◄ Encyclopedia of Baldwin Wallace University History: Personnel - K
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Citation: James D. Harvey, ed., "New Trustee," Pursuit 6, no. 6 (March 1974): 1.
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Dorothy Marks McKelvey '24, B-W historian since 1950, was presented the annual Berea Chamber of Commerce Grindstone Award for prestigious service on January 28, adding to her already impressive list of honors.
In 1960, she was presented a B-W Alumni Merit Award, and the American Legion Auxiliary gave her a community service award in 1963. A collection of books was dedicated in Dorothy's honor to Ritter Library at B-W's 1971 Founders' Day, and she was the 1972 recipient of the Alpha Phi International Fraternity Award of Honor at their 100th Anniversary Convention.
Active in numerous societies, clubs, and organizations, Dorothy has devoted many years to her alma mater, and to Berea, where her family has lived for five generations. A founder and past officer of the Berea Area Historical Society, a member of the American Legion, and chairman of the Bicentennial Committee of the Berea Chamber of Commerce, Dorothy McKelvey lectures frequently and contributes her wealth of knowledge to keep alive the history and traditions of a community, country, and college she cherishes.
The Baldwin-Wallace College Historian, Dorothy McKelvey, is a very unique and interesting individual. A 1924 graduate of Baldwin-Wallace College, she holds many fond memories of her days here. Since she lived in this area, she was a commuter. In her college years, rules and regulations were quite different from those of the 1970's. They were far stricter in both social and academic realms. Smoking and dancing were not allowed. Men were not permitted in the girl's dormitory, except for the reception hall. If a girl wanted to go to the library in the evening, she had to sign out when she left and sign in when she returned.
Academically, the College also has changed. There now are fewer required courses, such as the foreign languages. Mrs. McKelvey feels that a student should have a well-rounded background, and that the core requirements should be stricter. A couple of the departments such as the Theological School that were here are now gone. Business did not become emphasized until after the War.
Mrs. McKelvey feels that Greek life is very important and was once a member of a sorority. Formerly, the Greek organizations were literary societies with more rules and different activities. As a member of Beta Sigma Omicron, now Alpha Phi, she and other sorority members had to recite prepared literary presentations or perform for an audience. She feels this was an important activity. After weekly meetings, the sorority used to serenade the College men and even their professors! Serenading consisted of singing their sorority songs. Mrs. McKelvey stresses that there was a great deal of loyalty among sorority members and she thinks many of the customs were fun. She states " friendships made there held through life."
Some of the traditions she would like to see reinstated are required assemblies, more rules, and perhaps stricter professors. She feels people "need some rules, if you are sixteen years old or if you are 76." She sees "formality as good in ways." Assemblies, Founders' Day for instance, can be very educational while entertaining. Mrs. McKelvey feels many students are missing these learning experiences.
Mrs. McKelvey had been an English and Drama major at Baldwin-Wal lace though she always loved history. After her graduation, she taught Speech and English in Maple Heights. Having married during the Depression, she was not allowed to teach due to the scarcity of jobs. A widow for twenty years, she finds that her job as Historian fills many hours that could be lonely. She keeps in touch with many alumni and enjoys their reunions. The College community celebrated Mrs. McKelvey's 75th birthday during the 1977 Homecoming festivities. She feels she has had a "rich and full life" and being our Historian has been "very rewarding." Hopefully, it will continue to be!
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Ladies Physical Director Leaves B-W. After A Two Years Sojourn
A year ago last fall Miss Eva E. McLean came to Baldwin-Wallace as preceptress of Dietsch Hall and it was only a short time before she had won her way into the heart of every girl in the Hall. All during the time she has been here she has made dorm life a real pleasure; she has been one of us, but at the same time she has made us "stick to rules." Her method has been that of putting every girl on her honor and in that way she has brought out the best that is in us.
The various parties that she has planned for us will always be remembered as among the best times of our college days.
The dinner party and the little remembrance that was given for her by her girls Wednesday evening, March 29 at Guenther's, shows to her what a high place she holds in all of our hearts. We girls all feel that when Miss McLean leaves we are, not losing, but being separated from one of our best friends. She has taken an active interest in all campus activities; she has organized "The Hikers' Club;" she has created an interest in girls' basketball and baseball; she is a member of "Theta Alpha Phi" and of "Phi Lambda Sigma." We all join in wishing her joy and success in any new work which she may undertake.
(The above was written by one of Miss McLean's "Dietsch children.")
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The 21st century is fast approaching, and Baldwin-Wallace College President Neal Malicky is determined that B-W graduates will be well prepared for the turn of the century.
In fact, Malicky has had this vision for 13 years, long before most people even thought about it. His license plate, "BW2001," testifies that he is concerned with the improvement and advancement of Baldwin-Wallace.
Born in Texas, Malicky became familiar with many parts of the United States because his family moved frequently until they settled in Kansas.
He attended Baker University in Baldwin, Kansas, where he received his undergraduate degree. He then entered Southern Methodist University to study theology. During his time in Kansas, Malicky was a Methodist pastor for three years before he went to New York.
While in New York, Malicky received his Ph.D. in International Relations. He explained that he chose this field because he wanted to study "ethical issues as they affect life in the real world. The way in which nations act should include ethical concerns."
Also during this time, Malicky served as a Methodist Pastor and taught for the United Nations. The UN provided a semester of study through Drew University which Malicky taught. This provided an opportunity for students from 70 other colleges to study the world scene.
In 1969, Malicky returned to Baker University as Dean and Professor of Political Science. Although he served one year as president of the college, he felt as though he was too young for that particular position.
Malicky came to B-W in 1975 as the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the college. He enjoyed this area of work, he said, "Because it was an opportunity to concentrate on academics." Malicky then became B-W's president on July 1, 1981.
Malicky decided to come to B-W for several reasons. He stated, "I felt then and I feel now that B-W offers creative educational programs. A wave of the future is the opportunity for lifelong education. The changing nature of knowledge is so rapidly affecting our lives that we need to be continual lifelong learners."
He said that he feels B-W is an excellent college that he has helped to improve through the creation of graduate programs, weekend college, prior learning, and core curriculum. While most of Malicky's life is centered around the college, he does try to make time for his family. He has been married to his wife Margi for 38 years and they have three grown sons.
During the winter quarter of this year, Malicky was able to spend some quality time with his wife while he took a sabbatical. The two of them spent a great deal of time traveling, relaxing, relfecting, and appreciating each other's company.
They began their trip in Cambridge, England where Malicky enjoyed jogging and looking at the old buildings and colleges. Their next stop was to Edgehill, where they visited some B-W students, and then on to Oxford and London.
Malicky's father had an accident in Kansas, so he and his wife traveled to his home and spent three weeks being supportive in his father's time of need.
The couple finished their travels with four long weeks in Florida, taking long walks and engaging in conversation.
Malicky's reaction to his time away is that he will continue to be a supporter of sabbaticals, because he now realizes the importance of the from a personal standpoint.
After returning from sabbatical, Malicky said his goals are "to be the most effective president as I possibly can and continue to grow personally, intellectually, and spiritually."
Malicky had already resumed his position with the same energy and enthusiasm as always.
He is working hard to prepare B-W and its students to be as successful as they can be in the coming century. He said that the only thing we can be sure of in the coming years is that "this will be a century of dramatic and rapid changes like the latter part of the 20th century has been."
With these thoughts in mind Malicky has some words of advice with which he often leaves with seniors upon their graduation. He advises, "Get a broad education. The liberal arts are liberating; they liberate us from ignorance, free us from prejudice, and open us up to be able to change in a rapidly changing society. In the future, the ability to keep learning will carry you through."
Citation: James D. Harvey, ed., Pursuit 8, no. 3 (November 1975): 4-5.
Neal Malicky was the unanimous choice of the faculty, the administration and the trustees for B-W's new vice-president for academic affairs after a search from among more than 100 applicants.
Among his initial responsibilities - and one of his most challenging - is the chairmanship of the Commission on Mission reactivated this fall by President A. B. Bonds, Jr., to examine the present and future mission, goals and objectives of Baldwin-Wallace.
The new dean expressed his reasons for coming to B-W in a summer issue of the Exponent: "l believe that a quality education in a liberal arts environment is the best preparation a student can have to be able to cope effectively with the demands of life today. I believe in personal education, where the college treats students as persons rather than as numbers, and where student needs and concerns are taken seriously. I believe that students can be responsible in making the most of their educational opportunities to learn and grow to the fullest extent of their abilities." At Baldwin-Wallace he feels the faculty, staff and students are committed to these important goals.
Dr. Malicky's background in the ministry, political science and education has influenced his philosophy of education. A graduate of Baker University in Baldwin, Kansas - a town started by the same John Baldwin who was a founding father of Baldwin-Wallace - the new dean earned a bachelor of arts degree with a major in history, political science and economics in 1956. Three years later he received a bachelor of divinity degree from Southern Methodist University, with a concentration in ethics. His doctoral work at Columbia University (1968) was in international relations and his dissertation was on non-governmental groups in the United Nations.
He served as pastor of Methodist Churches in Moran and Mildred, Kansas, before going to New York to work for his doctorate. While studying at Columbia, Dr. Malicky was pastor of the Van Cortlandtville Community Church in Peekskill, New York, and he worked part time as a seminar leader for the Methodist Office for the United Nations.
From 1966 to 1969, Dr. Malicky was director of the semester on the United Nations and assistant professor of political science at Drew University.
An articulate speaker with only a trace of accent to remind listeners that he was born in Texas and raised in Colorado and Kansas, Dr. Malicky's remarks are usually laced with humor.
He has referred to himself on several occasions as a freshman at B-W and titled his address to the Fall Faculty Conference, "Living and Working at Baldwin-Wallace College: Some Comments from a Freshman Dean." In those remarks he also illustrated his concern for the individuals with whom he works.
"I have been looking forward to this occasion for at least two months," he told the faculty members. "During these two months, I have had the opportunity to begin to get acquainted with most of you personally; and that is very important to me. I appreciated the time to come to know a bit about who you are individually, what your concerns are, and something of what your hopes and dreams are for yourself professionally, for your department, and for Baldwin-Wallace College."
He expressed his belief that the democratic process is important in reaching sound decisions on educational philosophy. This requires an environment in which disagreement is vigorous and dissent is open. "Differences in ideas," he told the faculty, "are precious to a community of learning. Differences are to be encouraged and nurtured, articulated and evaluated in an atmosphere that is enriched by the interchange of ideas. An environment of differences is more creative than one which rewards only conformity. We must encourage differences if there are to be new thrusts, and new activities beyond the perpetuation of the past."
Dr. Malicky sees education as a personal process which takes place best when an informed, concerned teacher relates on an individual basis to an inquiring, intelligent student in search of a great idea. "That's where it happens," he says. "In today's society, with its many pressures on depersonalization, there are more students than ever who need and want our personal kind of educational atmosphere."
In response to the current criticism of liberal arts education, Dr. Malicky refers to the fact that commentators have been predicting the demise of the liberal arts for hundreds of years.
"A broadly based liberal arts education-which emphasizes helping students to learn to think, to communicate precisely, to analyze a problem clearly, which is rooted in the heritage of the great thinkers of human history, and open to new changes of the future-is the most adequate career preparation a student can have," he believes.
"But we still must face the fact," Dean Malicky continued, "that it does not always help the student to find a job immediately after graduation. We may prefer that the major effect of our education be evaluated after 20 years . . . as liberally educated persons who are also concerned to make a living, we have a vital challenge to relate the long-range benefits of a liberal arts education with the market realities and career concerns that so directly affect students' choices."
Malicky has expressed his hope that, after a period of years, he and the faculty would be able to look back with a sense of satisfaction on the contribution that they have made in a meaningful way to the progress of the institution they have served for the learning and growth of students.
Citation: “Dr. O. Grant Markham,” Baldwin-Wallace College News Letter 9, no. 6 (1943): p. 3.
In the passing of Dr. O. Grant Markham on April 18, Baldwin-Wallace College lost one of its illustrious and loyal sons. The Methodist Church lost in his going a modest, but capable leader. The son of a Methodist minister, he was born in Loudonville, Ohio, on August 21, 1865. Coming to Baldwin University as a student in September 1881, he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in June, 1886.
Immediately on graduation he was appointed a teacher in the public schools at Smithton, Missouri. In 1887 he was made professor of Latin and Principal of the Academy at Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas. This school owes its origin to John Baldwin who had previously founded Baldwin University. For thirty-seven years he taught in this institution acting as the Dean of the College for nineteen years. In 1921-22 he was acting president of the University. In 1924 he was ·elected Publishing Agent of the Methodist Church. In this capacity he served ably for twelve years in ·Chicago and for four years in New York City. Upon his retirement in 1940 he moved to Cleveland.
Dr. Markham was honored by his Alma Mater with a Master's degree in 1889 and with the degree of Doctor of Letters in 1909. In 1924 Baker University gave him the degree of Doctor of Laws. He was a delegate to six general conferences and reserve delegate to three additional conferences, becoming a familiar figure at the assemblies of Methodists from 190+ to 1936. In 1914 his name appeared in Who's Who in America.
While living in Kansas he was active in numerous educational organizations. He was for a number of years director of the Kansas State Historical Society as well as being active in various Methodist organizations of the state. He also served as president of the Anti-Saloon League of Kansas from its organization in 1916 to 1924 when he moved to Chicago. He was also one of the organizers of the Classical Association of Kansas and Western Missouri, serving as its first president in 1906.
Dr. Markham had been a trustee of Baldwin-Wallace College since 1924, serving with great interest and ability. Since his retirement from active duties in New York, he has given much time to the organization and development of the Greater Cleveland Methodist Historical Society. This organization has gathered a vast amount of Methodist material which has been deposited in the Library of Baldwin-Wallace College and is now cataloged and available for use by persons desirous of doing Methodist research work.
Dr. Markham is survived by his wife, Socia Buckingham Markham, and a daughter Virginia. There are also two brothers surviving, William E. Markham, '89, of Washington, D. C., and Lewis Merrill Markham of Denver, Colorado.
Citation: Deane R. White, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1922-23), p. 27.
The importance of finances to a college is generaly realized. They stand in much the same relation to a school that the spring stands to a watch. The person, therefore, who handles the business end of the school must be a person of no mean ability in order to make both ends meet. The record of Dr. Marting in this capacity speaks for itself.
The nature of the position often masks the friendly qualities of the holder from the eyes of the student. We are fortunate that this is not the whole case here. The students know that they have a careful, friendly, honest man with whom to deal.
Citation: "Dr. John Marting - 1853-1941," Alumnus, vol. XIX, no. 4 (November 1941): pg. 4-5.
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Back in 1895 German Wallace College called a young Methodist minister to become its treasurer who, through the years, put the institution on a sound financial basis.
The young minister, Dr. John Conrad Marting, responded to the call and accepted the challenge. How well he succeeded was recalled vividly to those close to Baldwin-Wallace College when they learned of Dr. Marting's death on the evening of Friday, August 29. His death occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Selma Riemenschneider, at 10001 Edgewater Drive, Cleveland. A month previous in his eighty-eighth year, Dr. Marting underwent two major operations. He had made a seemingly remarkable recovery and had been at home and at the dinner table for two days when he was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage. Five hours later the spirit had taken its flight. Dr. Marting had retired just a year ago after forty-five years as treasurer at Baldwin-Wallace College. He was credited with the growth of the institution from a few small buildings in 1895 to a present campus of nineteen structures and with increasing the total assets of the college from $200,000 to close to $4,000,000.
Personally supervising the erection of most of the present buildings on campus and charged with the raising and investing of the funds of the college, he had the satisfaction of seeing it recognized as a leader in financial stability among Methodist institutions. Although never receiving a large salary, Dr. Marting was among the largest donors of the institution. On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Dr. and Mrs. Marting, the couple contributed $100,000 to the college.
Marting Hall, also known as Memorial Hall, was named in Dr. Marting's honor. Until he retired he daily drove from his home in Cleveland to his office in Berea, despite his years.
Born at Jackson Furnace, Jackson County, Ohio, his home life gave him the religious urge which resulted in a strong Christian decision at the age of fifteen years and led eventually to his answer to the call to the Christian ministry.
Following attendance at the public schools in his home community, he registered at old German Wallace in 1867, remaining two years. Sent to college originally because his parents thought him too delicate for farm work, he abandoned his college course because of lack of funds and returned to his native county and became a teacher in the rural schools. He later entered business with a brother, the late Colonel H. S. Marting. United in marriage in a double service on March 7, 1872, to two sisters, Mary and Margaret Duis, the brothers purchased a country store near their parents' farm. The women did much of the work in the store, including the handling of the mails for the "express" that had no time to stop for this purpose. The brother split rails for the railroad while Dr. Marting continued in his career as a school teacher. Two years later the business was sold to an uncle and the two young couples moved to Ironton, Ohio, where they opened a dry goods and clothing store. In 1876 Dr. Marting followed the urge to become a minister of the Gospel and left his thriving business to take up his task as a minister at the very meager salary of those early days.
He entered the Central German Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was ordained deacon in 1877 and an elder in 1880. The following churches were served during ensuing years: Second Church, Indianapolis; New Palestine, Indiana; Greenville, Ohio; Race Street, Cincinnati; Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, and First Church, Indianapolis. At Cincinnati he was responsible for the organization of the Walnut Hills congregation now known as Bethlehem Church, having planned and supervised the erection of its first church and parsonage. During his second pastorate at Indianapolis he organized two additional churches in that city known as Second Church and Nippert Memorial. Here again he planned and supervised the construction of edifices for worship.
In 1895 Dr. Marting was called to Berea, Ohio, to become treasurer of German Wallace College. At the merger of this institution with Baldwin University under the name of Baldwin-Wallace College he was elected treasurer of the new institution, serving in this capacity until his retirement a year ago, a total of forty-five years.
In addition to his work at the college, Dr. Marting served as mayor of Berea for five years during which time he earned the title of "crusading mayor" by conducting a cleanup drive against bootlegging and gambling. He organized and was first president of the Berea Board of Trade and also served for a number of years as president and director of the Ohio Nut and Bolt Company. He was for many years a director of the old Martin Iron and Steel Company, president and director of the Foster Stove Company, both of Ironton, Ohio, and chairman of the Board of the Berea Savings and Loan Company. He had in recent years also served in a special executive capacity with the Bank of Berea Company.
Known as a forceful preacher, Dr. Marting served as supply pastor of Emmanuel Methodist Church, Berea, for several years and was treasurer of the Preacher's Mutual Aid Society. He had served on the Board of Stewards of the North-East Ohio Methodist Conference and until a year ago still conducted a Bible class at Emmanuel Church.
Baldwin-Wallace College honored him with the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1931. At the time of his death he was completing an autobiography detailing his experiences as an educator, preacher and business man. During his year of retirement Dr. Marting became interested in the activities of the Borrowed Time Club of Lakewood, Ohio. Just a month before his decease he visited for several weeks in Cincinnati. Here he visited many of the spots of his activities in this city and preached on one Sunday morning before his old congregation at Bethlehem Church.
Surviving Dr. Marting are his daughter, Mrs. Selma M. Riemenschneider, and three sons, Samuel A. of Detroit, Walter W. of Cincinnati, and Albert L., Director of Public Relations at the College, as well as a younger brother Frank L. Marting of New Port Richey, Florida. One son, Edwin Otto, passed away ten years ago. There are also surviving eighteen grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Mrs. Marting preceded him in death six years ago after sixty-three years of happy wedded life.
Services in Dr. Marting's honor were held at Emmanuel Church, Berea, on Tuesday, September 2, with Reverend J. L. Williams, pastor, in charge. President Louis C. Wright delivered the memorial message; Dr. E. R. Brown, district superintendent of the Methodist Church, and Reverend Bernhard Johansen representing Cincinnati institutions and churches, together with Rev. J. H. Holtcamp, participated in the service. The latter served as a fellow minister in the same conference with Dr. Marting for fifty years. Honorary pall bearers included a number of professors at the college while those associated with him in the business office of the college served as guards of honor. Six grandsons bore his body to its resting place at Woodvale Cemetary, Berea. As customary, brother minister sang "In the Sweet Bye and Bye" as they surrounded the casket at the close of the service.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer has the following to say in its editorial column:
"Newspaper readers the nation over join the people of Berea in mourning the death of Dr. John Conrad Marting. Throughout his life he successfully carried through activities numerous enough to tax the strength of two men. Although he was allotted a life lacking only two years of four-score and ten, he was busy night and day until the end.
His accomplishments were varied and of such a nature that the nation will be better for many years to come. He was distinguished in the pulpit, in politics, in business, and in education as the builder of Baldwin-Wallace College. All this, founded upon an unswerving devotion to an idealism and to his religion, is a story that well might be lifted from the times of Cotton Mather. his biography gives hope to those who in gloomy moments fear the race of men has deteriorated."
Citation: Thomas. A. Stiger, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1896), p. 19.
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Archie Morris Mattison was born Jan. 19,1855, in Avon, Lorain Co., O. He is of English and Dutch descent. The professor's father was a "Green Mountain Boy," having grown to manhood at the foot of the Green Mountains in Vermont. The first school Prof. Mattison attended was in Berea, in 1863, when his father was one of the pastors of Berea circuit. His school life was subject to the nomad habits of a Methodist minister's family, but was fortunate in the character of the schools in which he received instruction. In the fall of 1872 he entered Baldwin University with the rank of sophomore. This first year in college he earned $60 as the bell ringer, the duties of the janitor at that time not including that most important service. During his high school and college courses he exhibited his great aptitude and interest for languages. He was graduated at the age of 20, the youngest gentleman in the class of '75. Soon after graduation he was elected to the superintendency of the Gambier schools, but in the fall was called by Dr. Schuyler, who was then president, to take charge of the Latin department of the University. The trustees made him professor at their annual session in 1876, and he has remained in that position until the present time, and is now the senior professor in the University.
In the fall of 1878 he joined the first class of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. In January, 18tl2, he was licensed to preach by the Berea Quarterly Conference, and in September, 1885, was ordained local deacon. The summer of 1890 he spent in a tour through the British Isles. While in London he took advantage of the great opportunities afforded by the British museum to study the Anglo-Saxon and Greek and Roman antiquities. The many students who have come in contact with Prof. Mattison have always held him in the highest regard, not only as an efficient instructor but also as a Christian gentleman, whose influence has directed them to something higher than this world teaches.
Citation: Marion Cole, ed., “Dr. Mercer Brings Berea Culture Of Old Spain,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 28, no. 3 (1950): p. 8.
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Living up to the title "Berea's One-Woman Good Neighbor Policy" once bestowed by a newspaper reporter, Dr. Lucille Mercer currently is on her sixth trip South of the Border to study at first hand the culture of Spanish-speaking Americans.
Every year since she earned her baccalaureate degree at Ohio State University-except during the war-Dr. Mercer has either studied or traveled in the countries about which she teaches. Four trips have been made across the Atlantic, including one to earn a "diploma de suficiencia en la lengua espanola" from the University of Madrid.
Dr. Mercer also has studied at the universities of Paris, Mexico and Chile, where she held a travel-study fellowship from the Carnegie Foundation. She has her M. A. and Ph. D. from Ohio State.
Spanish and South American culture are as much a part of the teacher's personal life as of her academic career. In her tiny Bagley Road apartment opposite Science Hall ls a virtual museum of utensils and art objects collected during her travels. One entire corner of the living room is taken up by a giant cabinet with a glass front which is the home of some 150 dolls from foreign countries. Another 250 are in storage.
Dishes, furniture, rugs and a great number of pictures of other lands also are part of Dr. Mercer's home, with even a giant sombrero forming the decoration for the entrance hall.
The main striking difference between South American culture and our own, according to the professor, is that with our southern neighbors "art is not a luxury, but a necessity," which explains the presence of vivid color and design in everything they create.
Contrast of the ancient and modern also are typical of South America, where in the cities people wearing native costumes designed centuries ago mingle with those dressed in the latest fashions.
Dr. Mercer doesn't confine her lecturing to the classroom, nor her activities to campus organizations, though she is sponsor of the B-W chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, national Spanish honorary. She currently is president of Cleveland's Ohio Alpha chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, national honorary professional organization for women, and heads the Northern Ohio Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
Also vice president of alumnae in the area of Pi Lambda Theta, education honorary, Dr. Mercer is secretary of the Central States Modern Language Association and is on the Ohio Council for the Modern Foreign Language Association. For her work she has been recognized by being listed in Who's Who in Education and Who's Who Among American Women.
One of the greatest rewards that can come to any teacher, Dr. Mercer says, is inspiring in students a love of the subject she teaches. Knowing that countless B-W alumni have gone into positions in or concerning Spanish countries has made teaching a particularly rewarding profession for the Spanish scholar, who once again is taking advantage of her summer travels to visit with former students wherever she journeys.
Citation: Val Yova, “Know Your Faculty; Dr. John Miller,” The Exponent, January 23, 1976, p. 8.
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In every graduating class of education majors, there is that unfortunately small group who has dedicated their entire lives to being educators.
According to junior Biology major Stephanie Wiles, Dr. John Miller is one of those exceptional teachers. Stephanie says of Miller, "I've never seen so much energy in one human being. He's a human DNA molecule!"
Miller was born in Philadelphia, and did his undergraduate studies at Dickson University in Pennsylvania. His Masters and Doctoral degrees are from Pennsylvania State University.
Home for Miller consists of a wife, a 13-year-old daughter, and a 10-year-old son. His spare time is used for photography, bowling, and racketball.
Miller teaches courses in Biology, Zoology, and Invertebrate Zoology, however, one of his favorite areas of study is marine life. He is responsible for much of the collection of marine life in the Biology Lab, which includes an octopus.
Student interest in this area was responsible for the outgrowth of an ecology field-study trip to the Florida Keys last quarter to study the native marine plants and annuals of Florida. They are also busy getting in shape in the pool, and some are learning to snorkel.
The students will receive two hours of credit for the 10-day trip, which will be during spring break.
Miller is happy that the Biology department has been to offer such "a nice package of field courses" that had not been offered until several years ago.
There have also been other field-study programs in the past few years.
Several years ago, a summer course in Field Botany was offered in Wyoming. This past fall, a new ecology course was offered by the Biology department, which included many field trips to nearby lakes and rivers.
Miller realizes the constant tightening of the job market and medical schools. That is why he encourages biology majors to get field experience, Last quarter, a student did field experience work in Kentucky, and another student is currently working at NASA in a field experience program.
Miller expressed pleasure with the general atmosphere of the College Mission Commission.
His only complaint is there is not a "uniform demand being made on students in academic areas of the college. He feels very strongly that the course should be made as [illegible] and demanding as possible with increased student involvement.
With an attitude about education such as Dr. Miller’s, it is not that his use such superlatives as "a human DNA to describe him.
Citation: “Munk Succeeds Baltz July 1 As Conservatory Director; Eight On Faculty Promoted,” Baldwin-Wallace College News Letter 17, no. 3 (1951): p. 1.
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Munk Succeeds Baltz July 1 As Conservatory Director; Eight On Faculty Promoted
Cecil W. Munk, on the faculty of the Baldwin-Wallace College Conservatory of Music since 1934, has been appointed to the Conservatory directorship, succeeding Harold W. Baltz who has resigned.
Announcement of this move was made following a special meeting of the college Board of Trustees April 6. The change will be effective as of July 1.
In announcing Prof. Baltz's resignation. President John L. Knight emphasized that the Conservatory director had expressed the desire to leave last June, but has continued through the present academic year at the request of the administration. He has been at B-W since 1947.
Citation: “Joining the Ranks of B-W Emeriti,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 42, no. 6 (1967): p. 4.
After serving the Baldwin-Wallace College Conservatory of Music for 33 years-16 of them as director, Cecil W. Munk retired this summer as professor emeritus of music education.
The third director of the Conservatory can review with pride some of the noteworthy programs initiated during his leadership.
The Great Artist Series has brought many distinguished performers of the music world to the campus. A program of inviting outstanding artist-teachers to conduct master classes has been enrichment for Conservatory students. Recently the Department of Theory acquired a listening laboratory.
A series of commissions to well-known composers for original scores to be performed by B-W's band, chorus and orchestra was inaugurated last year.
In 1945 Professor Munk was the founder and organizer of an annual, two-week Summer Music Clinic which draws more than 300 high school musicians.
Five years ago the first Contemporary Music Festival was presented.
Coming to the College in 1934, the following year he was made professor of music education and head of the Department of Music Education. For 13 years he conducted the College Band. The College Choir which he conducted from 1937 to 1951 won national recognition through tours, at Music Educators National Conferences and annual Bach Festivals.
Citation: James D. Harvey, ed., "In Memoriam, Pursuit 8, no. 3 (November 1975): 17.
DR. CECIL W. MUNK, director emeritus of the B-W Conservatory, died at 74 on Jan. 16 in the Framingham (Mass.) Union Hospital.
He joined the Conservatory in 1934 and became head of the music education department in 1935. In 1951 he was made director, serving until he retired in 1967.
During the 33 years at the Conservatory, Cecil Munk was very much involved with the annual Bach Festivals. In early years he was conductor of the Festival Chorus and the Brass Choir chorale programs. From 1951 to his retirement, he was chairman of the Bach Festival Committee.
Some noteworthy programs were initiated under his leadership: the Great Artist Series which brought distinguished performing artists to the campus; the Contemporary Music Festival; the Summer Music Clinic held for two weeks for high school musicians; and the commissioning of original scores for the B-W band, chorus and orchestra by well-known composers.
Baldwin-Wallace conferred an honorary Doctor of Music degree on Cecil Munk on Founders' Day, Oct. 15, 1970.
After earning a bachelor's degree from Miami University, an M.A. from Western Reserve University and a diploma from the Cincinnati Conservatory, Dr. Munk did graduate study at Ohio State and New York Universities and the Christiansen Choir School.
Memorial gifts may be sent to the B-W Development Office specifying the Lillian and Cecil W. Munk Award (given annually to an outstanding music student) and/ or the Lillian and Cecil W. Munk Memorial Fund for the Bach Festivals.