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Encyclopedia of Baldwin Wallace University History: Publications - A

An Index of Historical Content and Their Sources


Citation: A. Wesley Roehm, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1928), p. 198.

A rather intimate contact is maintained by the College with its alumni body, and incidentally the alumni are kept fairly well informed about the activities of their own body, through the medium of the Alumnus, a periodical publication issued and sponsored by the faculty and graduates' organization. It is interesting and newsy and gives strong support to the task of making B-W a prominent institution.

Citation: Albert B. Storms, "Greetings to the Alumni of Baldwin-Wallace," Alumnusvol.1, no.1 (November 1920): pg.2.

The launching of a college publication distinctively of, by and for the Alumni is significant and auspicious. It is significant of the New Era into which we are rapidly moving, the new day for weal or woe or both, of this old world which is yet so young; of the New Era in education and for Baldwin-Wallace College.

An alumnus periodical will aid much in keeping alive the sentiments, the romance, the splendid idealism, of College days. How speedily those days pass and recede into the land of treasured memories. But their educational and inspirational influence never ceases.

Such a medium of communication as this which is now being projected, will help also to preserve the College traditions, the unwritten constitution of a College society and to make effective for good the steady, underlying motive that lives within the College like a spiritual presence. The College has a soul and it will be the function of this paper to replenish the inner fires on College altars.

The "Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus" will be forward looking. To keep step with the age the College must move with the educational procession. And a College - particularly the Christian College of Liberal Arts including Theology with the Humanities and the Sciences - has a distinctive place and function in the educational system of the New Era.

Liberal culture, positive emphasis upon the great spiritual verities, emancipation form all intellectual provincialisms, and equipment both in knowledge and ideals for generous living in the great coming days - these are some of the vistas that lure us and there the motives that throb through the College life of today, and that will give tang and punch to the pages of "The Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus."

Of course this paper will give expression to the earnest and helpful spirit of the Alumni in their desire to aid in the greater College program now being put forward.

The strength of the College lies largely in the loyal and intelligent and serious purposes of its Alumni and former students, to make the dreams of the present come true, to increase its usefulness, to place their Alma Mater among the first of its kind in the tremendous educational forward movement of this New Age.