Citation: "In Memoriam; '19," Pursuit, vol. 13, no. 2 (Winter 1981): pg. 12.
Hazel Mountain Walker, Cleveland, May 16, age 91, first black principal in the Cleveland School system. In 1936 she was appointed to the position at Rutherford B. Hayes Elementary School, until 1954 when she served as principal of the new George Washington Carver Elementary School until 1958 when she retired. In addition she was the first black woman admitted to the Ohio bar having earned her law degree from Cleveland Marshall Law School. In 1961 she was elected to the state school board and three years later received recognition for her services in the field of education by the Urban League Guild. Surviving are her nieces.
Citation: Kieth A. Peppers, 2020.
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Born in Xenia, Ohio, T.B. Walker came to Baldwin University in pursuit of an education in the sciences. He would use the education he received while at BU and the progressive ideals BU was founded on to start his own business and amass a fortune placing him among the ten wealthiest men in the world in 1923. T.B. Walker helped start a successful lumber company, founded the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and heavily contributed to the creation of the Minneapolis Public Library.
Citation: "In Memoriam; Thomas B. Walker," Alumnus, vol. 7, no. 1 (August 1928): pg. 18.
Thomas Barlow Walker, pioneer lumberman, philanthropist and art collector, died at his home, 2 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis, Minn., Saturday, July 28, 1928. Mr. Walker was in his eighty-ninth year and age was held responsible for the passing of this outstanding figure of the great North-West. Although he had shown remarkable vigor for a man of his advanced age, Mr. Walker had been declining in health for about three weeks. Four of his six children were with him when he died and the other two were on their way to him from their homes in California. His passing was so quiet, there was little to tell when the great change came. Mr. Walker was born February 1, 1840, in Xenia, O., and at the age of fourteen moved with his mother, Mrs. Barnes, and family to Berea, where he had an opportunity to spend part of his time when free from earning duties, in Baldwin-Wallace College. He worked six days in the week in the hardwood forest surrounding Berea and operated a camp in which he employed fellow college students, keeping up his studies as best he could. He was a fine mathematician and the year before leaving Berea was instructor, in fact the head of the department of mathematics in Baldwin University. This immediately preceded the election of Dr. Aaron Schuyler to that chair in 1862. For a time, Mr. Walker sold grindstones on the road. These were manufactured at Berea by Fletcher Hulet, father of Miss Harriet C. Hulet, who, in 1862, married Mr. Walker and went with him to Minnesota, where he was employed as a surveyor in the northern part of the state, first for timber and later for railroads. During this time, Mr. Walker began purchasing tracts of white pine land, which formed the basis of his lumber operations in following years. He was organizer and the president of the Red River Lumber Company. While lumbering operations in Minnesota were at their height, Mr. Walker was one of the largest operators in the state's timber lands. Later, he acquired extensive interests in timber in other states, particularly in California. The story of his life from the time he landed at the wharf in Saint Paul, a poor man, until he became the multimillionaire lumber-man and capitalist, art connoisseur and philanthropist reads like a romance. Although he spent much of his time in the woods and about his projects, he found time to pursue his reading and more and more to indulge his passion as a connoisseur of art. For many years, the Walker Art Gallery on Hennepin Avenue, adjoining the Walker home in Minneapolis, was open to the public, including the school children of Minneapolis and here Mr. and Mrs. Walker spent many pleasurable hours, giving personal attention to guests and to the organization and arrangement of the gallery. It was once the only one open to the public of Minneapolis and as high as ninety thousand persons passed through it in a year. It was known the country over, the collection of jades and stones being of particularly rare character. Within recent years, Mr. Walker constructed a six hundred thousand dollar art gallery on ground adjoining his residence on Groveland Terrace and the down town collections were moved here which with additions include many works of art, rare paintings, etchings and marbles. This also has been open to the public. While art has been perhaps the greatest of Mr. Walker's philanthropic interests, the Public Library of Minneapolis, Hennepin Avenue Methodist Church and the Y. M. C. A. have been objects of his thought and interest. Mr. Walker received the degree of doctor of laws from Baldwin-Wallace in 1916, and from Hamline University more recently. He, with Mrs. Walker, made occasional brief visits to Berea and friends here. Hulet Hall, a dormitory for women, was named in honor of Mrs. Walker's father.
Citation: Frances F. Mills, ed., “Our Friends Away,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 26, no. 1 (1948): p. 12.
On February 25, following a week's illness in Elyria Memorial Hospital, Judge A. R. Webber passed away at the age of 96 years. Funeral services were held in the First Christian Church which he had helped organize 64 years ago, and of which he was a faithful member.
Assisting the pastor in the service were Rev. P. H. Welshimer of Canton, O., a long-time friend of the judge, and President L. C. Wright of Baldwin-Wallace College. Members of the Lorain County Bar Association occupied a central part of the auditorium which was filled to capacity with friends and townsmen of this man, whose life was outstanding in its integrity and in its influence upon the community.
Judge Webber's birthdays on January 21 had become something of a public celebration, especially to members of the bar. This year the presiding officer said, "This is only a warm-up, Judge Webber, for the real celebration, four years from now." One who knew this man, his philosophy of life and his optimism, can well believe that he, himself, may have anticipated such realization.
His active interest in Baldwin-Wallace College, in Huron Road Hospital of whose board he was also a member, and in his church and the community life was maintained to the last.
From farm lad to lawyer, prosecuting attorney and judge, to congressman of the 14th district and back to the practice of law and again 15 years ago to the bench, from which he retired at the age of 82 years, were milestones in the path of this man.
In the passing of Judge Amos R. Webber of the Class of 1876 Baldwin- Wallace College has lost 'a most interested and loyal friend. In his connection with this institution for three-quarters of a century, this ninety-six year old alumnus, lover and exponent of the best traditions of the college, had himself become a tradition.
For forty-three years he had been an honored member of the Board of Trustees, representing the Association of Alumni and Former Students in the deliberations of that board. Particularly, no Commencement Day or Founder's Day seemed complete until the familiar figure of the Judge was seen about the campus and college buildings.
Because of his personal acquaintance with John Baldwin, founder, and his great admiration for the sterling qualities of his character, few graduates of the college will have missed the unforgettable enthusiasm of Judge Webber's eulogies of him. The two men seem to have had much in common in their loyalty to the highest principles of life and conduct, in their interest in youth and the education and opportunity of youth, in their strong temperance sentiment, and in their loyalty to convictions.
Judge Webber told of walking in from Hinckley, Medina County, wearing hip boots with trousers tucked in the tops, to enter Baldwin University, and of the meagre sum of one dollar in his pocket. He sometimes told of jibes of fellow college mates which he occasionally suffered, even in this most democratic institution. Perhaps because Judge Webber so well remembered those days and his difficultly realized ambitions, he was, through his long professional and public career the encourager and inspirer of young men in their careers, whether in the legal profession, or in some other chosen field. It is said that fourteen young men studied law in his office, and there are others in educational careers whose successes are affectionately acknowledged to have been influenced by the friendship and help of this humble, simple and strong man.
The memory of Judge Webber will continue to live in our hearts and in the finest traditions of Baldwin- Wallace College.
Citation: Kieth A. Peppers, 2020.
Very little is available about the life and accomplishments of Amos R. Webber, considering his long life in law and politics. He served as judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Lorain County for three years, beginning in 1900 and was elected as a Republican to the Fifty-eighth Congress during Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency.
Citation: James D. Harvey, ed., "Profile: Harry Weltman," Pursuit 2, no. 6 (March 1970): 6.
Would you believe that someone has the job of packaging football for a living? Harry Weltman '54, with an office on the same floor as professional football czar Pete Rozelle, is doing just that as a vice president of National Football League Films.
After graduation from B-W, Weltman entered the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University to study for a career in foreign service. Uncle Sam had other ideas and Harry spent the next two years in the Army. It wasn't all "spit and polish" for Harry-he played basketball and baseball for Army all-star squads.
The idea for a foreign service career was gone when he left the Army and joined Colgate-Palmolive in 1958 as a trainee in product management. Weltman moved to Grey Advertising in 1960 as an account executive.
If you passed him on Fifth Avenue, you would think he stepped out of Esquire. A man with ideas, Harry joined NFL Films in 1965 and now sees NFL Films as the twenty-seventh team in a twenty-six team league.
"There is nothing like the game of football for action, fan interest and excitement," says Weltman.
This man who has such enthusiasm for his job has the enviable position of having millions of American football fans as a market.
One of his first coups for the company was to sell American Express the weekly off-season series, in which game and season highlights are woven into half-hour shows. It was also his suggestion that prompted American Express to provide the same films to restaurants for showing at weekly football luncheons.
His ideas have sent NFL Films into many new areas. During the season, the company produces "This Week in the NFL," "AFL Highlights," and "NFL Game-of-the-Week." One of the newest ideas has been the production of television specials, of which "Lombardi" was the first.
He's come a long way since he was graduated from Cleveland's Glenville High School, but Harry, at six feet, 165- pounds, is only ten pounds above the weight at which he played basketball for Ray Watts and baseball for Lars Wagner. He captained both squads his senior year and was the second leading scorer for Watts with 305 points. He was also president of Omicron Delta Kappa.
Citation: Frances F. Mills, ed., “Lloyd C. Wicke, ’23, Newly Elected Bishop,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 26, no. 3 (1947): p. 7.
Dr. Lloyd C. Wicke, '23, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was elevated to the episcopacy of the Methodist Church at the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference at Indianapolis in June, and has been assigned to the Pittsburgh area.
Bishop Wicke was born in Cleveland, 0., in 1901 and received his early education there. He was graduated from Baldwin-Wallace College in 1923 with the A. B. degree, and from Drew University with the B. D. and Ph.D. degrees. In 1942 Baldwin-Wallace College conferred upon him the degree of doctor of divinity.
While in New Jersey he served churches at Alpine and Leonia, and was District Superintendent of the Newark District for two years, 1941- 1943. For the past five years he has been minister of Mount Lebanon Church near Pittsburgh. During these years a $150,000 debt-reduction and capital investment program was carried out; the membership increased from 1600 to 2700; and the annual budget of $25,000 was tripled to $75,000.
Mrs. Wicke is the former Gertrude Allen of Waterville, N. Y., a graduate of Syracuse University. She was formerly an assistant librarian at Wes tern Reserve University, Cleveland. Their older daughter, Shirley, is a junior at Dickinson College and Elaine, the younger daughter is a · student at Mt. Lebanon High School.
Dr. Myron F. Wicke, dean of Baldwin-Wallace College, is the bishop's brother.
Citation: Albert L. Marting, ed., “With the Classes,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 23, no. 2 (1945): p. 11.
Lt. Freda Gerwin Winning, '22, has been assigned recently to head the recruiting of women into the Marine Corps in Cleveland, Ohio, with offices in the Federal Building. Dr. Winning is a member of the board of trustees of Baldwin-Wallace, serving her eleventh year in this capacity. Before entering the Marine Corps in 1943, she was with the New York school system and was associate professor of education at New York University. Immediately preceding her present assignment she was squadron executive officer at the Cherry Point (N. C.) Air Station. Her husband, Lt. Col. Charles Winning, is with the Army Military Government in Europe.
Citation: “In Memoriam Miss Julia E. Wisner,” The Exponent, October 10, 1917, p. 3.
Miss Julia E. Wisner, Baldwin-Wallace ’84, died at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. B. Wisner, on Seminary Street, Berea, Sept. 24, 1917. Miss Wisner was for many years a missionary in India and in the summer of 1916 had returned to Berea a year’s furlough. Her death removes from the missionary services an efficient and consecrated worker. The funeral services, which were held at the family home on Sept. 25, were in charge of Rev. J. B. Bond of Oberlin, assisted by Rev. C. D. Gage. Mrs. John Mitchell of Cleveland, gave an address as the representative of the Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church.
Miss Wisner graduated from Baldwin-Wallace in the class of 1884 and at a later time received the degree of Master of Arts in recognition of her able work abroad. During her years in India she was connected with schools for girls at Rangoon, Calcutta, Dayeeling and Bangore. Everywhere her work was crowned with the highest success. Great inducements were offered if she would enter government service, but she remained loyal to her missionary call. She was honored by being one of three women chosen to serve on a commission appointed to consider English education in India. The life of Julia was one of which her Alma Mater can be proud and it is to be hoped that in the years to come many young women inspired by her example will help to carry the Gospel of the Son of God to lands across the sea.
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