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Encyclopedia of Baldwin Wallace University History: Other - H

An Index of Historical Content and Their Sources

Hail Baldwin (Song)

Citation: "Hail Baldwin," in Baldwin University Alumni Songs, n.d.

In the great state of Ohio
And in Pennsylvania too,
Many true hearts are saying,
My own, my dear B. U.

Chorus: Then Hail to thee old Baldwin,
And hail to thee B. U.
In the whole state of Ohio,
There is no school like you.

The sun is always shining
On alumni of K. U.
In every land you find them
To their Alma Mater true.


Heoio (Yell)

Citation: "Heoio," in Songs and Yells, n.d.

Heo ! Hio ! Rickeracka rah !
Meo! Mio! Boomeracka rah!
Razzle Dazzle! Hobble! Cobble!
Zip! Boom! Bah!
Baldwin! Wallace!
Rah! Rah! Rah!

Home Economics Department

Citation: Bette Lou Higgins, The Past We Inherit: A history of Baldwin-Wallace College 1835 - 1974 (printed by the author, 1974), 95.

Two years after the Fullmer Arboretum was dedicated, ground was broken for Ward Hall. This new home economics building is just west of the Arboretum and the Observatory.

The Home Ec. Department was founded in 1916 by Mrs. Ethel Sapp Tudor, but its first real home did not come until the completion of Ward Hall on October 18, 1951. The building was named in honor of Rev. Jacob Ward who owned part of the original land that was sold to John Baldwin, James Gilruth and Henry Sheldon. A gift of Mrs. Henry Pfieffer, Ward Hall contains classrooms, laboratories, and office.

Before the Home Ec. Department received a home of its own, it was located on the third floor of Wheeler Hall, then in a house that stood where Ritter Library now stands. In 1961, the department took over a family home built in 1924. Located on Beech St. near the present driveway of the Art and Drama Center, Tudor House became a “practical experience” laboratory for the Home Ec. Majors.


Citation: A. Wesley Roehm, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1928), p. 120.

During the football season, when the biggest game on the schedule is staged, Baldwin-Wallace puts on her gayest garb, lets loose her wildest enthusiasm and spirit, and gathers into her folds all the alumni, former students, and friends that can be accommodated in one place at one time ( the rest hang on the fence). On this day the alumni and former students shine, for they are the honored guests of the day. The Homecoming game this year was played with Oberlin on October 8th; last year B-W and Case staged the battle for our homecoming celebration.

Citation: Jackie Zureich , ed., “The History Behind Homecoming,” The Exponent, October 17, 2007, p. 1.

The homecoming celebration is a tradition that has developed over the last 100 years and has become many college students favorite part of their experience. Baldwin-Wallace's homecoming traditions, along with many other schools, take their roots from the similar beginnings.

It all began in the early 1900s when Alumni reunions were popularized. The general idea was that football was the reason that homecoming was started because it is now such a large part of the celebration, but in fact Homecoming weekend originated as simply a time when alumni could return to campus and reunite with old friends and memories.

In the 1920s, the tradition of the homecoming King and Queen was established. The concept originated as a popularity contest to raise funds. This also spawned the creation of the homecoming dance because in order to vote for the Kind and Queen, students were required to buy tickets and attend the dance.

In the 1970s and 1980s, parades were included in the festivities in order to unite the campus and student body. The parade tradition evolved to include contests and display of the court and has stuck with many colleges and universities as a favorite tradition.

The football game tradition did not develop until the 1930s. It was a good event for students and alumni to gather together. Some schools also started off using it as a publicity forum. One college president made the homecoming football game a competition between graduate alumni players and the current varsity team. "He believed that a good college football team and an annual event to honor alumni would bring great attention to the college and build good relations," according to

Now the homecoming game is the central aspect of the weekend. At B-W, pep rallies are planned for it, the parade marches to the stadium prior, the court is presented and the King and Queen are crowned on the field. Students who aren't normally football fans turn out to attend the homecoming game simply because tradition. "The game was really good... 1 am not much of a football fan but it was still exciting," said senior Brittany Cioffoletti.

B-W's homecoming customs represent the quintessential celebration as it incorporates many of the traditions that made up the original homecoming ' festivity. With the pep rally, parade, football game. King and Queen, Alumni reunions, and the dance, homecoming at B-W would be unrecognizable.

Honor Yell (Varsity Yell)

Citation: Harold A. Speckmann, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1914), p. 136.

One, two, three, four,
Who for? What for?
Who you going to yell for?
That's the way to spell it,
That's the way to yell it.
Baldwin-Wallace, Rah!

Hulet Yell (Varsity Yell)

Citation: Harold A. Speckmann, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1914), p. 136.

With a vevo and a vivo!
A vevo, vivo vum !
Vum get a rat-trap, bigger than a cat-trap!
Vum get a cat-trap, bigger than a rat-trap!
Vum! Vum! Cannibal! Sis! Boom! Ah!
Hulet! Hulet! Rah! Rah! Rah!

Hurrah for Baldwin

Citation: "Hurrah for Baldwin," in Baldwin University Alumni Songs, n.d.

Tune -Auld Lang Syne.
Full fifty years have passed away,
Since first they gathered here,
To found a University
'Twould be to hearts most dear.

These men were true and brave of heart
And struggles they had known,
They sought to build a school for those
Who wished to seek renown.

They sacrificed fond hopes for us
And planned with utmost care,
And now there stands on the campus grounds
These buildings grand and fair.

So for dear Baldwin we will shout
And its noble founders too.
We'll emulate them by our lives
And to our school be true.

Chorus :
Hurrah for Baldwin, see the flag,
The golden and the brown,
The colors that we love so well
Shall never be put down.