Citation: Ann Skoglund, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1966), p. 65.
This organization provides Christian fellowship for those interested in Christian service, deepens the commitment to Christian vocation, and develops and nurtures Christian growth within the membership. The officers are Robert Mongold, President; Linda Lees, Vice-President; Joyce Goldwood, Secretary-Treasurer.
Citation: Charles F. Mott, ed., Palladian (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1897), pp. 61-63.
On May 2, 1862, twenty-five girls met after chapel services to form a new literary society. Most of them were members from the Alethean society, who actuated by a desire to do original work left the parent society and started one for themselves.
Like all new life they have experienced a vigorous growth, yearly increasing in the excellence of their work and always maintaining the originality and the freshness of youth. They have conquered many difficulties. At first they had no permanent home, but held their meetings in the different recitation rooms of the college. Doubtless their inspiration was but doubled by their classic surroundings. In the records of those days we find an account of a reception given by them with a program which to-day would be full of interest. The fair ladies discussed for the edification of their brothers the question, "Resolved, there is more pleasure in the pursuit of a wife than in the possession of one." The result of the discussion is not recorded.
That they were appreciative of their teachers and their literary efforts is evidenced by the following passage from the minutes: ''The president in some exceedingly eloquent remarks thanked the professor, to which the professor responded very well.''
In 1865 we read of their society of forty members meeting in Prof. Pierce's recitation room in South Hall and on March 9, 1868, of the abdication of the professor in their behalf. The faculty now granted them the exclusive use of the room and they undertook the task of furnishing. They hung the paper and laid the carpet with their own hands. Generous donations were received from friends which helped them in procuring chairs, etc.
On April 2 of this same year the first invitation to an entertainment by the Philos was received. Previous to this time the records abound in pleasant references to our brothers, the Phrenos, but now a change came to pass and the Clios promised to be sisters to the Philos, which agreement they have ever striven to fulfill loyally and the union has proved for them to be one of pleasure and profit and to-day they look with pride upon their brother society.
Before the present Ladies' Hall was completed the Clios finished off their room and furnished it. Their piano and new chairs were purchased soon after their arrival in their present room. They take just pride in their pretty parlors and every year strive to add something to enhance their appearance.
Because of the strict work which the Clios required they have been called the "Old Maid's Society." The reputation of Old Maids they are very fast living down at present by the means of the marriages which of late have been so frequent in their ranks; but the standard of solid honest work which procured them their name is still maintained, and they strive to keep their program free from frivolity and lightness and make them strong and helpful. More than ever they show the evidence of good thinking and the ability of correct expression, which will be of great use in the years to come.
But the golden pen is not the only badge of the Clios. They strive to ever maintain a spirit of broadness and charity and to look at the world from a standpoint other than their own for they realize that the cultivation of the heart must keep pace with that of the intellect, and generosity of soul with a trained mind. Thus their purpose is to fit for life true, and intelligent women.
Many Clios have gone out from Baldwin to fill places of trust and usefulness in the world and many more will follow them in the years to come even better equipped for life than they. Wherever they may be called, be it that of a teacher, authoress or helpmate, their usefulness will be increased many times over by the systematic training of Clio work.
We feel that her past has been without criticism, her present outlook is bright and her future will be glorious.
Citation: John J. Martin, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1900), p. 21.
Presiding Officers:
Faith Watson, Lulu Paulus, Faith Warner.
The Fall term of '97 opened auspiciously for the Clionian Society. Enlarged by the return of quondam members and also by many new recruits, we can well support our claim to being one of the best literary societies of Baldwin University. Space would forbid, even if our well-known modesty did not do so, a detailed account of all our doings in this year of grace. It is sufficient to say that we have pursued our ancient custom of uniting business with pleasure in a manner highly satisfactory to ourselves.
During the fall term we gave a reception to our Philo brothers, at which time the usual "feast of reason and flow of soul'' prevailed. The young men, by the especial permission of the gods, were allowed to peep into the mysterious book of the future. It was there one young man learned that riches galore were awaiting him, another that "single blessedness" was to be his sad fate, and still another that his days of bachelorhood were soon to end.
Besides this reception, we feel it our duty to record the fact that every Monday night we have held an informal reception for various members of our brother society, who came to oversee the work of their sisters, comment upon our programs, and offer numberless helpful suggestions. To these suggestions we feel that we owe our improvement in all directions. We have been looking forward to the Spring term when these fraternal visits might be renewed, but alack and alas, the powers that be have cruelly forbidden all such joyful proceedings.
It was after this edict against inter-society visiting had been published that we decided to give a Valentine Social at the home of one of our members. We met there early one Monday evening and after some delay a number of the Philo boys arrived. The dangerous occupation of hunting hearts was indulged in, but with no evident serious results. After each had secured ·a partner, progressive games of forty-two and crokinole were started. Light refreshments were served, and at nine-forty-five ( ?) sharp we left for home at peace with ourselves and the world. But imagine our horror, surprise and consternation when the next day we read in the paper that the Clios had broken the new rule, and that ''what action the faculty will take in the matter is anxiously awaited by the students." Those who anxiously awaited the action of the faculty are probably waiting yet. As for the students, they knew of no cause for anxiety.
A great misfortune befell us this year. Our ballot-box disappeared from its accustomed place and refused to be found. Long and loud we mourned, but now can inform a waiting public that one of our members turned detective, and it is again in our possession.
March, the fourteenth, the Clios were royally entertained by their Philo brothers. March the twenty-second, after the Oratorical Contest, the Philos -for they say so--were royally entertained by the Clios. And then, on April the nineteenth, after the Intersociety Literary and Debating Contest, both societies entertained each other. And these things crown our record.
Long wave the blue and the white, emblems of honest endeavor and lofty aims.