Citation: A. R. Webber, Life of John Baldwin, Sr. of Berea, Ohio (The Caxton Press, 1925), 171-175.
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THE following obituary was written by Dr. W. D. Godman. He was president of Baldwin University during the four years I was a student in the institution.
"The Hon. John Baldwin died at his residence in Baldwin, Louisiana, Sunday, December 28, 1884, at 10 A. M., as the bell of the chapel erected by him was summoning the worshipers. As the news spread, all our citizens, white and colored, experienced a feeling of personal loss. The distant members of Father Baldwin's family, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. McCullom, arrived on Monday, John Baldwin, Esq., his son, being already here. The funeral services were at 3 P. M., Monday. The chapel was appropriately draped. The sermon was preached by the pastor, W. S. Fitch, who was with the deceased in his last moments. The discourse upon Rev. 14. 13 was a thorough and touching exposition of the blessedness of the Lord's dead. There were two colored ministers on the platform, and one of them, Ernest Lyon, offered the opening prayer appropriately and devoutly. The remains were deposited in ground chosen by the deceased, a ridge near the precincts of Baldwin Seminary and overlooking the quiet Teche.
"John Baldwin was born in North Branford, Connecticut, October 13, 1799. At ten, his family removed from Branford to Litchfield. His early environments were those of poverty. He grew lo his majority without much education and had to endure persecution from boys in more favored circumstances. This engendered in his mind a resolve to do what he could to save other young men from like persecution. His long, active career proves how well the resolve was kept. He found the way to get to school at Harrington, Connecticut, also at Bethlehem. He paid his way in part by chopping firewood. He qualified himself at length to teach school in Duchess County, New York, and in Maryland.
"In 1818, when about nineteen, he was clearly converted and became an active Christian. Early he received a license to exhort. He was an active exhorter, and often conducted religious services with fruitful results.
"In 1828, in Milton, Connecticut, he married Miss M. D. Chappell, who survives him at the age of eighty-three, and has been the faithful sharer of all his toils and good deeds. In the spring of 1828, he, with his wife, removed to Berea, Ohio, in which place the larger part of his life course has been identified. He had in earlier years formed a purpose to consecrate property to God. He was now the owner of a farm. He utilized water-power to run a mill. He discovered a fine sandstone on his place and opened it to the market. He gave the missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal Church an interest in the quarry, which was retained by the society many years until they could profitably sell it. About 1845 he founded Baldwin Institute in Berea which became a successful school of grade between academy and college. To this he gave buildings and a partial endowment in land. Baldwin Institute became in 1857 Baldwin University, and he contributed liberally toward an endowment fund then raised. "In the centenary year of American Methodism, 1866, he donated to Baldwin University twenty acres of quarry land then valued at $100,000. Some years previously he had established Baldwin City, in Kansas, and by his liberality had secured the location there of Baker University.
"In 1867, Father Baldwin came to Louisiana and purchased the Darby plantation. Here the same spirit, keeping watch over humanity's weal, has donated to the Freedman's Aid Society thirty acres, with various buildings and improvements for use as Baldwin Seminary, which the society agrees to maintain. Already for two years the elevating influences of education under Christian inspiration and guidance have been at work. Brother and Sister Fitch have been faithfully sowing excellent seed, and the harvest was begun.
"In 1883, Father Baldwin gave about six thousand dollars to purchase a property for a mission school in Bangalore, India. This school is reported vigorous and useful and is named Baldwin School. Nothing that has come lo Father Baldwin of late years has made him happier than the giving to this mission school. In 1884 he donated to Baldwin University, at Berea, Ohio, some forty acres of land in this vicinity, being part of the Fusilear plantation, purchased by him some years since. It will thus be seen that he has crowded the years with his benefactions.
"Brother Baldwin's character was an interesting study. Through a web of contrarities ran a golden thread of consistency and unity. Close calculation and parsimony found their outcome in enlarged benevolence. Contempt for display and for conventionalities harmonized with a charitable interpretation of the peculiarities of others and the ways of the world. A respect for social institutions and a love of humanity dwelt alongside a persistent defiance of common sentiments and usages. He manifested great strength in pursuing an end-and that a good one-through any amount of obloquy and oppos1t1on. Without high profession, he had a deep religious experience, and always felt at home with profoundly religious men.
"The writer modestly refers to the fact that he and Father Baldwin had once some passages of controversy. But two men, both loving the Lord Jesus with sincerity, cannot remain long and widely apart. Years have elapsed since we buried all the asperities of controversy, and we have lived and worked together for our common Lord. I desire to record my declaration that throughout the controversy we preserved our faith in each other and nothing ever passed that was inconsistent with either the Christian or the gentleman.
"Father Baldwin came South with the purpose to do something for the education of the colored race. The foundation which he first laid did not endure. Thompson University did not become an established fact. I know that while he was rejoiced in the establishment of Baldwin Seminary here in Louisiana, he has been grieved that he could not carry out his original purpose for the colored race. But he has found great satisfaction in the fact that he opened the way for so many colored people to get comfortable homes. This thought was prominent in his mind at the time of our last conversation.
"He had been an invalid for more than a year, but seemed for a time in better health until, in the fall, he became subject to attacks of severe pain, in some of which he almost expired. He became prostrate with weakness from which he did not rally.
"We are glad he went to heaven from our midst; glad that his ashes rest in our soil. He 'being dead yet speaketh.'
"W. D. Godman."
In 1828 a newly married couple, John and Mary Baldwin, arrived in Middleburg ready, willing and able. Married on January 31, 1828, the newlywed's trip from Connecticut to Ohio "required three weeks, by coach, by canal boat, by lake steamboat and finally by foot from Cleveland to Vaughn Farm in Middleburg Township." Certainly not an easy comfortable trip. Even at this early point in his career John Baldwin exhibited foresight by bringing his wife, not to a strange homeless town, but to a city where he had already paid $2,000 for a 200 acre tract before leaving for Ohio. The money was most of his savings. Their new home was the first to be raised without the rising spirits of liquor. Their next home became known as the old red house and it was more than just a home. It served often as church and school. It also was the first Underground Railroad station in Middleburg.
John Baldwin was born in Bradford, Connecticut on October 13, 1799. "He was above the medium in height, spare, inclined to lankness, face a little ' peaked', shoulders stooped, the limbs long (perhaps this impression was caused by his clothes being too short) shoes (when any were worn) of the coarsest cowhide, clothes stout and durable but coarse, shirt of unbleached muslin, hat soft and slouched, but underneath its brim, a pair of the sharpest keenest black eyes, which would kindle with mirth or snap with the fire of indignation, and all backed up by a nimble tongue, and active brain and an expressive, mobile face."
The boys of Berea used to call J.B. "Uncle John" and they knew that Uncle John wasn't industrious twenty four hours a day. It's been claimed that he liked to "sneak away when the fishing was good and drop a line in the river holes where the bullheads hung out." It seems that J.B. never lost that mischievous quality for c.1875 Berea Mayor S.S. Brown, in "a show of disrespect" or "a crude display of authority," had Uncle John arrested and brought to court for exploding firecrackers on the Fourth of July!
W. C. Markham, editor of the Baldwin, Kansas Ledger wrote, "John Baldwin, shrewd Yankee, self-abnegating with a hobby for education the masses, helped to establish the town of Berea, Ohio in the early 40' s."
"Educating the masses" is right. By the time J.B. was retired (if, indeed, he ever really was) he had established four schools in a large geographical area. These were Baldwin University in Berea, Ohio; Baker University in Baldwin, Kansas; Baldwin High School of Bangalore, India; and Baldwin Academy in Baldwin, Louisiana. According to The Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus of February, 1923 he also had missionary schools in Manila.
Over in Bangalore, Uncle John donated $3,000 for the purchase of some buildings for a boys' high school and a girls' high school c. 1881. You see, dear old J.B. had some pretty liberal ideas. He believed that girls were entitled to just as much education as boys. It was this belief that prompted him to make Baldwin University in Berea the second co-ed college in America. Oberlin College was the U.S. 's first co-ed college. It was also a station on the Underground Railroad, but that's another story. Anyway ... in 1886, Baldwin High School opened to boys and girls (taught separately). The property value including three buildings was some 15,000 rubles. Besides the three buildings the high school owned, two more were rented (at this time, BHS was one school). In 1887, Baldwin High School became two schools under one management. (The Boys' School and The Girls' School.) The real estate value at this time was 20,000 rubles. The staff, made up of thirteen teachers and one principal, had the task of educating 140 pupils. (This was an increase of thirteen pupils from the 1886 enrollment for the same number of staff members.)
Around this time it was written about the school, ''The only hindrance to the rapid advancement of the school is a lack of funds." . . . A timeless statement if there ever was one!
That was Uncle John in Bangalore, and a few years earlier (1859) back on the homefront, J.B. built the first college building for the up and coming Baker University of Baldwin, Kansas. Originally the city had been called Palyrnra, but the name was changed to honor John Baldwin (W6)
“Around 1856, he (John Baldwin) went to Douglas County, Kansas and laid out the Town of Baldwin City, Kansas. He shipped some machinery, a large boiler and some grindstones from Berea to Kansas to set up grist mills, saw mills and cotton mills for a self-supporting community and there started a school, which became Baker University." While moving the steam boiler from Berea to Baldwin, Kansas, J.B. filled the boiler with yarn which he sold along the way to help defray the cost of moving the heavy boiler.
The Kansas community was a bit hostile to Baldwin's usual stipulations of providing land for industry and the university, that sale or manufacture of liquor be forbidden, and that the University be open to both men and women regardless of race, nationality or creed. But Uncle John won the fight and after these stipulations were accepted, he turned the University over to the Methodist Conference while assisting in the school's formation and expenses.
J.B.'s eldest son Milton was elected the first president of Baker University. Married to Miss Ruth N. Shelton in 1853 and with the position of college president and general manager of the Baldwin interests in Kansas, Milton's future seemed bright.
But at the age of 29, in September, 1859 before he was able to assume the office of college president, Milton Baldwin became critically ill with a high fever and died with his father at his bedside. But life went on for J.B. Sr. and, at the age of 68, he purchased the D. Darby plantation of 1700 acres for $20,000. The land was on the Teche River in Saint Mary's Parish, Louisiana. Forty acres of it contained about 15-20 buildings which had been constructed and occupied by the Brethren of the Mississippi Mission Conference. After renovating the building, Baldwin incorporated an organization for religious and manual training and education. Here again J.B. met with hostility because of his stipulations regarding liquor and education regardless of race, creed, color or sex. The populace was especially hostile since this was the heart of former slave territory and the people were still feeling the depressions of losing the Civil War. Attempting to forestall violence to himself, his family and his property, Uncle John eventually had to make some concessions on the race issue. This newest haven of education was called Baldwin Seminary, and the sugar cane plantation, which eventually grew to 4, 200 acres, was the lifegiving industry to the school. Baldwin also erected 2 two-story brick buildings, and deeded $30,000.00 worth of property to the Southern Educational Society of the Methodist Church. The first president of Baldwin Seminary was Rev. W.S. Fitch. John Baldwin, Jr. assumed management of the Baldwin interests in Louisiana.
Back in Berea, John Baldwin was anything but lazy. He was busy discovering one of Berea's richest natural assets - the sandstone quarries, establishing Baldwin University, inventing lathes with which to cut the sandstone, laying out the street plans for the growing village, running the first railroad track through the streets for Berea, and by 1850, he was the village of Berea's first mayor. It is understandable that Berea's character was greatly influenced by John Baldwin. His teetotalism and his direct actions against the use of liquor was the basis for Berea's temperance attitude and affected the city's civic affairs and public conduct for years to come. In fact J.B. founded Middleburg's first Temperance Society formed in 1832 under the name of The Total Abstinence Society. It has even been claimed that the 1852 ordinance forbidding bathing in the waters within the Village of Berea between sunrise and sunset reflected the Baldwin influence. However, it is doubtful that J.B. had anything particularly against cleanliness or for midnight skinny dipping!
John Baldwin's career as an educator started early in his life. Though he was totally self-educated he soon became qualified to teach primary classes. During this time he took his stand for education for ALL children regardless of sex, color or nationality - a stand which was to cause him much trouble throughout his life. During these early years, Uncle John attempted to teach a young mulatto boy who was a servant of an aristocrat's child attending the school Baldwin taught in. The father of the young elite raised objections to Baldwin's teaching the servant boy, but J.B. stood firm and replied that since he was tutoring the boy on his own time and without pay, it was no one else's business.
During his 85 years, Uncle John did much to help education grow in America and overseas. He invented lathes and grindstones, machines and city systems; he served as mayor, husband and father. He lived by his convictions and, in the end, died by them- literally. It seems that Uncle John believed it was a sin to take medicines. His two cures for everything were prayer and fasting. When he fell sick in 1884 he refused medicine saying, "I have sinned, and this affliction has come upon me because of it, and I will not add to my sin another by taking medicine; but I have faith that fasting and prayer will work the cure."
John Baldwin died in Louisiana on December 28, 1884.
Mary Dunn Chappell Baldwin, "a saintly looking woman with thin white hair, parted over her pure brow and under a plain lace cap," was born April 15, 1802, in New London, Connecticut, and can be called one of the "forgotten founders" of Uncle John's schools. Grandma Baldwin (as she was known to many Bereans) was described "at the time of her death ... as the most beloved woman on the Western Reserve."
She also seemed to have acquired a habit for educating the masses like her husband. However, she was not as impulsive as her "partner." Before she was willing to spend a red cent on education, she would make sure that her family had enough to live on. John and Mary had seven children: Milton, Rosanna, Hulda, Newton, John Jr., Mary and Martha - of which John, Jr. and Rosanna lived past age 30.
The Rev. William Osborn described Aunt Mary with the words,
Though marked contrast distinguished husband and wife in many particulars, no two were more happily mated. Mary Baldwin entered heart and hand with her husband in his benevolent projects, and bore more than her share in rearing a large family of children, besides performing onerous domestic duties appertaining to a new country and the self-sacrifice of those early days. She opened her small cabin for circuit preaching and other religious services soon after its erection, where for four years the old preachers held forth mostly on week days, preaching to the scattered settlers the tidings of a free gospel. In this humble cabin, the writer, a mere child, received his first religious instructions outside of home life, and comprised one of a dozen urchins in Sunday school class of Mary Baldwin, the first to inaugurate this new order of things in this part of Ohio, in 1832 ... For her time she was well trained intellectually, was one of the sweetest singer(s), conversant with Bible doctrines, could exhort and pray like an apostle, and perform prodigies at camp meetings and revivals. She lived almost a century, and her sun set at last without a cloud."
Two days after her 93rd birthday, Mary Baldwin died on April 17, 1895. Meanwhile, in Middleburg Township, a city was growing up.
Citation: “Joining the Ranks of B-W Emeriti,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 42, no.6 (1967): p. 4
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For outstanding contributions as scholar, educator and counselor, the 1964 B-W Alumni Merit Award was presented to Ruth Brockett Baur of the Class of 1930.
This year, after serving her Alma Mater for 37 years, Ruth Baur has retired. The professor emerita of home economics joined the faculty as an instructor in 1930 after her graduation.
The former Ruth Brockett was married to Professor Paul E. Baur '17 in 1921. He died in 1939 after 20 years on the mathematics faculty at Baldwin-Wallace.
In 1939 she received her master's degree from Columbia University and, that same year, was appointed dean of women at B-W.
Professor Baur continued to teach home economics, and in 1944 she exchanged her title of dean for head of the Department of Home Economics, serving in this capacity until 1963.
Foods was her area of specialization and her students have pursued a wide variety of careers, many with distinguished records as dietitians, home economists and teachers. And, many more have become excellent homemakers, putting to good use what they learned under Professor Baur's instruction.
Having left undone those things which she would liked to have done over the years, Ruth Baur is busy these days "getting caught up." Retirement is simply diverting her energy into other channels, pursuing interests, taking trips to visit relatives and friends.
Citation: Ann Skoglund, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1966), p. 7.
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This, the 1966 Grindstone, is dedicated to Vice President and Treasurer Emeritus, Harold C. Beyer who has dedicated his life to directing the financial affairs of our college for so many years.
Serving under nine presidents, since 1920 Beyer served Baldwin-Wallace for more than one-third of the college's 120 years. His ability in matters of finance and his personal fortitude have helped Baldwin-Wallace survive our most difficult eras.
He helped solve the problem of meeting the payroll during the depths of the Great Depression. He was instrumental in bringing the air force and navy V 12 programs during WWII. He reduced the spending of Baldwin-Wallace resources to bring about the sound growth Baldwin-Wallace has experienced. He managed our investments to guarantee a future for new generations of students.
Now Mr. Beyer has "retired," but will continue to carry on as a consultant to Dr. Bonds, and secretary of the Investment committee for the Board of Trustees.
The name Harold C. Beyer will always have special meaning to the thousands of past, present, and future men and women of Baldwin-Wallace.
Citation: James D. Harvey, ed., "In Memoriam, Pursuit 8, no. 3 (November 1975): 17.
HAROLD C. BEYER '21, who retired as treasurer and vice president for Baldwin-Wallace College in 1966, ending 49 years of service to B-W, died October 8 at his home in Penney Farms, Florida, at age 79. He had served under nine presidents and his career spanned more than one-third of the College's history.
While a student, Harold worked in the treasurer's office. He received his A.B. degree from B-W, an M.A. from the University of Arizona in 1926, and an LLB. from Cleveland Law School in 1932.
He was assistant treasurer at B-W for 13 years, and in 1940 he was appointed treasurer succeeding the late Dr. John Marting.
The Alumni Association presented Harold the Alumni Merit Award in 1961 and elected him to the B-W Board of Trustees as an alumni representative from 1967-70. He was named a trustee emeritus in 1971.
Married to the former Verna Hertzler '24, he had two sons, William '55, president of Asling & Hoffman Insurance Co. of Berea, and Dr. John '59, of Galena. Harold and Verna enjoyed extensive travels to all corners of the world.
Harold served as a director for several banks, and as an officer in the Berea Chamber of Commerce.
Citation: “New Professor of Chemistry,” The Exponent, December 5, 1917, p. 1.
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Dr. Blocher Succeeds Prof. A. V. Wilker as Head of Department
Dr. John Milton Blocher of Gettysburg, Pa., has recently been elected head of the Department of Chemistry, to take the place of Professor A. V. Wilker who has resigned to accept a position with the National Carbon Company in Cleveland. Dr. Blocher received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, in 1913; and his Doctor of Philosophy from John Hopkins, 1916. Since the spring of 1916 he has been research chemist at John Hopkins doing research work in the field of osmotic pressure. Dr. Blocher took up his work at Baldwin-Wallace last Tuesday. The Exponent wishes to extend to him a hearty welcome.
Citation: Frances F. Mills, ed., “B.-W. Students Assist City Chemist,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 26, no. 1 (1948): p. 9.
For the past twenty-seven years, Dr. J. M. Blocher, professor of chemistry in Baldwin-Wallace College, has served Berea as city chemist, and has seen the municipality grow from village to city with proportionate increase in his responsible task of assuring a pure water supply to residents.
During the past ten years, a chemistry course on water and sewage analysis has been offered at the college in which first-hand knowledge of such a city department is made possible. Two nights a week the members of the class, which is never large, make chemical and bacteriological tests under Dr. Blocher's watchful eye. In addition to laboratory work under the practical conditions at the water plant the class does theoretical work in the college chemical laboratory. The course also includes work in the city sewage disposal plant. Quantitative chemistry is a prerequisite for the course.
Baldwin-Wallace students, Dr. Blocher's assistants of the past term, (three shown here) are: Peggy Good of Lakewood, Aldrich Ratay of Brecksville, O., John Carrott of Montpelier, O., and Harry Davis of Youngstown, O.
Citation: “Something New...,” Exponent (Berea, OH), January 13, 1956, p. 1.
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You'll like B-W's new president.
From the student's viewpoint, one of his most difficult tasks will be to earn the genuine respect and admiration won by Harry J. Smith. As a professor, and more recently as Acting President, Mr. Smith was held in high regard by his colleagues in the faculty and administration, and by the student body.
We often saw the grand gentleman standing before us, expressing himself with a gentle wit, and making the kind of sense all men can understand. It was easy for us to discern that, despite the slight bend to his body, here was a man who stood straighter than most men.
Our new president, Mr. Alfred Bryan Bonds, Jr., is not a mere figurehead or cog in the administrative machine. It is not uncommon for students to picture their college president as an aloof Great Brahman who sits in his Dietsch Hall Nirvana, unconcerned with the affairs of men—of students. Such a picture is false.
From the vantage point of the B-W presidency, Mr. Bonds will have a two-sided view of the student: the student as he is and as he should be. The new executive's background in the field of education proves his interest in the student; education is, of course, basically a student-teacher relationship.
Mr. Bonds' concern with ideals was made clear in his talk at the banquet held last Friday evening, at which he mot the Baldwin-Wallace faculty. He recognized the importance of maturity, judgment, dedication and devotion to the job of operating a college. He emphasized his belief that the Christian Liberal Arts college is a vital force in shaping the future of America and all nations.
A strong feeling for ideals does not surround the new president with a pink cloud, obscuring his view of the world. He has served as director of training for the Atomic Energy Commission and director of the Point Four Education Program in Egypt. The federal government appoints practical men to such positions.
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Band director, consultant to UNESCO, journalist, dean's assistant, Navy man, and teacher are some of the roles Mr. Bonds has filled in his 43 years. His interests obviously cover a wide, practical area.
Important among his many interests is his family. When he speaks of it, he talks as a proud husband and father. At the banquet he introduced his wife, Georgianna, whom he calls "the brains of the family." And he presented his youngest daughter, Alexandra, who is known as "Sandy-the-Pandy" clue to her fascination with stuffed animals. His son, Bryan, he explained, is interested in the development of a spaceship — a thoroughly up-to-date youth. Anna Belle, the eldest daughter, has made several successful squeeks on her clarinet, Mr. Bonds reported.
The spirit our new president has for the job is reflected in the fact that he visited Germany on the way back from Cairo, simply because he knew that B-W has a German background.
He does not come here as a reformer; he does come as a man sincerely eager to devote himself to the betterment of the college. With his high ideals, practical background, good humor, and enthusiasm for the task, Mr. Bonds is an excellent choice to head the college.
If we give him the support he deserves, it is easy to believe that, as President Bonds said, the greatest days of Baldwin- Wallace lie ahead of us.
Citation: Beverly Lucas, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1957), p. 13.
Prior to B-W the Bonds family resided in Egypt where Dr. Bonds worked for the government. Though he has been on campus since January of 1956, his formal inauguration was held April 26, 1957.
President Bonds is a man of many interests, but his main interest and pride lie in his family. Dr. Bonds and his wife, Georgiana, are the parents of four children: Annabelle, thirteen; Bryan, eleven; Sandy, seven; and Stephan, six months. They reside in the large comfort able President's House at 329 Beech Street. The President is definitely a "family man" and can often be seen with one or more of his children on the campus.
His sincerity is evident in his eagerness to become acquainted with the students and help them to improve campus life. He has been a very definite asset to the college and has brought dignity and prestige by his presence.
Citation: "Dr. A.B. Bonds, Jr. retires after 26 years," Grindstone, 1981, pg. 9.
He has accomplished more in his lifetime than most people can dream of doing. He has done more for Baldwin-Wallace College than anyone, including himself, though[t] possible.
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Dr. Alfred Bryan Bonds Jr.'s name has become almost synonomous with the college as far as most people in the area are concerned, which is fitting since he has been president for 26 years. Most would consider this a lifelong career, but Dr. Bonds has done much more than this.
A listing of his accomplishments is impossible in this space, but a few highlights allow a glimpse of the depth of Dr. Bonds's career. In 1942 and 1943, he was acting Chief of the Educational Surveys Branch for the War Manpower Commission and later became Assistant Executive Secretary for President Truman's Commission of Higher Education. These and more titles have belonged to Dr. Bonds before he became President of the College.
He is as active now, is not more active, than he was in the past. He's a member of 17 different organizations, and on eight different boards of trustees; he has authored a book and 13 published articles. Out of all these things, what could be his most memorable?
"There are many memorable events," he said with a smile, "but one that I take great pride in was the opening of the first building which I was able to put up. I found out that it could be done, and I did it."
That first building was Ritter Library, built in 1959.
Since then approximately 20 buildings have been constructed on campus under his direction including the Strosacker Hall, Kamm Hall, Finney Stadium, and Bonds Administration Building to name a few.
Other highlights in his memories are the Bach festival, accomplishments of men's and women's athletic teams, and the num[e]rous excellent theatrical productions put on by the school.
When he began as President, Dr. Bonds felt that the school was so small that people here had what seemed to be an inferiority complex. Changing this attitude was the most important contribution, in his opinion.
"It was the creation and expansion of a spirited pride in the institution on the part of the students, faculty and staff members," he said. "Now, this is one of the finest small colleges in the nation, and a great many of the students and certainly the faculty members are aware of it. I think," he concluded, "that this one basic attitude change would have to stand as the one most significant element of evolution in the life of this campus."
After his present duties are completed, and a new president chosen, he will become Chancellor of the College and continue working to raise new funds and friends for the college. He also has he calls "itchy feet" for traveling to some places he hasn't been yet.
It may seem strange then, that when most people think of A.B. Bonds, they don't think of his many accomplishments. Rather, they think of a warm and loving human being who extends himself, his humour, courtesy, and understanding to everyone he meets. We will miss this man who has accomplished so much, experienced so much, and helped so many: Dr. A[l]fred Bryan Bonds, Jr., President of Baldwin-Wallace College.
Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.
During the first ten years of Dr. Bonds' presidency, eleven buildings had been constructed on the B-W campus: Ritter Library, Ray E. Watts Stadium, Wilker Science Hall, North Hall, Findley Hall, Ernsthausen Hall, Heritage Hall, Constitution Halls, Strosacker College Union, the Health Center, and the Life and Earth Sciences Building. The campus increased from 50 to 300 acres.
Citation: Thomas. A. Stiger, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1896), p. 22.
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Miss Professor Brawn was born at Chester, Geauga County, Ohio, August 27th, 1867. Her early education was received at a district school, but when thirteen years of age she was placed in the Geauga Academy, where she remained for four years. At the age of seventeen she began to teach in the public schools. In 1888 she entered Baldwin University, graduating with the class of '93. She was employed as a tutor for one year previous to graduation, and as instructor for two years after graduation. In 1895 she was given the chair of English in Baldwin University.
Citation: “Report States Pres. Breslich Is Dismissed ,” The Exponent (Berea, OH), January 9, 1918, p. 1 & 6.
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While no official statement has as yet been made (Monday p. m.) by the committee which adjourned last Saturday after a two clays' investigation of the charges of disloyalty made against officials of the college it seems pretty certain that it has been decided that President Breslich will be dismissed. Before the committee left Cleveland Sunday a report leaked out to the press and was published in Monday's papers. We have every reason to believe that the report as published is authentic. It read: To the Board of Trustees of Baldwin- Wallace College, Berea, O.
In accordance with your instructions that the committee should agree on finding and make recommendations which your hoard pledged itself to follow implicitly, we unanimously agree and recommend:
Dr. John F. Fisher of Cleveland, secretary of the Board of Trustees, when interviewed, replied: "I have the sealed report of the committee which is to be referred to the board of trustees. The report states that the work of the committee is not finished." He did not deny the newspaper reports.
A meeting of the Trustee Board is set for Thursday, Jan. 10. The report of the committee will be presented for acceptance and. final action.
It will be seen from the above report that the investigating committee pending their final report earnestly request the advice and counsel of the United States government after the further examination of this testimony.
The Exponent believes that the committee has endeavored to show the fullest degree of wisdom and justice and to open the way whereby Baldwin-Wallace College can be made to serve the Government of the United States and the cause for which our country stands in tin's crisis hour with the largest and most conspicuous contribution of Patriotism of which it is capable.
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The Committee has been considerate toward all who had information to contribute and has assumed an impartial attitude thru the investigation.
Dr. A. L. Breslich has been President of the institution since the merger of Baldwin University and German-Wallace College in 1913. He has been a conspicuous religious and educational leader in the German Methodist Church of America, but investigation revealed to the committee that as the President of one of our Methodist Colleges his patriotism has been passive and colorless rather than active and inspiring. Al this time, when literally millions of American sons, many of these even from German homes have enlisted in the armies of Democracy, Freedom and Humanity to fight the fight against militarism, unprecedented atrocity and medieval autocracy, no passive or colorless patriotic hardship can be tolerated at the head of an American Christian College. We shall anxiously await the final report of the committee to be made Thursday to the Trustee Board.
Citation: “Report States Pres. Breslich Is Dismissed ,” The Exponent (Berea,OH), January 9, 1918, pp. 1-2.
When the students returned to Berea last Thursday, from their holiday vacation, the investigation of disloyalty charges made against officers and members of the faculty of Baldwin-Wallace College had been in progress for almost two weeks. All students had been keeping in touch with the situation, more or less, through the press reports and had formed quite definite conclusions from what they knew of conditions from first-hand information. At the first session of the committee on December 24, the greater weight of the evidence had come from Berea citizens and faculty members; but at the second investigation on January 5, after the students' return, the latter played a much greater part in the controversy.
Early Wednesday afternoon a petition was being drafted by a number of the students which was presented to the remainder as they came back to school. This petition which asked for the immediate removal of President Breslich was openly circulated among the 300 students of the college of arts and sciences, who up to Saturday morning, had returned to Berea. Of these two hundred, 153 freely signed the petition which was presented to the investigating committee Saturday forenoon, and which states the attitude of the students toward the issues involved in the. investigation.
Following is the petition:
Berea, O., Jan. 3, 1918
Whereas, the Board of Trustees, of Baldwin-Wallace College in session in Cleveland O., Dec. 19, 1017, resolved, 'That it is the sense of this board and the instruction of this board to the present faculty and all operative heads of departments of Baldwin-Wallace College, that Baldwin-Wallace College shall take an absolute and unequivocal stand against the foes of democracy, and against the German and Austrian forces n their practice of barbarism, whether authorized or unauthorized in the conduct of the present war,"
Whereas, the President of the college las never before the student body unequivocally denounced the crimes and atrocities of Germany, her inhuman methods of warfare or her total disregard of the laws of civilized nations in arriving on the war; he has on no occasion in the hearing of the student body voluntarily given utterance to a single positive patriotic sentiment; he las never committed himself to the cause of democracy for which our government has entered this war,
Whereas, he has, on the other hand, followed the policy of avoiding the issue of the war except when occasion made it absolutely necessary that he speak of it; he has on such occasions taken a pessimistic view of the war and has made statements which have had the effect of suppressing patriotic sentiment.
Whereas, it is the belief of the student body that the President has pro-German sympathies, which have kept him from taking the stand which the president of an American college should take in these critical times;
Whereas, the value of a degree from this institution is greatly minimized because of the pro-German reputation of the school under the present administration;
Whereas, the President has lost the confidence of the Berea citizens, of a large majority of the faculty, and of alumni and supporters of. the school in outlying communities.
Whereas, the students of the college who are loyal to the government of the United States, cannot accept him as a leader to give direction to the teachings of the fundamental principles of Americanism, since it is believed that he himself does not possess those principles;
Whereas, the afore-mentioned Board of Trustees in session at Cleveland, O., on Dec. 19, further resolved, "that Baldwin-Wallace College cannot and will' not retain, harbor or tolerate among its faculty members or officials. any individual who cannot stand squarely for the United States government, and against the attitude and principles of the German and Austrian governments, or who would not willingly and actually, in all proper ways, teach and lead the students to the most loyal type of Americanism and encourage them in every proper expression of that loyalty."
Whereas, the President of Baldwin- Wallace College does not measure up to the standards of Americanism and patriotism expressed by the Board of Trustees in their resolution:
We, the undersigned students of Baldwin-Wallace College petition the investigating committee, provided by the Board of Trustees at their meeting of Dec. 19, in Cleveland, O., and also the Board of Trustees for the immediate removal of Arthur L. Breslich from the position of President of Baldwin- Wallace College.
At the meeting of the Board of Trustees, 339 Guardian Building, Cleveland, Thursday, January 10, Dr. Arthur L. Breslich was formally dismissed as president of Baldwin-Wallace College. The sealed report of the Committee of Bishops, who investigated the charge made against Dr. Breslich, was placed in the hands of the Trustee Board. The Trustees acted promptly. The Bishops' report was endorsed without a dissenting voice.
The report of the meeting given out by the Trustees is as follows:
On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was resolved that the report of the Committee, appointed by 'Bishop William F. McDowell, pursuant to resolution of this board, passed at its meeting of December 10th, 1917, be and hereby is adopted, pending the final report of said Committee.
Further, that Dr. Arthur L. Breslich, President of Baldwin-Wallace College, be relieved of all relation to the institution for the present.
Further, that Dr. G. Franklin Ream, Religious Work Director of the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, be designated as acting President.
Further, that pending Dr. Ream's arrival, Dr. Albert B. Storms, District Superintendent of the Indianapolis District, formerly President of Iowa State College, be appointed to take temporary charge of the College the foregoing having been the recommendations in the report of said Committee.
See: student web exhibit, "Arthur Breslich and the Stille Nacht incident," curated by Abbey Behrendt at
Citation: Missy Morris, “ Professor Charlie Burke keeps busy,” Exponent, October 22, 1976, p. 2.
Charles Burke, professor of political science, was awarded the Charles S. Bechberger Award for Human Development at the Founders' Day convocation on Friday, Oct. 15.
As a political science professor, Burke has been described as willing to spend hours outside the classroom counseling students, to attend numerous student activities, programs, and social affairs, and to create individually tailored programs of study to meet related needs of students outside of the classroom.
One of Burke's more interesting outside classroom activities is an "unhappy hour" for all political science majors. It is held at his home where these students can talk about political science problems and the like.
As an active faculty member, Burke has worked with each student election to assure voting accuracy using his knowledge of the Hare System, which he helped institute at B-W. Also, he has guided early development of the Judicial System, and assisted in refining the Code and training those involved with the Judicial System.
Burke has also served as Student Senate advisor. He resigns with each new election so that students would be free to make another choice for their advisor if they so wish. He is, at present, advisor to the Young Democrats.
Burke is very involved with the Model United Nations program. Last winter quarter, he ran a course seminar for the program and has sponsored the BW UN delegation for quite some time. This year he is co-advisor to the program with Dean Neal Malicky.
Burke was selected by the Bechberger committee, consisting of previous Award winners, Dean Susan Brady and Dean Mark Noffsinger. Faculty members are originally nominated by students.
Burke received the $1,000 award from Mrs. Hazelle Bechberger, widow of Mr. Carl Bechberger.
Citation: Lloyd C. Wicke, ed., “ Another Faculty Member Added ,” The Exponent, February 11, 1922, p. 1.
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Mrs. Burns Comes To B-W. From Warren, Ohio
The new semester with its changes him brought us a new teacher of English and History. Mrs. Dana Hums, graduate of Columbia and the wife of Professor Hums. We were most delightfully surprised to hear that one of the fairer sex was added to our Faculty since we live in the time of equal rights we consider this a step in the right direction.
It was with great regret that we saw Dr. Storms resign from his History classes. Dr. Storms is a great historian. He is a living example of American History. His personality is interwoven with a half century of the making of history in our country. He has prophetic vision and a broad interpretation of the fundamental principles of history. Most of all, we were delighted by the way in which he conducted his classes. We loved his fatherly attitude toward the students and his subtle humor that made his classes interesting. We like to remember his unique laugh with which he kept us awake on those long drowsy afternoon hours of autumn.
Mrs. Burns said in the first recitation that it was with much hesitation that she consented to follow a man of Dr. Storms' caliber. We realize that it is not an easy task to teach college students who "look too good and talk too wise" who ask wise questions and give foolish answers. But we think that Mrs. Burns is mastering the situation well. We admire the spirit in which she attacks her work. The fact that she is a graduate of Columbia gives some of us an inkling that a lazy student will not feel at home in her classes.
Mrs. Burns has a winning personality. She is a lady of culture and refinement and the ability which is so typical of her sex, to unite the small things with the great principles of life.