Citation: John J. Martin, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1900), p. 22.
Birth | 1842 |
Death | December 28, 1921 |
Graduated | 1865 |
Degree | Bachelor of Science |
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Mrs. Mary McDermott Santley, was graduated from B. U. in 1865. The same year she became Assistant Principal of the Seminary at Maumee City. After resigning this position in 1868, she held responsible positions in Literary Societies, Sunday Schools, Missionary Work and in Temperance Organizations.
Quite recently she has done excellent work as "Lady in Charge '' of the girls of the Latin School of the Woman's College of Baltimore. She entered B. M. as instructor in Art in the autumn of 1897.
All her life she has been a devoted student of Art. She has studied under such masters as John Semon. She is a most worthy instructor in that art which gives refinement and culture, a lover of the fundamental principles of Art, Power, Beauty, Truth, Reverence. Her beautiful life and character are an inspiration for good to all with whom she comes in contact.
Citation: Bill Brune, “New Ritter Library Director Assumes Position,” The Exponent, September 29, 1978, p. 3.
One of the newest arrivals to the Baldwin-Wallace community is Pat Scanlan, Director of Ritter Library. Besides being learned in library science, Scanlan holds a Ph.D. in Chinese History and Is a specialist in the Chines language, an uncommon study in midwestern United States.
"I was with the University —of-Kansas-for-the-past-two-years,” reported Scanlan. "The library at the University had over sixty thousand volumes on the Chinese language. The University also offers a major in the Chinese language and Chinese History."
When asked if he would ever consider, teaching Chinese or Chinese History at Baldwin- Wallace, Scanlan replied, "Well, perhaps history; but the Chinese language itself Is very difficult and complex.' Since my wife Is from China, she'd be much better qualified to teach Chinese than I would."
Scanlan, his wife, and children lived in southeastern Asia for six years. While there, Scanlan did teach Chinese history. Various Chinese artifacts, souvenirs of his life in Asia, adorn his office in Ritter. Presently, he and his family reside in Berea.
Scanlan had much to say about his plans for Ritter Library. Perhaps his largest goal is "to -integrate the library-system for the learning fashion of Baldwin- Wallace College."
"Every library must decide its main purpose. There are archives, social centers, museums, and historical libraries. My personal preference Is a function al library. Our estimates show 10 percent of the B-W student body coming in daily. Since Baldwin-Wallace has many commuters, Ritter Library must meet the demands observing the residential students and the commuters. Basically, we "try to serve the resident student in a traditional way. But, the commuters are another story. I know there is not enough parking evening students. So far, we are not sure how many commuters use Ritter Library. Honestly, we're not sure how to serve the commuters yet."
The hours of Ritter Library have been slightly adjusted this quarter to conform with the Weekend College format. Adjustments include a few extended hours on Saturday evening and opening and closing an hour earlier Sundays. "If enough of the student body don't like the current library hours, then we may make another adjustment. Afterall, Ritter Library is here to serve everyone whether they be residents, commuters, or Weekend College students."
Scanlan welcomes everyone to offer their comments in the suggestion box at the checker desk located at the front doors of Ritter Library.
Citation: Charles F. Mott, ed., Palladian (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1897), p. 18.
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Dr. Schuyler was connected with Baldwin University for twenty-three years. He received the degree of M.A. from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1860 and that of LL. D. from Otterbein University in 1873.
His first teaching was done in the Seneca County Academy at Republic, O., where he served as Principal for twelve years. He then became Professor of Mathematics in Baldwin University, a position he held for ten years. In 1875 he succeeded to the presidency and became Professor of Philosophy and Higher Mathematics, holding at the same time the offices of President of the Ohio College Association and President of the State Teachers' Association.
In Dr. Schuyler Baldwin University had a ripe scholar and an author of text books, of rare ability. His books are used in scores of high schools and colleges and comprise the following works: Higher Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Surveying, Logic and Psychology. To this list are soon to be added works on Analytic Geometry and Ethics which are now in manuscript. After leaving Baldwin University Dr Schuyler was for five years President of Kansas Wesleyan University, and still holds the chair of Philosophy and Higher Mathematics in the same institution.
Citation: A. R. Webber, Life of John Baldwin, Sr. of Berea, Ohio (The Caxton Press, 1925), 189-202.
The professor who gave to Baldwin University great prestige in scholarship was the world's noted mathematical professor, Aaron Schuyler, the author of the greatest line of mathematical works in America, all written in Berea. He reached the advanced age of eighty-five, and passed away at his home in Salina, Kansas, in 1913. He and John Baldwin, the founder, were warm personal friends and co-workers for years in building the institution. He was so much a part of the university as professor, and for a time its president, that to not give an account of his life and works would be doing injustice to both Mr. Baldwin's history, as well as his own.
I cannot do better than to copy an article on his death and life works that appeared in the Kansas City “Journal,“ which reads:
“Noted Philosopher and Mathematician, Author and Former College President, Succumbs After Long Illness
“His Works Translated. Books on Psychology Recognized and Quoted Over Civilized World
“Salina, Kansas, February 1. Dr. Aaron Schuyler, D.D., Ph.D., famous educator and author, who had been critically ill for some time, died at noon to-day at his home here. He was eighty-five years old and formerly was President of Kansas Wesleyan University.
“Doctor Schuyler was one of the most widely known mathematicians and philosophers in America, and his works have been translated into many languages. His books on logic and psychology are quoted by authors in all parts of the civilized world, and he is held in high esteem by all. More than fifty-five years of his life were given to college work, during seventeen of which he was president of institutions. For twelve years he was president of Baldwin University in Ohio, and for five years he was at the head of the Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina.
“A number of books now used as college texts in schools all over the country were written by Doctor Schuyler. His works were on arithmetic, algebra, geometry, logic, trigonometry, surveying, ethics, psychology, analytical geometry, and the history of philosophy.
“Born in Seneca County, New York, on February 7, 1828, Doctor Schuyler in his youth is said to have been a very precocious boy and to have shown unusual skill in mathematics. Often he distanced his own instructors, and was soon able to command a chair of mathematics himself. After that time he continually kept in the line of college work, gradually moving westward with the development of the country.
“Kept school alive. - Doctor Schuyler became president of the Kansas Wesleyan University here in its darkest days, and his great influence and nation-wide reputation kept the school in existence in the early struggles of Central Kansas. He retired from active service here nearly six years ago and since that time he spent a larger part of his time at his room in study and research.
“Doctor Schuyler heard the famous Douglas Lincoln debate and during the tour of the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, in America, he met and conversed with the future English king. Doctor Schuyler was a strong member of the Republican Party since its organization and voted for every candidate for President ever nominated by the party. His first came before the organization was effected, and in 1849 he voted for General Zachary Taylor.
“ The same month of his death appeared in the Berea paper, from the able pen of Professor Victor Wilker, of Berea, who gave his life as professor of language in Baldwin University, Wallace College, and Baldwin- Wallace College, the following exceedingly interesting pen pictures of the great man:
“Berea, Ohio, Friday, February 21, 1913
“By Victor Wilker
“Story of a Remarkable Scholar, Who for Twenty-three Years was Professor and President of Baldwin
“Some of the greatest men of all countries were self-made. As far as his masterly knowledge of mathematics is concerned, Aaron Schuyler belongs to this class. Although in the course of time numerous in its darkest days, and his great influence and na letters became attached to his name, none of the academic degrees for which they stood were the reward for completing a certain course of study in college or university; they were bestowed upon him pro honore.
“Schuyler never studied for recognition, but in order to know. He was a student, a scholar, pure and simple. He dug deep in search for kernels of truth, and when he had discovered some new fact, he was as happy as the man in the gospel, who, having found a pearl of great price, sold all he had and bought it.
“Schuyler, too, sold all he had for the sake of truth. He lost his life, in one sense of the word, and gained it in another, a higher sense. His was a high plane of living- the realm of thought. 'Good times' in the usual acceptation of the term, were almost unknown to him. He was always occupied, either teaching, preaching, lecturing, writing, studying, reading, or thinking. His life was, in the truest · sense of the word, the life of a scholar.
“I remarked that numerous academic t itles were affixed to his name. I am confident, however, that his friends, especially his pupils, were prouder of them than he. Well do I remember the occasion when the degree LLD. had been conferred on him by Ohio Wesleyan.
“The fact was announced in Hulet Hall at the close of the commencement exercises. Those who heard the explosion that followed will never forget it. First a clapping of hands and waving of handkerchiefs, in which the entire audience participated. This was followed by shouting, shrieking, and stamping by the alumni and students. Finally the latter jumped upon the seats and acted like demoniacs. And it was all so spontaneous-simply a recognition of great merit and well-deserved honor. I have often thought of the difference between scholars of the stamp of a Schuyler, Herzer, Burritt, Herschel, or Hugh Miller and the modern “college men,“ who peep in at the doors of several large universities, usually not for the sake of quenching their thirst for knowledge, but for the purpose, principally, of obtaining some recognition from these centers of learning, in the form of an official document, certifying to the fact that they have pursued certain studies or finished a prescribed course.
“Schuyler was a plain, unconventional man. He never flattered, nor stooped to conquer, and he always called a spade a spade. He was an enemy of superficiality, and he had nothing but contempt for men who tried to pose, or to make an impression.
“I vividly recall an incident which verifies the correctness of my assertion. Once, in a teachers' meeting, post-graduate courses were discussed. One of the professors present spoke in a boasting tone of the strict examinations he had been 'put through' previous to obtaining the coveted degree. When the meeting had adjourned, Schuyler took me to a corner of the hall, and in a tone explosive with disgust and sarcasm, said :
“ 'Wilker, what do you think of that? “Put through!“ He put through? Nobody ever put him through! He is shallow and knows absolutely nothing thoroughly-absolutely nothing, despite his postgraduate studies and his high-sounding degree. His glib tongue and his title have smoothed the way for him so far, but he will get into trouble in due time. I have known him for years. He is a bluff, an academic charlatan.'
“The following commencement the papers announced that professor X of Y College had resigned, in order to enter another field of labor!
“Schuyler was not only a great mathematician, but he was also at home in various other branches, especially in metaphysics, his series of mathematical text books were followed by treatises on logic, psychology, and kindred subjects. His publications are not only thorough, but also original; the latter to such an extent that it is not an easy task for a teacher to use them as texts, unless he has been one of his pupils. Take for example his arithmetic and his logic. No other books like them have ever been published. This feature is, perhaps, the principal reason why some of his text books have not had the wide circulation which they deserve. They are too original in their make-up, hence too difficult for any but thinkers to handle.
“Schuyler was a great teacher. In the classroom he was at his best. He had much in common with Pestalozzi, Diesterweg, Arnold, and Mann. However, he was no disciplinarian, no drillmaster in the modern sense. He was too great a teacher to be either. His teaching was like that of Roehrig, the great Cornell linguist. Of the latter, my former pupil, Hon. W. H. Tucker, of Toledo, while a graduate student at Ithaca, wrote me: 'Roehrig is a wonderful linguist and a great teacher. He makes the driest etymologies living things, and holds his classes spellbound. But he is no drillmaster, nor does he waste his time on lazy pupils. He ignores those who do not care for what he teaches.
“Schuyler could drill, and he did whenever it was necessary, but as a rule he did not kill time and exhaust his nerves in dealing with students that could not be induced to do their duty. His assistant, Miss Warner, was not only a good teacher, but also a drill-'mistress.' She took infinite pains with dull or lazy students.
“I remarked that Schuyler was a plain, unconventional man. Some may have considered him a little eccentric. However, his peculiarities of manner were always natural and becoming to him. He could do and say things and take liberties in the classroom that would have made other teachers ridiculous, had they attempted to imitate him.
“For instance, it was not unusual in cold weather for him to sit with his feet on top of the stove and his back turned to the blackboard, while some one was explaining a problem.
“Did he follow the demonstration? Watch and see!
“By and by the student flies off on a tangent, or makes a slight mistake. Suddenly a voice comes from the direction of the stove:
“ 'What didst thou say, “General Sigel“? Kindly repeat that last statement?'
“In case 'General Sigel' got bewildered, the 'class' was requested to set him right. If nobody volunteered, the voice from behind the stove would take up the demonstration and finish it, the feet in the meanwhile remaining on the stove, unless they were warmed enough. In that case he would arise, 'grasp the stick' (take the pointer), and make the subject, no matter how difficult, so clear that a fool could not help seeing it. He rarely knew where the lesson was, but he always knew more than the lesson contained.
“I have seen him puzzled but once. That was on a great occasion when he was covering the entire blackboard with figures and symbols in explaining a very obtuse point in analytic geometry. He was nearly through when he discovered a slight error in the calculation, which he knew would cause too great discrepancy in the final result. For a moment he was perplexed, ran his long chalk-covered fingers through his hair, screwed up his face, as he was wont to do when he had a difficult problem to solve, and grew nervous.
“ 'Well, well,' he muttered, 'I had that all right last night in my study. I wonder where the mistake is. Come, folks, help me find it. No one leaves this room until it is found.'
“I watched his assistant, Miss Warner. Evidently she was more excited than he. Her eyes were riveted upon the blackboard as if her life depended upon finding the error. Suddenly a change came over the expression of her countenance and she was heard to say:
“ 'Doctor, I think if you substitute plus for minus there (pointing to the place), the equation will come out all right.'
“'That's it,' cried the professor: 'Eureka! How could I make such a mistake!' And he laughed out loud for joy like a girl that has found her lost doll.
“And the students--did they laugh? Yes, for joy and out of pure sympathy. They, too, had been on needles for the last ten minutes.
“Schuyler was not an 'all-around' man in the modern sense of the word. He was a specialist. In some departments of learning he was a layman. Take for example grammar. He had taught it in the academy. He also frequently lectured on grammar in teachers' institutes. Nevertheless his knowledge of it was one-sided and deficient. It lacked a linguistic basis. His authorities in grammar were Holbrook and Harvey, whose books at that time were not accurate. I remember an instance when Doctor Schuyler delivered a lecture on grammar before a largely attended teachers' institute held in the Berea High School room. I took issue with him in reference to his system of analysis. I pointed out the absurdities to which such analysing would necessarily lead and illustrated by examples taken from Latin and German. His reply was:
“ 'Wilker (in private he never called me professor, but simply Wilker-a fact of which I was and still am proud), what care I for your illustrations from other languages. English is good enough for me. We Americans have our own syntax and analysis; we don't borrow from Latin or German. I can prove to you by Holbrook and Harvey that I am right.' 'But, excuse me, doctor; both of these authors, whose books I well know, having used them in my classes for many years, are wrong. I can prove it to you by Whitney and Maetzner, the highest English and German authorities.'
“ 'Wilker,' was the final verdict, 'I don't care a snap for your English and German authorities. Holbrook, Harvey, and myself are my authorities!' That ended the discussion, and we parted the best of friends.
“Doctor Schuyler was not only opinionated in matters pertaining to English grammar, but also in the use of words, as the following incident shows. He used the word conflixion (spelling it with an x) when speaking of the collision of classes. I finally ventured to ask in a faculty meeting whether that was the correct word to use.
“'Certainly!' was the ex-cathedra answer of the doctor, 'what other word would you suggest?'
“ 'Conflict; and for the simple reason that there is no such word as conflixion in the English language.'
“Then he flared up: 'Professor Wilker, you German, do you mean to criticize us Americans, who are born to the manor in the use of our vernacular? Conflict is the correct word when armies clash; when classes collide, we say conflixion.'
“ 'Well, doctor, you may say so, but the dictionary does not. Convince yourself.'
“He made an airline for Webster, turned the leaves, and ran his finger down the column headed 'con.' 'Conflict!' he exclaimed, 'Just as I said: “collision of armies. “ Now watch: confli-, confli-; I declare, the word is missing! Well, you are right in asserting that the word is not in the dictionary, but I say it ought to be there; for I affirm that there is a vast difference between the collision of armies and of students!'
“We all agreed with him there; even Professor White and Miss Warner, both of whom had followed the discussion with intense interest, smiled a bland smile! However, the lapsus etymologiae did not shake our faith in him. I for one knew only too well that in matter pertaining to mathematics or metaphysics he overtowered me as a giant does a pigmy.
“Although a great mathematician, he was not at home in mental arithmetic. I never knew him to do any reckoning except with crayon or pencil in hand. Once he borrowed from me a text book on logic. A week later he intercepted me on the street, enquiring whether I would sell him the book. I answered in the affirmative.
“ 'Well, what is the price?'
“'$1.25, with 20 per cent off,' he muttered; 'let me see (taking a pencil from his pocket and covering a fence-board with figures); 20 per cent of 125 is 25, and 25 from 125 leaves 100. That makes an even dollar, doesn't it?'
“I bit my lip as he handed me a dollar bill.
“As college president he was not 'successful' in the usual acceptation of the term. As presiding officer of an institution, he was not in his element. His place was the study and the schoolroom. He was too great a scholar, too profound a thinker, to be a good manager. He could not collect funds nor get up a boom. He was rarely seen in public and took slight interest in politics. I never heard him deliver an address on a public occasion.
“As writer and speaker he was somewhat dry. His addresses lacked the quality that stir people. He was not sufficiently in touch with life as it is found among the various strata of society. Hence he was no 'popular' speaker. He could not make the heartstrings of the people composing a mixed audience vibrate. On the other hand, his lectures before students and scholarly people always made an impression. The students of both institutions would flock to a meeting, if it was known that he was to speak.
“Although Doctor Schuyler had a prodigious memory for figures and abstract learning, it usually left him in the lurch when he tried to recall names. This may have been partly due to indifference. It seems he never tried to remember the names of all his students. He usually substituted a sobriquet for such as to him sounded outlandish. Hence many of the German students attending his classes bore a nickname. I remember these: 'General Sigel,' 'General Rosecrans,' 'General Moltke,' 'Bismarck,' 'Humboldt,' 'Reddy,' 'Blue Eyes,' 'Fatty.'
“He sometimes neglected to send the report of the German students that studied mathematics with him. As I was a sort of a connecting link between the two schools, our president, Doctor Riemenschneider, usually requested me to get Doctor Schuyler's 'marks.' On one occasion I met him on the street and reminded him of his delinquency, adding the president would like the grades at an early date.
“ 'Oh, I can give them to you now,' was his reply. 'Have you pencil and paper with you? Let me see-which German students are in analytical geometry? There is “Reddy“; he is a crack student. Give him 98.'
“ 'Yes, doctor, but who is “Reddy“?
“ 'Why, that tall fellow, with yellow hair and beard and long chin.'
“ 'Oh, you mean Rauschenbusch.“
“ 'I guess that's the name he gave 1ne, but it's a jaw-breaker, and I baptized him “Reddy. “ That's much shorter and easier to pronounce. Then there's “Miss Fatty. “She is so-so. I think she's lazy. But that may be on account of her embonpoint. (Do I pronot1nce that correctly?) Fat people are usually lazy. They can't help that. So give her -I won't be too hard on her since she takes my jokes so good-naturedly- give her 74.'
“ 'But, doctor, whom do you mean? We have several fat girls. One of them especially is a slowpoke. Fraeulein Sachte do you mean her?'
“ 'Yes, that's the one. I could not pronounce her name either. That German “ch“ sounds so outlandish. So I call her “Fatty. “The epithet seemed so appropriate.'
“Thus we would go through the whole list. In those days I sometimes could 11ot help parodying Dame Blanche: 'Oh quel plaisir d'etre professeur!'
“I once related this episode to several alumni, when a school-ma' m-not a former pupil of Schuyler- sputtered. 'A nice professor! If we high-school teachers were to guess at the grades in that fashion, our principal would sit down on us!'
“ 'But my dear Miss, “suggested one of the ex-students, 'he didn't guess. The grades that he drew from his inner consciousness were perhaps more reliable than those that are the result of daily marking and weekly and monthly averages.'
“I do not hesitate to assert that all who have ever had instruction under this wonderful ·teacher will concur in the se11timent expressed by the ex-student. There is, perhaps, too much machinery and rigmarole in our schools, and not enough genuine personal teaching. Schuyler was not ill the schoolroom 'to hear recitations' and to 'mark' the result on the scale of 100, but to teach!
“According to the state1nent of Professor Speckmann, who was associated with him for many years, his labors at Salina, Kansas, were appreciated fully as much as at Berea. The new dormitory was named Schuyler Hall, and the anniversary of his birth \vas observed regularly. Among the students he was known as 'The Grand Old Man.'
“He lived to a ripe age, in full possession of his mental powers, thus verifying the assertion often made to his students, that a man who continues to study and think, will remain young until he reaches the age of fourscore years. His only bodily ailment of late was an impediment in hearing, which finally induced him to withdraw from active teaching, to the regret of students, faculty, and trustees.
“The last few years of his life were spent in communion with his books, respected and honored by the entire community.
“He has passed away. His work, extending through more than half a century, has been well done. Thousands have felt the magic influence of his powerful personality, and by them he will riot be forgotten.
“But why cannot a great teacher like Schuyler live a thousand years?“
Citation: Thomas. A. Stiger, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1896), p. 23.
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Mr. John G. Scorer, Professor of Elocution, was born in the year 1859. He spent the greater part of his boyhood in the Keystone State, where, nineteen years ago, he began in the public schools of Westmoreland Co. his work as a teacher. Since then he has occupied prominent positions in normal schools, colleges and Chautauqua assemblies. Prof. Scorer received his professional training under some of the best teachers in the elocutionary profession, among them Walter C. Lyman of Chicago and Mark Bailey of Yale College. He is a graduate of the Department of Oratory of the Northwestern University of Evanston, Ill., under the direction of Prof. R. L. Cumnock.
Citation: John J. Martin, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1900), p. 21.
John G. Scorer. Professor in Elocution. Graduate School of Oratory of Northwestern University, under Instructors Walter C. Lyman, of Chicago, and Mark Bailey, of Yale University; Instructor in the Carey Institute, Pittsburg, three years; Mt. Union College, three years; Cleveland Y . M. C. A. Christian Workers' Training School, three years; Hiram College, one year; Founder and Principal of Cleveland School of Elocution and Oratory; Director of Elocution in Florida Chautauqua, Lakeside, Ohio, Epworth Park, Bethesda, Ohio.
Citation: "Dr. John Sinnema, Class of 1933."
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The majority of John Sinnema's life has been dedicated to teaching Baldwin Wallace students, a career started in 1933, and, except for a few brief interruptions, taught until his retirement in 1975. In addition, he was head of the department of Foreign Languages and Dean of Men from 1947-52.
John has been an active contributor to B-W since his student days. He was editor of the Grindstone, a member of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, and active in the Modern Language Club. He graduated magna cum laude in 1933 and went on to earn his masters degree from Western Reserve University in 1938. He spent the summers of 1939 and 1940 and the academic year of 1940-41 studying toward his doctorate degree at the University of Michigan. His studies were postponed for military service and after the war, John transferred his doctoral work to the University of Cincinnati where he received his Ph.D. in 1949.
Before starting his teaching at B-W, John taught in the Cleveland Public Schools. While teaching, he wrote the textbook used at B-W from 1957-75, a half dozen articles for books and journals, and a book on Hendrik van Veldke, a medieval poet.
In 1963, John was elected president of the National Alumni Association. His many other activities include: past president of the Ohio Modern Teachers Association and of the German Cultural Garden Association of Cleveland.
John's admirable record of teaching was recognized in 1961 when he received the Strosacker Award for Excellence in Teaching and again in 1975 when he was honored with the Ficken Award for Outstanding Contribution to the teaching of Languages. In 1968, he was given the Officers Cross of the Order of Merit from the Federal Republic of Germany.
In 1975, because of the serious illness of his wife, Ruth Borneman Sinnema '35, John took early retirement. He served on the boards of trustees for the Alzheimer's Disease Association and the Altenheim, a skilled nursing facility in Strongsville.
John is currently an archivist and historian for the Cleveland District of the United Methodist Church and director of the B-W American-German Institute. In addition, he is working with a former student and colleague, Dr. Robert E. Ward, on a book The German-Speaking Element of Greater Cleveland.
Citation: John Sinnema, "Post-1933 Vita, John Ralph Sinnema"
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After graduation in 1933, I taught German at Baldwin-Wallace for one year while Miss Ruth Beyer took leave of absence for her Ph.D. residence work. Myron Wicke taught French and I had a German class. This presented me with a good opportunity to work at Western Reserve University toward a master's degree, a program which I completed in 1938. I taught German and mathematics at Thomas Jefferson Junior High School in Cleveland and at the Cleveland Preparatory School on the Public Square from 1934 to 1936. Then I returned to B-W to teach German full-time.
In the summers of 1939 and 1940 and during the academic year 1940-41, studied toward a doctor's degree at the University of Michigan. This program was interrupted by three years of military service, half of it in Europe. Lured by the offer of a fascinating dissertation subject, I transferred my doctoral work to the University of Cincinnati in 1947. After the year of residence work, I finished my Ph.D. with a dissertation on "The Dutch Translations of Sebastian Brant's Narrenschiff," a topic that rekindled a natural interest in the Dutch language, literature, and folklore.
In 1949, I returned to B-W to teach German and serve as dean of men, a position that I had filled while teaching German and mathematics in 1947-48. After the retirement of Dr. Hilbert T. Ficken, my favorite professor, I taught German full-time.
While teaching I wrote the textbook we used at B-W from 1957 to 1975, a half dozen articles for books and journals, and a book on Hendrik van Veldke, a medieval poet. I have written other articles since my retirement.
In 1975, alarmed at the serious illness of my wife, Ruth, whom I had married in 1943, I retired a year early. She passed away in 1981. Her illness led me to positions on the boards of trustees of the Alzheimer's Disease Association and the Altenheim, a skilled nursing facility in Strongsville.
From 1963 to 1965 I served as national president of the Baldwin-Wallace College Alumni Association. I was national chairman "German Language and Literature to 1700," an assembly of 600 members, at the Modern Language Association of America convention in 1964 and leader of the MLA Conference of Netherland Scholars in 1958, 1965, and 1967. In Ohio, I was president of the Ohio Modern Language Teacher's Association (2000 members) in 1958 and of the Ohio College Association Division of Modern Languages in 1953. At present I am the archivist and historian for the Cleveland District of the United Methodist Church.
Chief honors bestowed on me have been the Officer's Cross of the Order of Merit from the Federal Republic of Germany (1968), the Strosacker Award for Excellence in Teaching (1961), and the Ficken Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Teachings of Languages (1975). I was listed in the 37th edition of Who's Who in America and in six other biographical works.
The greatest task facing me at present is the completion of a book on "The German-Speaking Element of Greater Cleveland" in collaboration with Dr. Robert E. Ward, colleague and former student.
Citation: Thomas. A. Stiger, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1896), p. 20.
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James Hervey Smith, the successful professor of natural sciences and librarian in Baldwin University, was born near Massillon, Stark Co., 0. As most boys on a farm, he worked hard during the summer and went to school for a few months in the winter. His desire for advanced learning led him to attend the Massillon High School, from which he graduated in 1881. The following fall he entered at Oberlin, where he was graduated in 1887. During his college course he became deeply interested in scientific research and was instrumental in causing an advanced course in chemistry to be introduced at Oberlin. The year 1887-8 he spent at Johns Hopkins University, pursuing the study of chemistry under Prof. Remsen and Dr. Renouf. The following year found him in the University of Michigan, where he gave particular attention to the study of geology under Dr. Alexander Winchell, and physics under Prof. Carhart. Each of these men is, in his specialty, almost unsurpassed. Thus Prof. Smith has had the opportunity to prepare himself under superior teachers. In the fall of 1889 he was elected to the chair of science in Baldwin Univers1ty. The summer of '95 he spent in special study in Chicago University. Since Prof. Smith came to the University he has introduced several beneficial changes, among them being ex peri mental work in chemistry. Under him more science has been taught than at any other time in the institution's history, and the outlook is excellent for a much farther advancement in scientific advantages for our students. The Professor is a member of two of the leading scientific associations of the country-the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Ohio State Academy of Sciences.
Citation: Bonnie Mills, “Know Your Faculty; Dr. Squire,” The Exponent, March 2, 1976, p. 6.
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One of the busiest men on campus is Dr. Alan Squire. In addition to teaching clarinet, Dr. Squire is also the head of the Conservatory's Woodwind Department and the conductor of Concert Wind Ensemble. He also gives private clarinet lessons to about 22 students, and, when called upon, helps coach small ensemble groups for recitals.
Dr. Squire spent two years at Graceland College in Lamoni, Iowa. He then transferred to the University of Michigan. He received his bachelor's degree in 1949 and his master's in 1950, both from the University of Michigan.
Squire came to B-W in 1950 to teach. In 1960, he received his doctorate from the University of Illinois.
One of Squire's achievements was the formation of the concert choir in 1968. The choir, which meets intermittently, consists of clarinet students playing various instruments of the clarinet family, performing music written just for clarinet choir and some transcriptions of other pieces.
Squire performers profession ally in the area. He is the solo clarinetist for the Blossom Festival Band during the summer and the principle clarinetist for the Ohio Chamber Orchestra. Squire also performs for opera companies that come to Cleveland, and will fill in on clarinet from time to time.
Dr. Squire is a member of the Baldwin-Wallace Faculty wind Quintet, which will perform this Sunday at 8 p.m. in Kulas Auditorium.
Squire's conducting experience includes being guest conductor the Lakewood Summer Band Concerts for almost six years and conducting the Packard Music Hall Band. He has also done many clarinet and wood wind clinics at area high school.
Next quarter, Squire will spend most of his sabbatical in New York, working to develop a new mouthpiece. He will also be doing research in the New York Public Library on clarinet literature. The rest of his time will be spent visiting other school systems and observing their methods and the music they use.
Citation: Frances F. Mills, ed., “Our Friends Away,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 26, no. 3 (1948): p. 13.
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Baldwin-Wallace College was saddened on June 26 by the passing of Dr. Carl Stiefel, professor emeritus of Bible, after an illness of seven months. He was 81 years of age.
Dr. Stiefel's early education was in Wuerttemberg, Germany, where he was born in 1867, and where he received religious training in the Lutheran Church and was confirmed at the age of 14 years. In 1890, he came to this country and lived in the home of an uncle in Burlington, Ia. Here he came under the earnest Christian influence of his Methodist relatives and became an active member of the Methodist Church, which experience gave new direction to his life and work. He became a local preacher, and with the official approval of the church, entered the German department of Iowa Wesleyan College to study for the ministry. Following his graduation in 1893, he was admitted to the St. Louis German Conference and received appointment as pastor of the German Methodist Church in St. Charles, Mo., where he served two years. He then accepted a call to return to his alma mater to teach, first, as instructor in German, and later, as professor of Bible. During these years, he earned his master of arts degree; and for eight years he concurrently served as pastor of the German Methodist Church at Mt. Pleasant.
In 1908, he became pastor of Eden Methodist Church, St. Louis, Mo., and the following year, Central Wesleyan College conferred the degree of doctor of divinity upon him in recognition of his scholarly attainments and his outstanding work in Eden Church.
Dr. Stiefel was called to the faculty of Nast Theological Seminary, Baldwin-Wallace College, in 1913, as professor of Exegesis and of Ancient Languages, and, later, became professor of Bible, continuing until his retirement in 1937. During his active years he was often called upon to lead Bible study groups, assist in camp meetings, and to preach. Since his retirement, he had taught extension courses in Bible and Church History, had written expositions of the Sunday School lessons for two Methodist publications, and instructed the Men's Bible Class of Emmanuel Methodist Church, where for twenty-five years he was secretary of the Official Board.
Upon coming to Baldwin-Wallace College, Dr. Stiefel had transferred his membership from the St. Louis German Conference to the East German Conference, and when that conference was dissolved in 1943, he became a member of the New York East Conference. In 1897, Dr. Stiefel's marriage to Miss Sophie Marie Wenzel of Stuttgart, Germany, took place in fulfillment of a betrothal prior to his coming to the States, and four. children were born to this union, all of whom are active in educational and professional life. Miss Bertha Stiefel, associate professor of English and director of the Baldwin-Wallace Placement Service, has presided over the home since her mother's death in 1942; Dr. Richard A Stiefel is a surgeon in Battle Creek, Mich.; Mr. Raymond Stiefel is head of the industrial arts department in Garfield Heights High School, Cleve-· land; and Dr. Walter E. Stiefel is professor of Romance Languages at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. There are four grandchildren, a brother and a sister, also surviving.
Memorial services were held Monday, June 28, in Emmanuel Methodist Church, with Dr. Louis C. Wright, president of Baldwin-Wallace College, and Dr. Ernest Knautz, professor of Bible, a former student of Dr. Stiefel, officiating. Burial was in Woodvale Cemetery.
Citation: “Directing Head of Baldwin-Wallace,” The Exponent, January 16, 1918, p. 1.
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By the action of the Trustee Board last Thursday, in accordance with the recommendations of the investigating committee of bishops, Dr. Albert Boynton Storms was made directing head of Baldwin-Wallace College pending the arrival of Dr. G. Franklin Ream who was at the same time elected temporary President, Dr. Storms came to Berea Friday morning and spoke before the student body Friday afternoon.
Dr. Storms is a prominent leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church, being at present District Superintendent of the Indianapolis District. He received his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Michigan in 1884, and his Master's Degree from the same institution in 1893. Tn 1800, Lawrence College granted him the Degree of Doctor of Divinity, and in 1003 he secured his LL.D. from Drake University. For seven years, 1003-1010, he was president of Iowa State College. He has held several important pastorates, some of them being in Detroit, Des Moines, Madison and Indianapolis. He has been Superintendent of the Indianapolis District since 1015.
Dr. Storms has been honored with membership in the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity, and is also a member of the American Historical Association and the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences.
Since the outbreak of the war with Germany Dr. Storms has done, and is still doing his country efficient service as a member of the Indiana State Council of Defense.
Citation: Deane R. White, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1922-23), p. 26.
A man of towering physique and personality, of world-wide vision and of broad, deep knowledge; such is our president, Dr. Storms. One cannot long be in his company without realizing that here is indeed a man of power and yet he has an intense interest in every student and professor on the campus.
Few men have all of these qualities combined. Too often the greater personality scorns the lesser, too often the broadly educated man loses his appreciation for details, and, alas, too often the man with a world-vision fails to recognize the sovereignty of the individual. In President Storms, all of these virtues come sharply into focus. Few men have achieved the heights of idealism and the depths of sympathy that characterize this man. One might almost conclude that the great Phillip Brooks had him in mind when, in speaking of greatness, he said, "No man has come to true greatness who has not felt that his life belongs to his race and that what God gives him he gives for mankind." One might likewise conclude that our President might have chosen as his life motto the sentiment of Henry Ward Beecher, "Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right using of strength."
Citation: Frances F. Mills, ed., “Funeral Services for President Storms,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 11, no. 4 (1933): p. 6.
Dr. Albert Boynton Storms was born in Lima, Mich., April 1, 1860. After graduating from the University of Michigan in 1884, he entered the Methodist ministry and held pastorates in Detroit, Mich., Madison, Wis., Des Moines, Ia., and Indianapolis, Ind., where he was district superintendent when called to the presidency of Baldwin-Wallace College in January 1918.
From 1903 to 1910 he was president of Iowa State College. Of this administration the growth of the institution subsequent to his assuming that difficult task is the surest testimony. Of it, one who worked closely with him on the Board of Trustees says: "I have often wished that Iowa people would know the part Dr. Storms took in laying the foundation of the modern Iowa State College, for he did more to shape its future than any of its other presidents .... The difficulty that Dr. Storms encountered was to preserve the balance and avert friction that would follow an error in judgment. But he had a vision above that of his contemporaries and seemed to have in mind the goal and the plays by which it might be reached. There is no doubt that the lines laid down for the development of the College were the conception of his brain. He saw farther, deeper and clearer than others what was most needed to meet the requirements of an unfolding educational field, nor is there any question that the attainments of the College in its maturer years accord with his ideals. His successors have only carried out the policies his plans contemplated .... He was a maker and builder and this statement I make with knowledge possessed by only those who knew him intimately and appreciated the magnitude and scope of his concepts."
Since 1918, he has been with Baldwin Wallace College, and has delicately and courageously lead in carrying forward the educational ideals and the Christian ideals of this institution.
In 1883, Doctor Storms was united in marriage with Miss Lovie L. Whitcomb, a daughter of the manse, whose father was stationed at Lima, Mich., when both of these young people were in their early 'teens. A son and three daughters came to bless their home, the baby boy only for a brief space of time, when he was laid away in the family resting place at Chelsea, Mich. It was beside him, and near his parents and grandparents, that the family and just a few of the College friends from Berea saw the body of President Storms laid to rest-a beautiful spot which he must have learned to love, and which at this time spoke peace to the lonely hearts of all who left him there.
The daughters, Dr. Lillian Boynton Storms of Fremont, Mich., Mrs. Seaman Knapp, and Mrs. Harry L. Young of Ames, Iowa, and Mr. Knapp were in Berea for the services and accompanied Mrs. Storms to Michigan for the burial.
Six brother ministers were present, joining in the closing service about the grave.
Citation: Frances Mills and Marion Cole, eds., “Our Blessed Dead,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 27, no. 2 (1949): p. 6.
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Dr. C. Lloyd Strecker, a trustee of Baldwin-Wallace and an alumnus of the class of 1904, departed this life on Sunday, December 8, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Marietta on November 7, 1883, he was the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Strecker. A graduate of Marietta High School, he received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree at Baldwin-Wallace in 1904. In 1907 he obtained the Bachelor of Divinity degree at Drew Theological Seminary at Madison, New Jersey. His alma mater, Baldwin-Wallace, conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity on him in 1916. He also did postgraduate work at Columbia University and the University of Cincinnati as well as enjoying a three months trip to the Holy Land. While a student at Baldwin-Wallace, he was active in musical and fraternity circles. He was business manager of the college orchestra of those days and was active in the "Schiller" society, now Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity.
Ordained a minister in the Methodist Church, he held the following pastorates all in the state of Ohio; Amesvi1le; Briggsdale; Grace Church, Zanesville; Trinity Church, Portsmouth; and First Church, Athens. He was elected general manager of the Methodist Home for the Aged, College Hill, Cincinnati in 1921 and successfully directed this institution for nearly 25 years. Through his efforts, the home was cleared of an outstanding debt, a sizable endowment fund was accumulated, and a new south wing to its imposing building erected at the cost of a quarter million dollars.
A 32nd degree mason, Dr. Strecker was a member of the board of trustees of the Ohio Annual Methodist Conference. He succeeded his father, the late Charles F. Strecker, as a trustee of Baldwin-Wallace College. The father had been president of the Board and a very liberal contributor.
He is survived by his widow Mrs. Edna Beasley Strecker member of a prominent family of Athens, Ohio; two sons and one daughter, Charles F. Strecker and Mrs. Alfred Fiske of Cincinnati and Richard L. Strecker in military service in Camp Lee, Virginia. There are also three grandchildren and a brother and sister, Raymond M. Strecker and Mrs. Rhea S. Boeshar, both of Marietta.
Services in his honor were held at Wilson Memorial Chapel, Methodist Home for the Aged, College Hill, on Wednesday, December 11 with burial in Oak Hill Cemetery, Glendale, Ohio.
Citation: Janet Turner, “Girls Form Dance Club At College,” Exponent (Berea, OH), November 8, 1957, p. 5.
Some 20 girls have met with Sue Claflin with the idea of forming modern dance club. Miss Claflin has been teaching three modern dance classes in the regular HPE service course.
Through her own interests and that of the students, she has decided to form such a club. One of their first projects will be the study and formation of a rythmic choir.
The group will also begin work tions ranging from classical, with on a number of original composi-modern interpretations, to that if modern jazz.
Citation: “Trustees Pledge Million,” Exponent (Berea, OH), October 16, 1970, p. 1.
The presentation of the first annual $1.000 Carl S. Bechberger Award for Human Development was made by Spahr to Professor Suzanne Strew of the Health and Physical Education Department. The award is made to the teacher whose outstanding work with individuals and/or student groups outside the classroom represented a major contribution to their development.
Citation: “Faculty Appointments,” Baldwin-Wallace College News Letter 6, no. 6 (1942): p. 2.
Mr. Isaac L. Stright has been appointed as instructor in Mathematics. He is a graduate of Allegheny College and has earned his Master's degree also. He is at present doing additional graduate work at Cornell University. His past record would seem to indicate that the college has found in him an outstanding teacher of Mathematics. He has been teaching for the past few years in the high school at Indiana, Pennsylvania.
Citation: Thomas. A. Stiger, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1896), p. 23.
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Paul B. Stroup, born at Troy, O., in 1874, His father being a Methodist minister, his removes are too numerous to mention. His education was completed at Wooster in 1893. He studied music in the Wooster Conservatory and also in the Cleveland School of Music. He taught one year in Central College in Ohio and two years ('94 and '95) in Toulon Academy, Ill. In both of these positions he was eminently successful. In the fall of '95 he was called to Baldwin University as instructor piano, where he has given most excellent satisfaction.
Citation: Charles F. Mott, ed., Palladian (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1897), p. 20.
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Joseph Edward Stubbs was born at Ashland, Ohio, March 19, 1850. The progressiveness and activity which characterizes his later life characterized also his boyhood, and at the age of eighteen he graduated from Ashland High School.
His excellence as a scholar won for him the position of teacher in the A Grammar grade of the school, which position he held during the year 1868-1869, when he gave it up to enter College.
In September, 1869, he entered as Freshman, in the Classical course, of the Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio.
He had charge of the Delaware High School during the spring term of 1871, and during his Junior year in College he taught classes in Algebra and Elementary Physics. In June, 1873, he graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University with the degree of B. A. That the Faculty recognized his ability and held him in honor is shown by the fact that he was elected in 1872, one year before his graduation, to fill the position of tutor of Latin and Greek in the College Department of the University -a position opened by reason of the election of Professor Hoyt to the editorship of the Western Christian Advocate.
His health failing him, he resigned his place and went to California, where he spent a year, enjoying the much needed rest.
In July, 1873, Dr. Stubbs married Miss Ella Sprengle, a graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College.
For three years after his return from California he was editor of the "Ashland Times," giving this up to accept the
superintendency of the Ashland School, which position he occupied from 1880 to 1886. In 1886 he accepted the position of
President of Baldwin University. He retained this place until 1894 when he was elected President of the Nevada State University
which office he is now holding.
From July, 1891, to August, 1892, Dr. Stubbs spent in travel in Europe and in studying in the University of Berlin. For the year 1893 he was President of the Ohio College Association.
Dr. Stubbs put forth unceasing effort to enlarge and build up Baldwin University, and what he did for it is well known. A new campus was purchased and two beautiful College buildings were erected on it, the endowment fund was increased and other things done which render his stay here memorable.
Citation: "Thomas C. Surrarrer," 2002.
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Dr. Thomas C. Surrarrer, professor of biology at Baldwin-Wallace College for 45 years, passed away Wednesday, September 11, at the age of 96. A Strongsville native, he graduated from B-W in 1928 and, that same year, joined the faculty as an instructor in biology. He went on to earn master's degrees from The Ohio State University, Woods Hole, Massachusetts and the University of Michigan and his Ph.D. from Western Reserve University. All the while he continued teaching. In 1942 he became chairman of the Department of Biology, a position he held until his retirement in 1973. He was appointed acting academic dean in 1969 and chaired the search for a new dean. In 1964 he received the Strosacker Award for Excellence in Teaching. In 1968 many of his former students contributed gifts totaling $40,000 to name the auditorium in the then-new Life and Earth Sciences Building in his honor. Surrarrer received an Alumni Merit from B-W in 1973 and was named a Distinguished Alumnus of Strongsville High School in 1996.
During his tenure, Surrarrer nurtured countless students, many of whom went on to medical school or nursing school. Dr. John Miller, a longtime colleague noted that no one in the biology department could top Surrarrer when it came to one-on-one support of students.
Outside his work at Baldwin-Wallace College, Surrarrer was active in the United States Methodist Church and the Boy Scouts of America. For many years he led weekend nature walks in which members of the community were invited to participate.
Following his retirement, he continued to pursue his interests in Lake Abram (Cleveland MetroParks) the Zebra Mussel and the Great Blue Herons of Ohio among others.
Preceded in death by his wife Caroline Guszits Surrarrer, he is survived by his children Ray, Carolyn Johnson and Thomas and six grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held Sunday, October 13 at 1:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church of Berea, 170 Seminar St. The family suggests memorial contributions to the Dr. Thomas Surrarrer Biology Fund at Baldwin-Wallace College, 275 Eastland Rd., Berea, OH 44017.
Citation: "Find Portions of Mastodon Tusk," Ashland, OH Times-Gazette, 11 February 1952
Elyria, O. - Excavations continued today on a farm in nearby Columbia township where portions of an ivory tusk, tentatively identified as from a prehistoric mastodon, have been found.
A score of fragments, including one 25 inches long, were recovered last week from the area, where a pond was dug last September on the Ray F. Petch farm.
Dr. Thomas C. Surrarrer, head of the Department of Biology at Baldwin-Wallace College, said the tusk "almost without a doubt" was part of a mastodon, which has been extinct from nearly 6,000 years.
Petch had parts of the tusk lying around his house for months before a neighbor recognized them as fossilized remains.
Citation: George A. Carroll, "Memorandum: To the Members of the Faculty and Administrative Staff; Appointment of Acting Academic Dean," 8 July 1969
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I am pleased to announce that Dr. A. B. Bonds, Jr., President, has appointed Dr. Thomas C. Surrarrer, a member of the faculty for 40 years, to serve as acting academic dean until the new dean has been named. The appointment is effective immediately.
The Search and Selection Committee, with Dr. Surrarrer as chairman, will continue to review candidates for the office of dean. The Committee was formed early in the year, following the announcement of Dr. Fred Harris' resignation.
Dr. Surrarrer, professor of biology and chairman of the Department of Biology, was graduated from Baldwin-Wallace in 1928. He joined the faculty of his alma mater as an instructor that year. In 1942 he gained the rank of full professor.
He continued his education, earning an M.S. degree from The Ohio State University and a Ph.D. from Western Reserve University.
In 1964 Dr. Surrarrer was presented the $1000 Strosacker Award for excellence in teaching.
We are very fortunate to have Dr. Surrarrer serve in the capacity of interim dean, a post to which he brings a wealth of experience and perception. We know you will extend to Dr. Surrarrer all of the courtesy and cooperation which is required for him to operate effectively.
Citation: "Dr. Surrarrer Honored," 15 February 1968
A lecture room-auditorium in Baldwin-Wallace College's new Life and Earth Sciences Building was recently dedicated to Dr. Thomas C. Surrarrer, a Berea resident, and head of the college's Department of Biology.
He was presented with a bronze plaque dedicating the room, "Surrarrer Lecture Room," in tribute to "an inspiring teacher and great friend."
Dr. Edwin A. Riemenschneider, B-W trustee, made the presentation on behalf of 85 former students who contributed gifts totaling $40,000 in the professor's name.
Dr. Surrarrer, a native of Strongsville, grew up on a farm on Priem Rd. in what was to become a teaching family.
The Edna Surrarrer School in Strongsville was named for one of his sisters, now retired, who makes her home on Meadowlane Dr. She is presently co-editor of a history of Strongsville Families, which is being written in conjunction with the city's sesquicentennial observences.
Another sister, Grace Mizer, teaches at the Olive Bedford Allen School on Drake Rd.
Dr. Surrarrer was graduated from Baldwin-Wallace in 1928. He earned an M.S. at Ohio State and his doctorate at Western Reserve. He has been a faculty member at B-W for 30 years.
Many Bereans remember the weekend nature walks Dr. Surrarrer conducted for many years, in which members of the community were invited to participate. With Prof. Robert Cossaboom he was responsible for the overall planning of the Life and Earth Sciences Building which opened last fall.
Dr. Surrarrer and his wife, Caroline, live on Fournier St. They have three children, a married son, Ray, who lives in Wisconsin; a daughter, Carolyn, a freshman at Wittenberg College, and another son, Tom, a junior at Berea High School.
Citation: Laurel Ann Zurawick, “Two Award-Winning Professors at B-W,” Exponent (Berea, OH), April 24, 1991, p. 4.
Nationally, there are over 10,000 speech teachers. In Ohio alone, there are 87 colleges and universities, each with speech communication studies.
Swanson was nominated by the general membership of the Ohio Speech Communication Association (OSCA), with which teachers of speech and communication may affiliate. Her nomination was then reviewed and voted on by the executive committee of the state organization.
"To my knowledge," says Swanson, "OSCA has granted this award for over 20 years."
Swanson, a 1957 graduate of B-W, received her Masters degree in rhetoric and communication from Kent State University in 1972. Ten years later she completed her Ph.D. in interpersonal and public communication at Bowling Green State University.
In her 32 years, Swanson has taught all ages — from the very young to the very young at heart. "Everyone needs to communicate," says Swanson, "and I have had the privilege to work with all levels ~ from seventh grade to senior citizens."
Swanson's expertise has not failed to go unrecognized. She has conducted training programs Jn such organizations as Ameritrust, RTA, Cleveland area hospitals and various women's health clubs.
Her many honors include BW Faculty Woman of the Year, 1990, membership in both Omicron Delta Kappa - a national leadership and scholarship honorary, and the national Speech Communication Association. Swanson is also listed in both Who's Who among American Women and Who's Who in Education.
These credentials, coupled with her enthusiasm for excellence in education and dedication to her students – both in and out of the classroom, have aptly qualified Swanson to be the honored recipient of such prestigious awards.