the subject of legal study. Its location, in the commodious American Trust Building in the center of Cleveland, being easy of access from all parts of the city and adjacent cities and towns, affords to its students many advantages.

The system of instruction is broad and comprehensive. Commencing with the most general and elementary studies and advancing gradually to the more difficult, the various courses cover practically the entire field of jurisprudence. The design of the school is to teach law as a science and to furnish a thorough preparation and training in all the fundamental topics, while, at the same time, fitting the student for admission to the bar. For special catalogue address Hon. Willis Vickery, 1001 Society for Savings Building, Cleveland.

Cleveland-Marshall Law School

Citation: Joanna Chidsey, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1964), p. 39.

At ceremonies with the student body present, on January 16, 1964, convocation services were held to honor the affiliation of Baldwin-Wallace College and Cleveland-Marshall Law School. As Dr. Bonds indicated, the union is "in the nature of a homecoming:' thus renewing a thirty-year pact between the schools. Dr. Bonds assumes the responsibility of president of the joined institution. and Chief Justice Lee E. Skeel becomes vice-president of the College and chief administrative officer of the Law School. This union offers many opportunities in higher education to students. 

College Club Apartments

Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.

The College Club apartments located at 124 E. Bagley Rd. was a two story apartment building made up of 19 rooms and housed up to 74 women. The apartments were owned by the college, and governed by a standards board of three girls and supervised by Mrs. and Mrs. Donal Noble. The apartments, built in 1965, were a unique aspect of campus living and departure from a conventional dormitory. The outside regulation was minimized to the extent that the girls worked out living arrangements, decorating, and pets. Girls living in the Club even held their own formals. In 1977, it was decided that the apartments were to be used for married couples rather than singles. The decision was due to the increased enrollment of married students within the residence halls. In 1984, it was decided that the apartments would be torn down to make room for the Recreation Center

College Maintenance Building

 Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.

In 1968 the college built a centrally located maintenance building to improve efficiency by putting the maintenance facilities under one roof. The all-steel and fiberglass structure housed the buildings and grounds department. Before the new facility was built, the Buildings and Grounds Dept. was located in several places around campus. During this time William Webber was the Director of Buildings and Grounds. The $100,000 structure covers 11,640 square feet and houses six trades, including carpentry, plumbing, painting, lock and key shop, electrical department, drafting, and groundskeeping. equipment. The building was located behind Heritage Hall and where the old Methodist Children's Home was located (presently Kamm Hall). 

Constitution Hall

Constitution Hall. Source: "Housing: Residence Halls,", Student Life. Click on image to enlarge.

Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.

Constitution Hall was dedicated on Founder's Day, October 13, 1966. It was the third men's residence hall to be built since 1961 and the ninth unit in the colleges development program. It cost $938,000 and was a duplicate of Ernthausen Hall to the south, and is located on Maple Street (Tressel) north of Heritage Hall. Constitution Hall, housing 220 students, is a Colonial style building designed by the Heine, Crider, and Williamson of Berea. It was built by the Martini Construction Company.

The hall later served as an independent female dormitory. In 1977 two sororities moved there from Saylor and Klein Halls when they became freshman halls. The hall along with Ernthausen and Heritage was used as a center for the Greek community on campus. Constitution currently is the home to the Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority, Phi Lambda Pi Fraternity, as well as many independents.

Constitution Hall consists of four sections; Constitution Southwest, Northwest, Southeast, and Northeast. Each section has a lounge, bathroom, and two floors of resident rooms. Each floor is equipped with a chapter room for the Fraternities and Sororities.


 Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.

The idea of the Cornerstone is best described by the words of its constitution which states, "We, the students of Baldwin Wallace College feel that there is a need by members of the college community for a social gathering place that is informal, conductive for conversation, and likely to draw together people who represent diverse segments of the commentary. We believe that a house would best meet these needs by creating a home-like atmosphere in which persons would feel free to drop in, relax and express their creativity". The membership be open to the administration, faculty and to students who pay an activity fee.

The house opened on November 1, 1977 in a house at 118 Beech Street on the comer of Beech and Grand. It was equipped with a kitchen that could serve up to 20 people at a time and a comfortable living room in which to sit and talk. The rooms upstairs were for studying and classes and seminars. The house manager was Jana Cox, who was responsible for ordering supplies, collecting money from coffee and drinks, and scheduling events. The house now serves as the Black Cultural Center

Cyber Cafe

Citation: Melissa Michaels, “Enjoying Coffee with a Byte,” The Exponent (Berea, OH), November 5, 1997, p. 5.

Student accessible computers occupy space in the new Cyber Cafe where a row of pool tables and foosball once existed. Source: Photo Boxes, Buildings, Box 5, File BW.0101.49.2 Strosacker Activity Center - Interior. Click on the image to enlarge.

Over the summer, the Games Area in the bottom of the Union was renovated into the Cyber Cafe. Now, instead of video games and pool tables, students can check their email or sit down with a cup of their favorite blend of coffee.

Union Director Ralph Carpellotti, along with Dave LaBanc, were the masterminds behind this great creation. They said that last year they realized that the Games Area wasn't being used to its fullest potential. LaBanc said, "Not only was it losing money, but it simply wasn't providing any service to the students."

After talking with various students, Carpellotti said he was continuously hearing about the overcrowded computer labs, He and LaBanc used this information to brainstorm new ideas for the Games Area. Carpellotti said he even talked with some union directors at other colleges lo get some ideas. According to LaBanc, "What started out as just a simple dessert carl, turned into the Cafe after we got our ideas going."

So, what were some of these ideas that led to what we now call the Cyber Cafe? Carpellotti had several things in mind that he wanted to achieve with this creation. First of all, he wanted a hang out for students in the Union that would draw them to stay for longer periods of time. Secondly, he wanted to create a place that would encourage student/faculty interaction.

Carpellotti also wanted a place to display art, as well as provide a place on campus where continuing education students could feel comfortable hanging out. With all of this in mind, the plans for the Cyber Cafe were put into action.

Both Carpellotti and LaBanc agree that so far, the Cyber Cafe has been extremely successful. They are "overjoyed with the results." According to LaBunc, there has been a steady flow of students taking advantage of the coffee, desserts, email, and social activities. They hope that this continues throughout the year.

Students lounging in the newly remodeled Cyber Cafe. Source: Photo Boxes, Buildings, Box 5, File BW.0101.49.2 Strosacker Activity Center - Interior. Click on the image to enlarge.

LaBanc and Carpellotti have also been working on some other programs to help draw even more studenls to the Cyber Cafe. This includes jazz entertainment, piano nights, and according to Carpellotti, there will probably be some kind of grand opening at the end of the fall or beginning of the winter quarter. Many commented on how having email and the World Wide Web down in the Cyber Cafe has helped out tremendously with the computer labs. Sophomore Krissy Nicoloff said, "It's a great atmosphere to hang out in. I can check my email, grab some hot chocolate, and just hang out. And as for the desserts, the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Pie is amazing." Everyone seems to be very happy with the renovation of the games area into the Cyber Cafe. It provides a great service lo all students, and the future of the Cafe looks to be a bright one.

Citation: Ken Burl, “Midnight Madness: An Exciting New Year,” The Exponent (Berea, OH), September 1, 1999, p. 4.

This year's Midnight Madness has changed a little from the format of past years. Midnight Madness will have its usual central theme, however, it will not necessarily be held in the Rec Center. The Cyber Cafe in the lower level of The Union will host Midnight Madness on a number of Wednesday nights. According to Mary Riley, The Midnight Madness Advisor, "the Cyber Cafe idea was added to the Midnight Madness lineup lo give students an opportunity to participate in a variety of other activities not offered at The Rec Center." The Cyber Cafe will allow students to participate in open mic nights as well as karyoke. Overall, it will allow students to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere in which to converse with others. The new Cyber Cafe experience will take off this Wednesday night, September 1 from I0pm until 12am. Come on down and relax at Cyber Madness!

Citation: Austin Patterson, 2021.

During the 2019-2020 academic year, the Cyber Cafe was renamed to "The Hive."