◄ Encyclopedia of Baldwin Wallace University History: Organizations - W
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Citation: John J. Martin, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1900), p. 82.
President, J. J. Martin, Vice-President, Charles W. Koppes, Recording Secretary, Fred Shealy, Corresponding Secretary, Harry S. Warner, Missionary Secretary, Charles F. Mott, Treasurer, J. B. Ruple
The complete results of religious work are never known. It is an established truth, however, that the Y. M. C. A. is an important factor in the growth of the religious life of the college.
Influences continually go out from it which tell for God. So long as these influences continue to increase in quality and quantity, it is sufficient evidence that the Y. M. C. A. is accomplishing results. The influences gone out from the Y. M C. A. of Baldwin University during the past year, have been equal to, and very probably have surpassed those of previous years. Besides the regular weekly meetings held by the Association, which in themselves alone have fostered the regard for the spiritual, and greatly strengthened many in the holy faith, possibly the most influential events have been the Week of Prayer and the visit of Mr. S. M. Sayford. As a result of these occasions, many have acknowledged Christ while many others have more devotedly consecrated their lives to His service.
The influences of the recent Student Volunteer Convention at Cleveland have also been manifested amongst us. One has already expressed his willingness to be used of the Lord in foreign fields. Others will probably take part in the "Summer Campaign" during the vacation. A course in missions has been introduced into the college curriculum-all have been quickened in missionary interest.
What the Y. M. C. A. of Baldwin University needs for the coming year, is a much larger membership, greater devotion and earnestness on the part of each member, more support from the Faculty, and an abiding trust in God. With these the entire school might soon be won for Christ.
Citation: Dean Webb, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1935), p. 69.
The members of the Young Men's Christian Association have as their purpose: "To live a full and creative life through a growing knowledge of God, and to have a part in making this life possible for all people." In this organization they further strive to understand Jesus and follow Him.
The new cabinet of the Y. M. C. A was installed in office in the spring of 1934 and immediately launched forth on a program of activity which included a series of meetings devoted to topics of student interest. with the Y. W. C. A, they presented Religious Emphasis Week. During this week, Dr. Brashares of the Michigan Then in co-operation campus delivered a series of inspirational talks which were very well received.
Citation: Charles G. Zierk, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1916), p. 114.
The Baldwin-Wallace Young M1m's Christian Association is one of the most important and substantial student organizations on the campus. Being the fusion of two strong associations it has many traditions and a notable. history. Although a single organization for only three years, that time has been well invested in doing much good for the social and spiritual needs of the men.
Besides administering to the immediate needs, such as conducting a labor bureau, being an important gathering place, etc., it has held Sunday morning prayer meetings in the "dorm'', had two special Sunday School classes, held regular weekly devotional meetings, took an active part in the temperance fight at election time and for some time has supported a student in a college in China.
Citation: “Y.M.C.A.,” The Exponent, October 3, 1917, p. 3.
The Y. M. C. A. has started stronger this year than ever before. The contest between the men and women of the school for the largest percentage of membership has resulted in nearly all of the students signing the pledge. The Freshman class is to be commended upon the large number that have started their college life by lining up with one of the Christian organizations.
The first Y. M. meeting was held in the parlor of the men's dorm and was well attended. The Freshmen were heartily welcomed by the older men. Louis Quade led the singing and President Rodehoffer read the scripture lesson. After prayer by Mr. Amstutz the boys were addressed by Rev. Albert Vogel who has passed his hundredth milestone. Mr. Vogel told of his pastorate at Bucyrus, Ohio, where, his life was threatened when he dared to preach against drinking and card playing; he also related other interesting experiences from his long and eventful life. Among them was an account of raising a company of men for service in the Civil War.
Citation: W. D. Zinnecker, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: German Wallace College, 1903), p. 61.
The Young Men's Christian Association of German Wallace College was organized January 26, 1902. Dr. Thomas B. Penfield, ·representing the International Committee, came to us for this· express purpose. After having stirred the students to greater zeal and activity in 1he service of the Master, he assisted in giving the association a proper start. With plenty of able workers and pronounced enthusiasm the work was begun. The chartered membership was thirty-six. Under the leadership of Mr. W.G. Boemmels it rapidly sprang up in to vigorous life. In a few weeks eight Bible classes were begun, each directed by an able leader.
In April the election of officer SJ for the new year was held. Mr. W.A. Baumgarten, being elected president, entered upon his duties with all zest and earnestness. Officers and members, professors and students, all worked together harmoniously in this school of heart-culture. Even though the year 'oz-'03 was the first full year of its existence, the work of the association was crowned with success in every department. At the close of the second term the enrollment was eighty-two active members. About sixty per cent. of these are deriving a lasting benefit from the Bible study classes.
At the regular devotional meetings held in the college chapel, the true spirit of earnestness is clearly visible. The value of spiritual blessing received at these meetings cannot be overestimated. Lectures were given at regular intervals upon subjects essentially valuable to all the students. They were: "The Ministry as a Life-work," by Dr. Charles B. Mitchell, D.D.; "Business as a Life-work," by Mr. W. R. Warner, and "Teaching as a Life-work," by Prof. H. C. Burr.
Delegates have been sent to the various conventions as follows: To Toronto, W.G. Boemmels; to Piqua, W. A. Baumgarten; to Dayton, J. Bockstahler and J. H. Langenwalter; to Delaware, Ph. Haendiges and L. Ackerman. Keeping in continual touch with the general workers, new inspiration is constantly being infused into the local work.
A course in Mission Study has been instituted, through which tl1e member.' become acquainted with the work of noted pioneer missionaries. Since January, '03, a Volunteer Band has been doing active work. The Labor-bureau has been the means of finding employment for quite a number of students, who must depend on their own resources for an education.
The one great aim of all departments of the association is to mold such characters as will stand firm for all righteousness, not only while at college, but throughout the battles of life. The Y. M. C A. is the one organization of the college which, embracing all others, binds the student-body together in one common bond of Christian fellowship. It is young in experience, but has already been of lasting benefit to- many. May the next years see still greater results, and may the association never lose sight of its first great object-the upbuilding of God's kingdom among men.
Citation: Gustav J. Kaletsch, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: German Wallace College, 1912), p. 64.
The Y.M.C.A. was probably the first organization at Wallace that made an effort to have all of the students enrolled as members. In this direction it has done an infinite amount of good. As a college Y.M.C.A. it ranks as one of the best in the state. During the past year it had a higher average of students participating in the several activities, viz., Bible Study, Mission Study, etc., than any other college organization in the state of Ohio.
Officers and Cabinet 1911-1912
President ........................... Oscar A. Hund
Vice-President .................... Samuel E. Kaetzel
Secretary ............................ Orvis C. Irwin
Treasurer ......................... Theodore Bobilin
Reporter ............................... Chas. Zierk
Chairmen of Committees
Devotional - 0.A. Hund
Bible Study - S.E. Kaetzel
Mission Study - L. Wood
Pinance - T. Bobilin
Membership - J. Krill
Social - 0. Bockstahler
Music - E. H. Guenther
Labor - Benj. Drescher
Books - Chas. Kupfer
Handbook - W. Edw. Allinger
Citation: John J. Martin, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1900), p. 83.
President, Miss Almeda Palmer, Vice-President, Miss Sadie Williams, Recording Secretary, Miss May Strome, Corresponding Secretary, Miss Nora Crow, Treasurer, Miss Ethel Burdoin.
In some manner, perhaps moved upon by the Holy Spirit, the hearts of twelve God-loving young women, May 25, 1893, were ardently stirred with the desire to organize a Young Women's Christian Association in Baldwin University. Each one felt her responsibility, and knew that if the hearts of her fellow-students were to be reached, they must be reached in the might and by the power of God through human co-operation; therefore they banded themselves together.
When God is honored, He will bless most abundantly. He will not fail those who willingly and joyously obey Him. This we have proved. And our hearts are filled with encouragement, for many have joined our ranks to give the religion of our blessed Lord the foremost position among the ladies of our school.
As the years advance, and the association becomes older, more strong and precious becomes the tie which binds the hearts of the members in Christian love. The influence of one upon another is purer, more golden, more for the glory of Him whose temples we are, than it has been hitherto. Our weaknesses, however, are often felt, and not infrequently in our meetings, as from the heart of one, our prayer for strength ascends unto Him in Whom are all our springs, and Who always "supplies our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.''
Yes, our Y. W. C. A. meetings are a source of inspiration and strength. The lady students of B. U. will long remember the pleasant things connected with their Alma Mater. But will not the hallowed influences received in the Wednesday and Saturday evening meetings linger longest in memory's chambers? Aye, shall they not be ever fresh? Truly, the sacred influence of these meetings shall live even after this life is over, and the Master shall have said to each faithful Y. W. C. A. laborer with respect to her work here, "She did what she could."
Ever may these meetings continue! And may they always prove a well to the ladies passing through the severe discipline of our college course.
Citation: “Y.W.C.A.,” The Exponent, October 3, 1917, p. 3.
A splendid crowd turned out for the first meeting of the Y. W. C. A. on Thursday evening, September 20. Miss Louchs, the. chairman of the Bible Study Committee, was in charge of the meeting, and she should be congratulated on her good discretion in choosing the speaker for the evening Professor Chrisman. Dr. Grover introduced the speaker and in his short speech showed his vital interest in the Association work and the literature pertaining to it. Prof. Chrisman's talk concerning the Bible as literature was exceedingly interesting, for he pointed out many beautiful passages which prove that the Bible is the Book of Books even in its excellent literary value. Mrs. Chrisman of Front St. favored the audience with a vocal solo. When the crowd dispersed all felt that they had received something worthwhile from the meeting. Every girl was asked to bring one girl to the next meeting, that girl being herself, and invite any others who ire or should be interested in the Association work.
The Y. W. C. A. reception for new iris was held in the Y. W. parlors on Thursday evening, September 27. The affair was tastily appointed and was a success in every way.
The old members were seated in a circle around the room according to the respective committees to which each belongs and the new girls entered in a recessional carrying unlighted candles. They marched to the front of the room past where the president stood holding lighted candle from which each girl lighted her small one. The small candles were then arranged on a table to form the letters Y.W.C.A., after which the new girls took their places on their respective committees.
The chairmen of the various commit-; tees knelt in the center of the room forming a circle and were led in prayer by the president, Miss Scheirich.
The President later gave an address: to the Association showing to each' girl some of her possibilities for usefulness during the coming year. The plan of the Association is an intricate one and owing to the many and varied fields of activity each girl will feel that she must be an active member. A faculty advisory board is placed over the various committees, each member of which is to be responsible for three committees: Mrs. Ficken; chairman of the board, is responsible for the social finance and publicity committees; Mrs. Boggess, missions, conference and; Bible; Miss Michel, social meetings and membership.
The chairmen of the different committees are as follows: Beatrice -Matthews, membership; Lyda Loucks, meetings; Ruth Hoddinott, missions; Gertrude Thorns, publicity; Lucile: Tracy, conference; Norma Wilker, social; Ellen Ruth Wyttenbach, social service; Marie Speelman, finance; Bertha Stiefel, Bible study.
Citation: Dean Webb, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1935), p. 68.
There are no women students on the Baldwin-Wallace campus who at some time have not been reached by the Y. W. C. A., for its purpose is "to realize full and creative life through a growing knowledge of God, to try to make this life possible for all people, and to understand Jesus and follow him."
In accomplishing their purpose, they advanced a broad program which included, in addition to its weekly meetings, events such as: Big and Little Sister activities, World Fellowship Dinner, Christmas party for the children of Berea, Student Industrial Conference, entertainment of the Friendship Club of Berea High, Little Sister relations at the Orphans' Home, May Day Breakfast, Geneva Rally- entertainment of cabinets from other campuses, and Twilight Service.
Citation: Gustav J. Kaletsch, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: German Wallace College, 1912), p. 65.
The Young Women's Christian Association of German Wallace College was organized in the fall of 1910 with a membership of thirty-two. Up to that time the young women were connected with the local Y. M. C. A. as an auxiliary. Although they were greatly benefited by this, the need of a separate organization was felt by many and resulted in the birth of an association for young women. At first independent of the National Organization, the young women later realized the desirability of an affiliation with that body, in the benefits which are to be derived from the visits of the State Secretary, the literature which is sent regularly from the National Headquarters and from the attendance of conventions and summer conferences. The members are all "live wires" in the work of the organization and show a keen interest in the weekly meetings. Several lectures by outside speakers have been greatly enjoyed, such as: "Christian Service," by Miss Litzel, of the Cincinnati Training School; "Personal Work," by Miss Krauter of Cleveland; and the "White Slave Traffic," by Miss Lucy Hall of the "Midnight Mission" of Chicago, Ill.
Officers and Cabinet 1911-1912
President ........................... Myrel Reynolds
Vice-President ........................ Rose Wehking
Secretary .............................. Minnie Krill
Treasurer . . ........................ Frieda Rogatsky
Reporter .............................. Esther Beyer
Chairmen of Committees
Devotional and Music ................. Elizabeth Lash
Bible and Mission Study .............. Hilda Gottfried
Membership and Social . . .. . .......... Emma Allinger
Citation: Alvin Norcross, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1939), p. 43.
The Youth Forum is the current result of an awakening of interests in communion and discussion of topics and questions vital to all young people. In Sunday night sincerity, and under the outstanding presidency of Ruth Sturtevant, the Youth Forum has this year opened new avenues of expression and impression to the students of college and community affairs. Great social issues, as that of international peace, pertinent and personal religious experiences, cultural, and intellectual outlook developed by great authors- such is a sample of programs that have kept this group alert.