Citation: Noreen Bonk Garman, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1955), p. 83.
The Campus Chest Drive, which is directed by a committee of Student Council, was headed this year by Marlene Petty. The purpose of this one· and only money raising fund on campus is to support several worthy agencies such as cancer, polio, tuberculosis, Red Cross, and the foreign students on campus. The Campus Chest Carnival is the culmination of the week's activities. Each fraternity and sorority and other groups maintain booths and entertain with profits donated to the fund. This year an "Ugliest Man on Campus" contest was held in which each fraternity entered its most popular member and the student body voted by casting a penny for each vote. Bob Cupp of Alpha Sigma Phi was chosen. The circus atmosphere of this year's carnival provided a gala evening of fun and money spending which resulted in topping the goal.
Citation: Maria J. Hoffmann, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1977), p. 185.
Campus Security is a group of students who work in conjunction with the Berea police. They patrol the entire campus from the hours of 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily during the school year to help provide a safer environment for the Baldwin-Wallace community. They also serve various other functions which include checking for parking violators and offering escort service for students whenever needed. The staff maintains a call-in-center at Heritage Hall. Students observing any disturbance or needing an escort are encouraged to call security.
Citation: "Chant," in Songs and Yells, n.d.
Baldwin! Wallace!
Citation: “Checkerboard 3 returns to B~W” Exponent (Berea, OH), February 2, 1971, p. 8.
Checkerboard 3 is here again. An opportunity for the Black and White students who are interested in getting to know one another beyond the point of "those black students" or "whitey" will again be available through the renewal of Checkerboard 3.
Checkerboard 3 is a low level group participating-learning experience where the entire college community has a chance to rap hard about their experiences here at B-W as well as outside the college community. Three hours will be set aside during a selected period of the afternoon and evening when each unit of 12 persons with the aid of a group leader, who will be supported by films, tapes, pamphlets and other discussion material, will guide the group as well as himself through the experience of getting to know more about the black and white community respectively.
Each group will continue to meet once a week for 5 weeks. Checkerboard is not a game... that some people play. It is a serious attempt to set up a situation where those students, faculty members and administrative staff, can learn more about the black community on campus as well as some of the frustrations one deals with attending a predominantly white college.
The black and white checkerboard signup sheet will be located in the College Union and the various classroom buildings. Those wishing to sign up may select either the winter quarter, starling in one week, February 9th, or the spring quarter, the starting dale to be announced later.
Citation: "Cheer for Baldwin," in Baldwin University Alumni Songs, n.d.
Students, there's the Gold and Brown, it means a lot to you,
For it is the dear old flag of Baldwin, strong and true;
It stands for hearts that fought and won in life's great battle-field;
So sing the praises of Baldwin.
Chorus: Hurrah, Hurrah, we love her one and all;
Hurrah, Hurrah, her numberi. may be small;
But her men are fearless and her women true;
So once again cheer for Baldwin.
Not far from the College stands a Hall you all know well,
Oh, the secrets that old porch and vestibule could tell;
And the happy ties and hours that come from lingering there;
So I say cheer for old Baldwin.
Be loyal to the Gold and Brown and always sing its praise,
Thinking of the happy times of youthful College days,
Bring recruits from everywhere, forty thousand strong,
Yes, bring them all to old Baldwin.
Raise the Gold and Brown again and give a rousing cheer,
For our College hath attained unto her fiftieth year;
Years of toil, and labor all in love were spent;
That's why we cheer for old Baldwin.
Citation: “Science in the Liberal Arts,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 40, no. 6 (1965): p. 14.
Injecting new methods and ideas into the teaching of chemistry has been an important factor in maintaining a well-equipped and well-staffed department. The Atomic Energy Commission recently granted the chemistry department $7200 to buy instruments for a new radiochemistry laboratory. This lab contains survey meters, G. M. counters, a well type scintillation counter, and a pulse height analyzer. With the aid of this equipment, students are introduced to the basic concepts, methods and instruments of radiochemistry. In 1960, a new science building was erected - Wilker Hall. It provides laboratories for general, organic, quantitative, physical, and instrumental chemistry. This department has innovated a special projects program. Here, a chemistry major can work under the direct supervision of one of four professors. Study in the chemistry department provides background for careers in teaching, industry, medicine, and research; but it offers to all interested students a basic understanding of the chemical universe and of the contributions of chemistry toward better and longer lives for humanity.
Citation: Thomas. A. Stiger, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1896), p. 12.
The older graduates will tell you that it was while occupying these buildings, when the college was in its most flourishing condition and its classes filled to overflowing with students, that the dark cloud of war suddenly overspread our fair land. There was a call to arms. Sumpter had been fired upon. Books were thrown down, studies forgotten, and with few exceptions all who were eligible marched to the front. The ranks of old B. U. were greatly depleted during those dark days.
Few ever came back to finish their college course. Many gave up their lives to uphold their country's honor, and instead of their names being enrolled among those of the alumni, they may be found engraved on the marble tablets in the beautiful Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument at Cleveland.
Citation: Lury Gould Baldwin, "The Alumni," n.d.
Following is a letter sent by Mrs. Lury Gould Baldwin, ’61 which was read by Prof. Palmer:-
CLASS ’61.
The class of 1861 consisted of three girls dressed in white. The Commencement exercises were held in the old stone church and Dr. John Wheeler was the president. Frank Searles conducted the musical part of the program and led the chorus, while Hattie Hulet accompanied the singing on the piano.
After forty years, reminiscence could hardly fail to have more of sorrow than of gladness even in the happiest life: when musicians, teachers, companions and friends; and even foundations of the old church have been swept away. Time and death have wrought more changes than is usual in four decades on the now despised “South Side” and its residents.
The dim vista, however, grows luminous through my tears, and the scene in the old church in plainly seen.
The pleasure and pride of my father the good wishes and the interest of friends and neighbors for we three were Berea girls and we were among our home folks.
In the spring of ’61, when President Lincoln called for three months’ service in the army, our college boys enlisted and they had gone away to the war. The June days came with their wealth of flowers and the earth was glad, but there was fear and anxiety in all our hearts and a minor refrain mingled with all our intercourse. We looked into each other’s faces with anxious questions of news from mutual friends in the army.
After the war was over some of the boys returned to school, but it was never quite the same again for college or students. Jerry Poe and others never returned. A few years ago I found Jerry’s grave in the beautiful national cemetery at Marietta, Ga., where he sleeps with ten thousand soldiers, who died in the defense of their country and preservation of the union.
Citation: Glenn F. Wickes, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1941), p. 71.
In the fall of 1939, Civil Aeronautics training was installed at Baldwin Wallace. Each prospective pilot is subject to a rigid mental and physical examination, followed by rigid ground school training, under the instruction of Dr. Unnewehr and Dr. Dustheimer. This instruction is in the fields of mathematics, physics, meteorology, and principles of airplane construction. The ground school is followed by flight instruction at Cleveland Airport, and is given by a Government instructor.
The College gives two hours' credit for the ground school work, and each student will be the proud holder of a private pilot's license at the end of his course.
Citation: “Instrument Flyers, Too,” Baldwin-Wallace College News Letter 9, no. 6 (1943): p. 2.
A group of forty-two Army Flyers arrived on the campus recently to take up training in Link Instrument Flying. This number will be doubled within the next thirty days, making a group of eighty-four enlisted reserves of the Army who will be train ed at Baldwin-Wallace for periods of eight weeks each. This group is in addition to and apart from the three hundred fifty-three or more Navy Officer Candidates who will begin training at the College on July 1.
These pilots are all men who have had at least three periods of previous flyer training, primary, secondary and cross country. This is a part of the Civil Aeronautics Authority War Training Service. Baldwin-Wallace has been chosen for this \York without doubt, bee a use of its long record of good work in training pilots for C. A. A. It will be remembered that Baldwin-Wallace was the first college in this section to take up this work which it has carried continuously up until the present time, and for this reason it will have the largest single group of any college training in this branch of service. .
Ground work instruction will be earned on by teachers from Baldwin-Wallace while special instructors will conduct the flyer training. In this work the college is linked with the Sundorph Aeronautical Corporation at the Cleveland Airport under Mr. Donald Patrick. Three special Link Training Machines with six operators will be used by the men m their training. The machines have been set up in the basement of Marting Hall. Included in the instruction is work in Instruments, Weather Map Analysis, Instrument Civil Air Regulat10ns, use of Computer, Radio Theory and Aeroplanes and Engines.
At the close of the course at Baldwin-Wallace these trainees will have received Commercial Pilot's license and Instrument Rating in Blind Flying.
The men are being housed at present in Kohler Hall, but will later be transferred to rooms being equipped at the Berea Children's Home. Only one of these men, Harry C. Grimes of Portsmouth, is from Ohio. Others hail from Michigan, North Dakota, Minnesota, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Colorado.
Citation: H. A. Foster, "Cleveland Alumni B.U. Camp Fire Song," in Baldwin University Alumni Songs, n.d.
Tune-"Marching through Georgia,"
Sing a song of social glee this festive hour to crown
Fling our college colors out-the golden and the brown;
Run it up-the dear old flag! and who will pull it down
While we are marching to victory?
Hurrah! hurrah! there's triumph in the air,
Hurrah! hurrah! the flag we love is there!
Cheer it on the campus, boys, and cheer it everywhere,
While we are marching to victory.
Round the Camp-fire closer draw, we'll stir the cheery hl:;tze.
Stir it with a vigor that our neighbors shall amaze!
Talking as we used to talk in happy college, days -
While we are marching to victory. Chorus.
See the clouds are rolling back-yon hill-tops catch the light;
God has spanned the future and His promise bow is bright;
Face it as we ought to face it-with the goal io sight,
While we are marching to victory. Chorus.
Tune-Battle Hymn of the Republic
With heart and hand fraternal, give we greeting good and true;
Noble brothers and fair sisteriil, friends and students, old and new;
Be your answer to our roll call, from B. I. or from B. U.
Speak out! Speak out tonight;
Rally! rally, shout the watchword! Rally! rally shout the watchword
Rally! rally, shout the watchword! Speak out, speak out tonight!
There's a lifting of the curtain - olden skies are all aglow;
As the craft so staunch and steady, christened with no deadly flow-
Built and launched by John and Mary, more than fifty years ago,
Put out with lading fair.
Sailing! sailing o'er the billows! Sailing, sailing o'er the billows,
Sailing, sailing o'er the billows! Sped on by faith and prayer.
She had heroes for her Captain, each a brave and faithful crew,
Dwight and Holbrook, Warner, Harris, Barber, Nelson,-quite a few;
Wheeler, B. I.'s latest Master, Whee'er, first to man B. U.,
Grand Captains in their day.
Steering, steering for the highlands; Steering, steering for the highla
Steering, steering for the highlands, God's chart to show the way.
Most have anchored in that harbor. where the shelter is complete,
And the seasons swift and many follow not with muffled feet;
They are resting from their labors, and their recompense is sweet;
Their work is going on.
G'ory, glory, ha'lelujah; Glory, glory, hallelujah;
Glory, gory, hallelujah; Their work is going on.
It was somewhere in the Fifties, that the "fair" proposal came;
Baldwin Institute consented-.:md like others changed her name;
But she's just as good as ever, and we love her just the same,
We're all for old B. U.
Rally, rally to her standard! Rally, rally to her standard!
Rally, rally to her standard! Three cheers for old B. U.
Citation: Harold A. Speckmann, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1914), p. 137.
Oh, Baldwin-Wallace College,
To all a place so dear,
Who come in quest of knowledge,
From parts remote and near.
Many a man hast thou sent forth
Who has proved the sterling worth
Of our dear B.-W. C.-
So may it ever be!
Baldwin-Wallace, Wah, Hoo, Wah!
With a Tiger, Siss ! Boom! Ah!
Baldwin-Wallace! Wah! Hoo, Wah!
With a Tiger, Siss! Boom! Ah!!
Du Stadt der W eisheitlehren,
Du Ort der Jugendzier,
Um deinen Ruhm zu mehren,
Sind wir versammelt hier.
In drei Sprachen steig' empor
Uns'res Liedes Jubelchor !
Stimmet heute insgemein
In den Jubel freudig ein !
Erg ( o) omnes gaudeamus
Dum sumus juvenes,
Jucunda sit inventus
Osores pereant !
Vivat academia,
Vivat professores !
Vivat membra quaelibet
Semper sint in flore !
Citation: Henry L. Snyder, "Our College Colors," Southern Publishing Company, 1949.
Baldwin-Wallace College (Ohio); Founded: 1845
Brown and Gold; Adopted: 1890
The minutes of the College show that the above colors were selected in 1890, but, as far as is known, no other information is available as to the reasons for the selection or by whom selected.
Citation: Frances F. Mills, ed., “Donald Dean returns to Alma Mater,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 26, no. 1 (1948): p. 11.
Alumni will be interested to learn of the recent establishment at Baldwin- Wallace College of the Collier Art Collection in honor of Mrs. Rose Weidmann Collier, graduate of Baldwin-Wallace, 1896, and head of the department of art in the college from 1912 to 1917. The project was begun about a year ago by Dr. S. L. Greenwood, professor of classics and history, whose courses include three upon History and Appreciation of Art.
At present there are between forty and fifty volumes in the collection, mostly on the graphic arts. About half of these are books written or illustrated by the late Joseph Pennell, one of America's most distinguished etchers and illustrators. The intention is to make the library's collection of Pennelliana absolutely complete, but since nearly all of Pennell's work has gone out of print, some volumes as long ago as 1890, patient and persevering search will be necessary.
The library's section on art has been further enriched this year by three important items. The Deltiel ten-volume catalog of Daumier's lithographs, with four thousand productions, was acquired in January at a cost of $150.00. During the fall a copy of the rare Grolier Club catalog of Whistler's etchings, with about a thousand magnificent reproductions was offered for sale and quick action secured it for Baldwin-Wallace. Kennedy and Company whose Fifth Avenue Gallery is print headquarters for the United States, presented to the library a copy of the valuable Way catalog of Whistler's lithographs, with a full set of splendid reproductions, thus completing the collection of facsimiles of the prints of America's greatest graphic artist.
The name plate as here presented will mark acquisitions to the Collier Art Collection. It is hoped that friends and former students of Mrs. Collier will want to assist in increasing the collection.
The large group of books on art, presented in 1945 by Dr. John H. Huddilston, '90, is in constant use by the students of the art classes.
Citation: Frances F. Mills, ed., “Commercial Department, Baldwin -Wallace College, 1893-1894,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 26, no. 3 (1948): p. 14.
A few weeks ago, Mr. Paul Machovina of Berea, student in the Commercial Department of Baldwin University, 1893-1894, called at the office and brought an interesting picture of one of the commercial department classes of that year. It started a bit of research by the Alumnus editor to discover when the first named Commercial Department appeared in the college catalogues. It was found in 1857-1858, "Commercial Department," with a full page given to its offerings. Dr. Eben J. Cutler was instructor in accounts and lecturer on business customs, etc. Five lecturers treated various subjects relating to the courses. Commercial students for that year were not listed, but twenty were named for the next year. Continuously to 1900 or later, this department was open and had as many as seventy students in some of the years.
In 1893-1894 seventeen were enrolled. Some Alumnus readers may enjoy naming those shown in the picture. The tall central figure is Prof. A. C. Maris who was the principal of the department. Students enrolled were, Joseph H. Akins, Herbert R. Chapman, Stuart Clark, John B. Cecil, Carl Beckley, John Goeschel, H, B. Humphrey, Carl E. Holbrook, Mrs. E. M. Johnston, Wesley Koppe, Millie Kuellmer, Frank LeDuke, Paul Machovina, Thos. J. Smith, W. C. Strohmeyer, Bertha Tschantz and Leonard F. C. Wendt.
Citation: Elizabeth Eisenberg, Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1994), p. 59.
September 18th was a day for Baldwin-Wallace to meet the community aptly named Community Day. There was a picnic, a parade complete with a high school band, and, of course the football game. President Malicky gave a speech and so did Mayor Trupo of Berea.
Ted Theodore, Director of Alumni Relations and Community Day organizer, called this day "a tradition of goodwill." He explained that President Malicky developed the idea of a community day 12 years ago in order to improve the relationship with the surrounding community residents.
Everyone got involved: the Mayor of Berea, area businesses, children, parents, and Baldwin-Wallace students. Theodore said Community Day creates a small-town atmosphere.
Sports Information worked with Alumni Relations to organize this event. Kevin Ruple, Director of Sports Information, said he has been involved with this event for 11 years. Ruple's responsibilities included managing the press box, statistics, public address announcements, and third-quarter giveaways.
Local businesses donated food and prizes for the giveaways.
Theodore said that students and staff at B-W have become an example for other schools to follow because other schools are following in B-W's footsteps and uniting their local communities by hosting their own Community Days.
"Got any stray differentia! equations lying around?" Be that the case, BW’s newly acquired Harmonic Differential Analyzer might be the solution to your problem.
The machine, donated during the summer by the National Advisory Committee of Aeronautics, will produce a curve solving an average problem in approximately 20 minutes, according to John Wilson, acting director of the physics department.
NACA used the device mainly in the development of the cyclotron. It is helpful in the selection of the best suited variable to perform a certain function. Either an enlargement of a segment of the curve can be reproduced 01 an extended range curve can he developed.
The electronic device will be used . . . in lab exercises to familiarize the student with the machine and the principle behind it", announced Wilson. Dr. Dean Robb, professor of mathematics, will employ the machine in a course on Computer Techniques.
Case Institute of Technology is the only other school in the area in possession of a machine of this type. It is similar to the original developed by Dr. Vannevar Husch at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
"We are just getting acquainted with the machine ourselves right now. This is quite an interesting and challenging job in itself", observed Wilson.
There are nine pieces to the complete machine which fills almost an entire classroom. It consists of three sections: an input table, where the problem is "fed to the device; the body, which computes the curve; and an output table, on which the curve is produced.
This reporter politely declined Wilson's generous offer to ". read over the accompanying textbook" for further information. Yours truly has enough difficulty wading through the "Exponent" at times.
At last Monday's faculty meeting, Dean Neal Malicky announced that the College has purchased a new Prime Model 400 computer system for academic use. According to Malicky, the new system "will give us substantially greater capability to serve the academic computing needs of the College."
The Model 400 will provide B-W with Instant access to the computer. The school Is currently on a time-sharing system with Cleveland State University and Oberlin College. Under this system, students type in programs on teletypes linked by phone to the computers at these two schools. B-W must pay for this computer time.
Time-sharing has other drawbacks. The CSU computer, the more-used and cheapest of the two systems, cannot be used when CSU has no classes—on such days as Columbus Day, for example. Nor can the computer be used if the phone lines are down, as often happens with time-sharing systems.
However, the Model 400 is a self-contained system. According to Computer Center director James Barta, it has storage space on tape for 170 million characters, and is programmed to accept four computer languages— FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, and RPG.
The system will cost the College $200,000. Barta pointed out that this price includes 32 computer terminals which can be positioned all over campus. He added that Prime, the manufacturer, is a relatively new company and could therefore provide B-W with the best bid. A similar IBM unit, according to Barta, would cost about $1.5 million.
Barta also noted that timesharing fees are rising to the point where they will soon cost about as much per month as what the College must pay on the new computer over the next five years or so.
Current plans provide for the new system to be used for student programming and in-class use only. Barta said that when the system is set up in the Computer Center in February, six terminals will be set up in the Center and six in Kamm Hall. By this summer, he hopes to see four to six terminals hooked up on north campus, probably in Ritter Library. Eventually, the others will be set up m the academic buildings.
The Computer Center staff has been working to convert programs now used with the timesharing systems for use with the Model 400. They expect to have everything converted by February or early March. Until that time, the College is maintaining the time-sharing systems with' CSU and Oberlin.
Barta and his staff are optimistic about the Model 400. "It'll more than. meet our needs for the next ten years," he said. "We're excited about it." Barta believes that the system will interest more students in computer math-both current B-W students and prospective students. "It should be a big asset for Admissions [Office]," he said.
Dr. Tim Rlggle, head of the B-W math department, also sees the new computer as beneficial. "It'll make the computer more accessible," he said.
Students using Ritter Library don't have to get frustrated by having to wait to use ERIC, PsycLit or some other database.
Ritter Library now has a CDROM network that allows up to four users al a lime to search any of the following resources: ERIC, Psyclit, National Trade Data Bank, Compact Disclosure, Environmental Periodicals Bibliography, Books in Print, Dun's Million Dollar Disc, and U.S. Tax Reporter. As before, other CD-ROMs may still be used singly at dedicated workstations or by asking a Reference Librarian to load a disc (in the case of some "less-heavily used" databases).
When the college-campus wide network is installed, the Ritter Library CD-ROM Network will be expanded with additional resources and workstations, and be connected to the campus-wide network, allowing access to Ritter Library resources from any network workstation on campus.
If you have any questions about the new Ritter Library CD-ROM Network or its resources, contact the Reference Dept. At 2206.
Citation: Frances F. Mills, ed., “Conservatory Fire,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 26, no. 1 (1948): p. 8.
Baldwin-Wallace's worst fire since 1899, when the college church on the old south campus was destroyed, caused $45,000 damage to the Conservatory early Friday morning, February 27. Breaking out at five a. m. the fire ravaged through the new wing which was completed only last summer with the financial help of Dr. E. J. Kulas.
Architects and contractors are already planning the rehabilitation of the building with definite improvements in mind.
Included in the total damage were four pianos, two organs and six rooms destroyed, with smoke damage throughout the building. The greatest loss was confined to the new wing which cost $25,000.
Baldwin-Wallace's worst fire since 1899, when the college chapel on the old campus was destroyed, caused $45,000 damage to the Conservatory early Friday morning1. Breaking out at five a.m. the fire ravaged through the new wing which was completed only last summer with the financial help of E. J. Kulas, president of the Midland Steel Products Company.
An improvement in the Conservatory will be the ultimate result of the rebuilding and repair of damage done, according to Mr. Harold Baltz, Conservatory director. Architects and contractors are already planning the rehabilitation with definite improvement in mind.
Included in the total damage were four pianos, two organs and six rooms destroyed; another room damaged; smoke damage throughout the building as well as a number of charred doors.
The greatest damage was confined to the new wing which cost $25,000.
Cause is Unknown
As yet no cause has been established for the fire. The National Board of Fire Underwriters is working on this and Fire Chief George A. Smith of Berea predicted that the cause would be established by tomorrow. According to Louis Fitch, college business manager, the cause was not a burned-out organ motor as there was no 'fire in the basement where these motors are located.
Insurance will probably cover the loss, according to Mr. Fitch.
Fire Wakes Sleepers
The fire was reported by girls in Merner-Pfeifer dorm behind the Conservatory. Marynor Mieder, Dorra Wagner, Marilyn MeFerren, Mary Jo Reutter, and Mary K. Friedly were awakened by glass falling from the burning wing to the cement below. Marilyn McFerren made the telephone call to the lire station after the five girls had reported the 'lire to Mrs. Naida Edwards, housemother at M.-P.
The Conservatory was back to normal operation on Monday morning after repairs made on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Fifteen cleaning women and hired students worked, removing stains and dirt and spraying the halls with chemical to destroy the odor of smoke. New and comparable instruments will replace those destroyed, according to Mr. Baltz who expects the final job to be an improvement rather than a set back to the Conservatory.
The damage to the building amounted to $30,000 and that to the equipment $15,000.
The damage, which was confined to the second and third floors, might have destroyed the whole building, according to Mr. Baltz, if it had spread as long as ten minutes more into the main auditorium and the big organ where it was headed through the roof.
Organ was "Prof. Al's"
The three manual organ, destroyed, formerly was the prize possession of Dr. Albert Riemenschnelder, retired Conservatory head who heard the news in California, where he is vacationing with Mrs. Riemenschneider. Originally purchased for his own home, the organ was mov- ed from the main building to the wing last fall. Only charred limbers, bare stone walls, yellow-stained windows, fallen" debris, and black-coated walls remained.
The also completely demolished two manual instrument used to be connected to the large auditorium organ.
Individual student losses were also suffered. Elenore Pfefferkorn looked skeptically at her charred, soaked organ recital music and burned shoes and hoped that some of the $15 worth of music salvaged from a practice room would be readable after being dried.
Watersoaked rugs from the Mu Phi and Sinfonia rooms were sent out Saturday to be cleaned. There was also water seepage in the small auditorium, on some choir robes, and on many pianos. Practice schedules of 50 students have been adjusted. The organ at Emmanuel Church is being used daily and piano practice in private homes in Berea may be arranged.
Assembly programs seem destined to be accompanied by hammer strokes.