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Citation: James D. Harvey, ed., "Dr. Redinger's Book Lauded," Pursuit 9, no. 1 (August 1976): 14.
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Dr. Ruby Redinger's book, George Eliot: The Emergent Self, published in 1975, has received critical acclaim in local and national book reviews.
The book, written by the B-W professor of English, was 15 years in preparation. It is already in second printing by Alfred Knopf, N.Y. publishers, and now is being published in England by Bodley- Head Publishers.
The Martha Kinney Cooper Library Association of Columbus will honor Dr. Redinger. on Oct. 9 for the best biography of the year by an Ohio author.
Eugenia Thornton, a leading Cleveland critic, said in her Plain Dealer review, "Ruby V. Redinger... has written a distinguished and irresistibly readable book about one of the greatest English novelists ... her critical acumen brilliantly interprets the work of the artist 14 who emerged as George Eliot."
Reviewing the book for the Cleveland Press, Fern Long called it the best literary biography she had read that year. The New York Times review called the work "brilliant... a milestone of George Eliot scholarship.... "
More than 40 reviews have appeared across the country, including the New Yorker magazine, Saturday Review, the Houston (Texas) Post and Philadelphia Inquirer.
Dr. Redinger, who is professor of English, has been on the B-W faculty since 1956 and is the author of a novel published in 1948, The Golden Net. She was co-recipient in 197 4 of the Strosacker Award for excellence in teaching.
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Citation: Thomas. A. Stiger, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1896), p. 22.
Miss Ann A Rhodes was born at Clyde, Sandusky County, Ohio, October 31st, 1869. She attended the public schools of that place until she reached the second year of the High School. The two following years she attended High School, first at Columbus, Ohio, and then at Lincoln, Nebraska, where she would have graduated had not illness in the family made it necessary for her to return to Ohio at the opening of the spring term of her Senior year. In the fall of '89 she entered college at Berea, Ohio, where she remained four years, graduating with the class of '93. The two years following graduation she remained in the college as instructor in Greek and Latin. In the spring of '95 she was elected to a professorship in those branches, and was granted leave of absence for two years in order to pursue special work in the department. In the fall of '95 she entered Bryn Mawr College, at Bryn Mawr, Penna., as a graduate student in Greek and Latin. She remained there until the holiday vacation, when ill health obliged her to give up her work for the rest of this year.
Citation: Frances Mills and Marion Cole, eds., “Troubadour Ridenour Sings Ohio Ballads, Not Jive,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 27, no. 2 (1949): p. 2.
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Traveling from one Ohio village to another collecting words and music of countless Buckeye ballads, Professor Harry Lee Ridenour in his role as a modern troubadour has collected more than 300 native Ohio songs.
For fifteen years the English department head has collected Ohio ballads seriously- hearing old-timers sing a tune, writing down the music as well as the words, keeping alert for variations in lyrics, melodies and rhythms.
Professor Ridenour's interest in folk music probably is inherited from his father, who was an old-style country singing teacher in central Ohio. Leading bands and choirs in country communities south of Newark, the elder Ridenour learned many of the native songs and passed them on to his family.
Academic interest in the ballads was encouraged by lecturer George Lyman Kittredge when Professor Ridenour took his master's degree at Harvard University, and by Holly Hanford of Western Reserve University. Also of value has been his musical background, acquired during undergraduate days at Ohio University.
During the first few years of his travels throughout the state in search of local ballads, Professor Ridenour was accompanied by his wife. A graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music, she aided him in finding the variations in tunes and lyrics which mark folk music.
For “The Frog and the Mouse," probably the most popular Ohio folk song, Professor Ridenour has not less than twenty-eight "recordings" or variations. Sixteen recordings have been noted for "Barbara Allen," including four distinct tunes.
During recent years the English professor has given more than a hundred informal lectures on Ohio ballads, as well as a number of broadcasts from Cleveland and Columbus radio stations.
Other appearances have been at Cleveland's famous Rowfant Club, D.A.R. groups, Kiwanis clubs, Sorosis, before the Professional Men's Club of Cleveland, at Hiram College and Ohio and Western Reserve universities, and for church and social groups throughout northern Ohio.
Many "tips" on new recordings of Ohio folk tunes come after these personal appearances. Recently, following his second lecture for the Rowfant Club, Professor Ridenour received two bulky letters from members of his audience. One contained a variation of an Ohio ballad sent by a Cleveland publisher whose family was from Maine. The other was a copy of the title page of a rare book on ballads owned by a Rowfant member.
The professor has a file of at least fifty such leads which he will follow up as soon as he has time.
As students learned of Professor Ridenour's ballad collection, they expressed their own interest in folk music enough to warrant beginning of a course in the subject. A favorite with Conservatory of Music students as well as English majors, the popular ballads course has been offered frequently during the last eight years.
Material in the course includes the traditional English and Scottish ballads as well as early and later American songs.
Throughout his searching of Ohio folk lore Professor Ridenour has continually realized the fact that his native state is nearly as rich in folk music as the traditional ballad areas of mountain regions, and helps form the pattern of American song, and of American culture.
Citation: Thomas. A. Stiger, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1896), p. 17.
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The chair of Greek Language and Literature, since the year 1874, has ~ been occupied by Professor Karl Riemenschneider, PH. D.
Karl Riemenschneider was born in Louisville, Ky., May 14, 1844. When he was only seven years old, his father, Rev. Engelhardt Riemenschneider, one of the pioneers of German Methodism, was sent to Germany as a missionary. Thus he could avail himself of the educational advantages which the excellent school-system of that country so amply offer. He received his elementary education in the primary schools of Frankfort-on- the-Main, Bremen and Bremerhafen. From the latter place, his father was transferred to Zurich (Switzerland). There Karl Riemenschneider, at the age of twelve years, became a pupil of the "Gymnasium," (classical school or college), the best school of its kind in Switzerland. After passing his "Maturitaets-Examen," he matriculated in the University of Tuebingen (Wurttemberg), where he studied philology under Teuffel and Michaelis, philosophy under Siegwart, history under Weizsaecker and Kugler. His university study was interrupted for a little more than one year, during which time he taught in the Theological Seminary of German Methodism, situated at that time in Bremen, as a substitute for the late Dr. Paulus who wished to attend the Universities of Halle and Berlin for several semesters. Just then President Warren, of Boston University, was the chief theological professor in the seminary. After Mr. Paulus' return, he went back to Tuebingen to finish his course and to pass his examination for the Ph. D. degree. On the very day of his "Rigorosum," he received a call from the Trustees of German Wallace College to the chair of Ancient Languages in that institution, and as it had always been his fixed intention to return to the land of his birth, he accepted and began his work in German Wallace College in the Fall term of 1868. Berea has been his home since then, and though several calls have been tendered to him by far greater institutions, he has preferred to remain where he spent the first years of his professional life. In 1883 he was elected to the Vice-Presidency, with all the duties and functions of an Acting President, and in 1893, to the Presidency of German Wall ace College.
In 1874, when Prof. White (Harvard) resigned, Prof. Riemenschneider took charge of the Greek classes in Baldwin University, and since then has, without interruption, been connected with this institution also.
Citation: John J. Martin, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1900), p. 20.
Dr. Riemenschneider was born in Louisville, Ky., May 14, 1844. When seven years old, he was taken by his parents to Germany. His earlier training was received at Frankfort-on-the-Main. At the age of twelve, he became a pupil of the "Gymnasium" in Switzerland. Later he matriculated in the University of Tuebingen, at which institution he earned the degree of Ph. D.
In 1868, Prof. Riemenschneider accepted a call from German Wallace College to the chair of Ancient Language!'. In 1874, be assumed the duties of Professor of Greek in Baldwin University. In 1893, he became President of German Wallace College. These positions he now holds.
Dr. Riemenschneider is held in high honor and esteem by the students of both institutions. To meet him is to be impressed that one is in the presence of a great man. Many men have more dash, but few have more scholarly habits. Himself intense in his pursuit of knowledge, he infuses into his students an eagerness to excel.
Citation: Dale, Dorothy, Grindstone (Berea, OH: German Wallace College, 1910), p. 121.
Rev. Dr. Karl Riemenschneider, in resigning as president of German Wallace College, Berea, after 40 years of service, set a high ideal of duty for educator s. Just as he has repeatedly refused offers of more remunerative chairs in large eastern universities, because he thought he was needed at German Wallace, so now he has insisted on giving up the presidency because he feels he is no longer able to do everything that a college president should do. He will continue to hold the chair of philosophy.
Dr. Riemenschneider was happy as he told of his life as a teacher. He sat in his straight-legged desk chair before the old-fashioned desk in the study room at the boys' dormitory, where he has given advice and pored over big tomes for 30 years. His stocky figure, straight-cut mouth and determined chin, made him look younger than his 64 years.
"My resigning is no stand for the Osler theory," he said. " Von Moltke and Frederick the Great have shown what we Germans can do after 70. The president of a college should not only be the leading spirit of his institution, but should be able to represent it well abroad and shoulder all its responsibilities. I don 't feel equal to that any longer, though I'll teach till the end. Besides l've had charge of the boys so long I want a little rest. Not that they've played tricks on me, for they haven't," he added hastily. "The door always stood open so they never were tempted."
"Were you strict when they played tricks on other people?"
The keen gray eyes twinkled. "That depended on the trick," he said, as if he knew of some that even the clean had enjoyed. "
I've had so many letters from the boys who have gone out from here," he said, with a glance of pride at the littered desk, "that it makes me feel, if I had my life to live over again , I'd do just as I have clone. I was tendered the chair of Greek at Cincinnati University, Harvard and other institutions, but I always felt it my duty to teach my own country youth in a theological school. So I stayed right here. Anyway, I didn't want money much. I wasn't brought up to a great deal, and all I needed was a living and a little over for old age. And here I could come near the life of the pupils.
“Teaching doesn't mean just filling the head, but influencing the life. There was Huddleston. Huddleston was such a lazy boy. So I called him in here and we decided he'd better make something of himself. Now he's a professor in the University of Maine."
Perhaps it was only perspiration. The afternoon was torrid and the stuffy little room stifling. Anyway, something glistened and rolled from the old professor's eyes and the buzzing of a fly was very distinct for a minute or two.
"Yes, I know I helped them to be better men," he said fin ally, "and true service can't be paid."
Dr. Riemenschneider is a graduate of the University of Basel and the University of Tuebingen. He is recognized as one of the foremost Greek scholars in the United States. Appeared in the Cleveland Press on June 9th. 1908.
Citation: Frances F. Mills, ed., “New Faculty Member in Sociology Department,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 13, no. 4 (1935): p. 5.
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With the opening of the new College year, Dr. Edwin Riemenschneider returned to the campus to assume new relationship to his Alma Mater as college physician. Graduating in 1930 with the B. S. degree, he spent the following summer with his parents in Europe, and entered Johns Hopkins Medical College in the fall, continuing to his graduation in 1934. He was volunteer assistant in pathology in Cleveland City Hospital during the summer of 1932, and in 1933 was substitute interne at Church Home and Infirmary in Baltimore. He spent the summer of 1933 as penitentiary physician at Maryland State Penitentiary, and during the spring of 1934 had the honor of being an exchange student at Harvard Medical College.
The Journal of Anatomy, an English publication (July, 193 3) carried an article by Dr. Riemenschneider on "Patterns of Aortic Branchings."
Last year Dr. Riemenschneider was on the resident staff in medicine at City Hospital, Cleveland, and continues there as a member of the visiting staff in medicine.
He is a member of the Phi Chi Medical Fraternity and of the American Medical Association.
In June, 1934 he married, Mary Beth Tristram, '32, who is now associated with him as office assistant. They reside in the Southam Apartments at 336 Front St. Student medical examinations are given in his office in the Commercial Bank Building.
Citation: “New B-W Trustees Profiled,” Exponent (Berea, OH), October 22, 1976, p. 3.
Michael Roberts, editor of Cleveland Magazine is a 1962 B-W graduate.
The B-W English major beqan his career with the Ashtabula Star-Beacon as a reporter following his graduation. Then Roberts transferred his journalistic experience to the Cleveland Plain Dealer where in a period of nine years he served in a number of assignments, the last of which was as city editor.
Prior to assuming an editorship, he spent one year as a general assignment reporter, and another as a White House correspondent for the newspaper's Washington bureau.
In 1970, Mike Roberts took leave from the newspaper to co-write a book, 13 Seconds: Confrontation at Kent State, which dealt with the shootings that year on the Kent State University campus.
Prior to this Washington assignment, Roberts spent a year and a half abroad as foreign correspondent for The Plain Dealer. During that period, he covered the war in Vietnam through 1968.
He was later assigned to the Middle East where he covered both sides of that continuing crisis. He also reported on the Vietnam peace talks which took place in Paris in 1969.
Roberts joined Cleveland Magazine as editor in 1973.
He has received several awards from the Associated Press and the Cleveland Press Club, and he is a member of the Board of Directors
of Sigma Delta Chi, the journalism honorary.
Citation: Deane R. White, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1922-23), p. 27.
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The proverb, "Actions speak louder than words," was coined for the every-day life of Professor Roehm. He is a yes-or-no man on every Issue. If you meet him in his office, on the street, or at some social function, he is the same Roehm. The same man, too, that sometimes on duty at chapel, talks on that favorite text, beginning with the ninth line of the thirty-second page of the Bulletin, "Attendance."
If we are perplexed about our studies or life, he brings relief by helping us to find the way. We admire him as a cordial, frank constructionist, and appreciate him as a preacher, teacher and friend.
Citation: James D. Harvey, ed., "Dr. Rossini Named to Strosacker Chair," Pursuit 5, no. 4 (February 1973): 1.
Dr. Frederick D. Rossini of Rice University will come to Baldwin-Wallace College for the Spring Quarter as the first distinguished professor to occupy the Charles J. Strosacker Chair of Science, President A. B. Bonds, Jr., announced.
In addition to his work at the College with science students, the professor of chemistry at Rice University will present a series of 15 seminars of "Fundamental Constants For Science."
Dr. Rossini served the University of Notre Dame as dean of the College of Science and as associate dean of the Graduate School from 1960 to 1967 when he was made vice president for research, a post he held until he joined the faculty of Rice University in 1971. Prior to serving at Notre Dame, he had been the Silliman Professor, head of the Department of Chemistry and director of the Chemical and Petroleum The Strosacker Chair of Science at Baldwin-Wallace College was made possible by an endowment from the Charles J. Strosacker Foundation of Midland, Michigan, in 1971 in commemoration of the College's 125th Anniversary Year. The late Dr. Strosacker, who was vice president of The Dow Chemical Company, was a B-W trustee for 17 years. The college union was named in his honor in 1963.
James Arnold, president of the Strosacker Foundation, said of the endowment made for the Chair of Science, "We recognize the role which colleges such as Baldwin - Wallace can play in the preparation of scientists. In the past 40 years, 13% of all Nobel laureates and 2670 of the membership of the National Academy of Science have taken their undergraduates degrees from small liberal arts colleges."
Dr. Rossini, who earned a Ph.D. degree at the University of California at Berkeley, has been conferred six honorary degrees by other universities. A member of the National Academy of Science, he is president of the World Petroleum Congress.
Among Dr. Rossini's 237 publications are 10 books, mainly in the fields of thermodynamics and thermo-chemistry, numerical data for science and technology, and physical chemistry of petroleum and hydrocarbons.
For information on the seminar series, write to Dr. Roger E. Stansfield, Head, Department of Chemistry, Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio 44017. Research Laboratory at the Carnegie Institute of Technology from 1950 to 1960.
Citation: "College Items," College Gazette, November 1858, p. 6.
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At the beginning of the present term Prof. Rothweiler entered upon the duties of his office. He seems to be at home in the recitation room as well as in the pulpit. He has already contracted for a number of [illegible]. Considering his is [illegible] ability, and his talent in the communication of knowledge, in his hands, we fear not for the success and efficiency of the German Department...Prof. Rothweiler has rented the large brick house near Wallace Hall. In his family will be found a good and pleasant home for German Students. Some from a distance have already availed themselves of this advantage.