Citation: "Who we are: The B-WI's purpose and editorial policy," B-W Independent (Berea, OH), March 26, 1985, p. 2.
Baldwin-Wallace College is an institution blessed with both an active community and a diversified student body. These facts, coupled with other characteristics of the College, made it apparent the students of B-W could greatly benefit from the presence of another newspaper. In short, that is why you now hold the first issue of the B-W Independent.
The B-W Independent is a completely student operated publication. The newspaper, which is not in any means funded by either the Student Senate or the College administration, will be available to all members of the College community each week during the academic year without charge.
The Independent's function is two-fold - to provide a service to B-W students by informative coverage of events and issues, and to train students interested in the media. Any B-W student s eligible to become a member of the B-W Independent staff.
Perhaps the most important role of the free press is to provide public access to the media. The Independent opinions page(s) prints the views of the editorial board of this paper, and provides a forum in which readers may voice their opinions through letters to the editor. Because response from the readership generally surpasses space allotted, editorial judgement is often used.
Timeliness, clarity of thought and factual accuracy are the general criteria for editing letters.
The Independent seeks to report the news as truthfully as possible, to include features as diversified (yet pertinent) as possible and to represent the student body fairly. To ensure these goals, it is the policy of the Independent not to accept any gifts from any organization or individual, to disallow any "review" of the newspaper by any student government leader or College administrator, and to refuse all financial support, direct and indirect, which may be offered by the College.
The editorial board, which decides B-W Independent policy and composes weekly editorials, is comprised of the executive and staff editors, and salaried staff writers. Editorials (on "Views" page) represent the opinion of a majority of the board.
Members of the public are encouraged to address specific concerns to the board. Interests in such issues, however, should be brought to the editor-in-chief first so that a meeting with the board can be quickly scheduled.
Citation: Cindy Peck, “B-W's Bach Institute Issues First Journal,” The Exponent, February 13, 1970, p. 6.
A new publication of interest to all musicians in general and Bach scholars, in particular rolled off the presses last week. The journal entitled BACH is the quarterly of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute, which is located on the B-W campus.
BACH, conceptualized and edited by Dr. Elinore Barber, an eminent Bach scholar, will be circulated world-wide. It dispenses forgotten and hitherto unknown information about Bach's works.
The first edition of the journal follows a formal which Dr. Barber hopes to continue, offering a variety of information which will be useful and interesting to students of Bach at all levels. Di. Barber has a rather large collection of unpublished scholarly studies of Hans David which she plans to include in future editions.
BACH, vol. I. no. I includes a paper entitled "The Original Titles of Bach's Works", and two very complicated diagrams explaining the ground plans of the Goldberg Variations, both by David. It also includes as will future editions, information about some of the rare manuscripts and copies owned by the Riemenschneider Institute. This collection is housed in Ritter Library and is open to students; it contains many early editions of works by most of the famous composers, as well as those of Bach.
Each edition of BACH will feature a "Questions to the Editor" section, which will present answers to questions about Bach editions, biographical material, performance practices, etc. Dr. Barber expressed the hope that through reader response to questions and answers in the column dialogues may be created which will permit the exchange of a good deal of useful opinion and information.
She also stated that students would be encouraged to contribute to the publication, if they could present papers which would meet the scholarly standards of the journal.
The final pages of the bulletin arc devoted lo news of the current activities of the Bach Institute, such as the Symposium-Concert Series which will be held here. February 13 and I-4. This Series will include an all-Bach organ recital by Delbert Diselhorst and two lecture-discussions.
Citation: "The Baldwin," The Baldwin (Berea, OH), April 1894, p.11.
The first issue of The Baldwin is published in a somewhat hasty and impromptu manner. But the time is opportune for the undertaking of such an enterprise, and the increasing of fidelity in the steady progress of the University in all departments, is a stimulus to the students to endeavor to leave no work undone, that student love and patriotism to their alma mater can accomplish. This is not the first paper that has ever been published in our College. Two papers, almost exclusively the product of college talent, have been published in Baldwin University, vis the "Whim" and "The Baldwin University."
They precede the present issue some years, and, we are prone to believe, were a little precocious. However, they were not failures, but interest in the projects gradually died out, and these ships were stranded upon the shoals, because of the low tide of literary enthusiasm. Happily, these shipwrecks were not of a discouraging nature. The former papers lived and died before the college had attained its present proportions. The number of students was less, the future prospects were unpropitious, the destiny of the college was uncertain, when the former papers were published, and yet they were not overwhelmed with adversities, but failed because of flagging interest. We are standing on a different footing now. Some of the dark clouds of despair, that were o'er our house, have been driven away by the favoring winds of time and by honest effort.
The college is about to enter its golden age, and its panoply should not be wanting in any particular. Why our college should not have a paper is a question which our students and professors have been loath to answer, and now that her full fledged messenger has arrived, we hope he will not herald unwelcome news to the many readers of these columns. The active and earnest co-operation of both Faculty and students is a sufficient guarantee that the enterprise will not fail, is no other assurances were given. But we are not without such assurances, and unless some unfortunate blighting blast should hasten its premature death, those who are interested in its success have a firm conviction that its future will be prosperous. We are certain of support foreign to the college, and are relying on the good will and self-interest of the students. Let this child born in times of pinching finance, be fostered with all our might, main and brain.
Citation: Berea Advertiser (Berea, OH), May 1, 1896.
The attention of Students is called to the ADVERTISER, as the best medium of news for all things occurring in the vicinity, and the best guide to the business of Berea. Likewise, parents who have sons and daughters here in College, by subscribing for the ADVERTISER, will obtain a full weekly report of all that is happening here.