The 2006 Academic Year marks the beginning of a new lecture series at Baldwin-Wallace College. Commemorating the late presidency of Dr. Mark Collier, the program, entitled the Enduring Questions Lecture Series, was designed to encourage the awareness, exploration, and discussion of salient international issues by students, faculty, and the larger community. The lecture series is free and open to the public. According to Barbara Rolleston, professor of Economics and the head of the Enduring Lecture Series organizing committee, "The goal of the new series is to foster an environment where… (we) can share and explore issues, which have global implications in terms of how we perceive, interact, and live with those around us."
Citation: “Science in the Liberal Arts,” Baldwin-Wallace Alumnus 40, no. 6 (1965): p. 14.
Just one week before the first Sputnik was sent into orbit, the mathematics department had launched a new program of freshmen mathematics. In line with the "new math," this program emphasizes the basic structure of mathematics as opposed to mere mechanical drill. This approach is utilized throughout the entire four-year curriculum. The tremendous impact of electronic digital computers in today's society has necessitated the introduction of an advanced course to teach the fundamental mathematical procedures behind these machines. All faculty members of the mathematics department have had training in the theory and use of these computers. Today, a trained mathematician has great and increasing opportunities for positions in governmental, industrial, and actuarial work as well as in teaching. The demand for trained astronomers to meet the challenges of the Space Age far exceeds the supply. Under the instruction of Dr. Annear, students of astronomy are prepared to meet these demands. Baldwin-Wallace's astronomy facilities are equalled by very few colleges of its type and size in the United States.
Citation: A. Wesley Roehm, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1928), p. 117.
"The gladdest day of all the glad new year" is May Day at Baldwin-Wallace College. Each year in the merry month of May one day is set aside for "the crowning of the Queen and a gambol on the green." And who does not thrill at the very thought of this gala day-May Queen sedately marching to her flower-decked throne, colorful array and quiet dignity of the regal cortege, sprightly dancers in unique attire, rejuvenating touch of the warm spring air, nature's glorious bursting into bloom, and a spirit of joy and happiness permeating the whole.
The May Queen plays the largest role in the day's performances; she is "leading lady" and reigns supreme over all. The honor of being Queen is conferred upon that girl in the Junior class who receives the most votes, in a popular election, from the student body. The elected Queen chooses her attendants and other members of her retinue, while other necessary arrangements are taken care of, as Her Majesty commands, by a May Day committee.
An All-College breakfast served on the campus lawn marks the beginning of the day's festivities. Athletic events in the form of field meets or baseball games occupy the remainder of the morning's program. At one o'clock a parade in which all college organizations are represented starts its line of march. The May Day float, on which the Queen is seated in majesty with her attendants, heads the procession. A prize is given to the float adjudged to be the most beautiful and to the one adjudged to be the most unique.
Immediately after the parade the coronation ceremony takes place on the spacious lawn in front of Wheeler Hall. To the rhythm of majestic music the Queen, preceded by her four handsome guards, daintily makes her way from the arched entrance of Wheeler Hall to her white throne. In their respective places the trainbearers, ring bearer, flower girls, and attendants advance, making a colorful and beautiful train following in the Queen's path. The whole procession from the guards to the attendants, with the radiant Queen as central figure, makes a beautiful picture indeed as it comes into full view on the green court and slowly makes its way to the throne, with all the dignity of the knights and ladies of old. The Queen, robed in white and carrying a large bouquet of roses, approaches the throne, receives the crown and occupies her seat of honor for the remainder of the program. A clever and unique presentation of May Day pageantry is enacted before Her Majesty, climaxed by the winding of the May pole, a charming scene, in honor of her coronation. At the conclusion of this esthetic performance the regal procession wends its way back to Wheeler Hall and the afternoon's festivities are pronounced ended.
But still there is more to come, the best of all so some do say-a play presented by Theta Alpha Phi in the evening.
Citation: Donald J. Mohler, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1929), p. 135.
At the bidding of the Vernal Equinox, and the May Flowers traditionally making the campus a place of delicate beauty, the entire school turns out for 'the day of joyous welcome to the most delightful of all the seasons. There before the eyes of our sighing swains the Queen of the May, and her lovely cortege proceed to the throne of honor, in the midst of a scene enhanced by flowers, music, and universal rejoicing.
The most charming lady in the Junior class, as selected by the entire school, is the centre about whom the entire pageantry revolves, and is the most important figure on the campus for a day. She it is who selects her retinue, who arranges that her commands for one entire day of freedom from all but the pursuit of pleasure, be followed.
Nor does the school know a single day on its calendar so crowded, from the break of dawn, until after darkness has settled to bring it to a close. In the morning there is an all-college breakfast on the campus lawn, athletic events of one kind or another crowd the afternoon, or early forenoon. At one o'clock the competitive event towards which all organizations have been looking starts in the formation of a parade. This is replete with floats representative of both the unique and the beautiful, and a substantial prize is offered for the winners in both classes.
The parade, led by the May Day float bearing the Queen and her majestic following, is but the leading up to the climax of the entire day's program. The clear high call of trumpets, martial music, and the stately Queen appears from the graceful old arch of Wheeler Hall, proudly preceded by her four attendants. Next in order come the trainbearers, ring-bearer, flower girls, and attendants, enhancing the wake of the Queen's passage. The Queen, robed in white and carrying a large bouquet of roses, approaches the throne, receives the crown and occupies her seat of honor for the remainder of the program. Then, for her delectation and amusement the carefully trained dancers cavort upon the green, and climax the entertainment with the symbolic and colorful winding of the May Pole. This marks the time for the recessional, and the whole train wends its return to the portals of Wheeler Hall.
But another department has been working months in advance in preparation for this event. In the evening Theta Alpha Phi presents a dramatic production which 1s attended and appreciated by the townfolk, as well as the students, and faculty.
Citation: Maria J. Hoffmann, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1978), p. 68.
In 1919, one of the campus organizations, the Y.W.C.A., attended a summer conference with representative from surrounding colleges. The celebration of May was one of the topics discussed. The Baldwin-Wallace delegation decided that such a tradition would be of value to this institution. Their ideas and suggestions for a May Day were related to the Student Council which organized the first Baldwin-Wallace May Day held in 1920. Since then, it has been observed every year with the expectation of the World War 11 years.
The original May Day activities were held on the Wheeler Hall lawn with the Queen and her court proceeding from the building and down the steps. After the Berea quarries had been filled and turned into the Metropolitan Park, the festivities were moved there. The Amphitheatre, located at the northern boundary of John Baldwin's farm, became the site of the Queen's coronation and the Maypole Dance.
Over the years, the format of the annual celebration of Spring has changed. Originally, a breakfast for Seniors was included in festivities as well as a dramatic presentation. 1978 was the first year a parade was not included. However, every group participating in the games was required to design a float illustrating the theme "Million Dollar May Day".
The twining of the Maypole has its origins in ancient rites giving tribute to Mother Nature and the miracle of Spring. Since a junior was selected to reign over the first Baldwin-Wallace May Day, it has been customary to elect a member of the Junio r class to serve as the Queen of the May. At one time, flowers picked from the area formed the queen's crown. Today, the queen wears a crown passed from her predecessor. The queen also carries a bouquet of American Beauty roses.
The 1920 Maypole dancers wore cheesecloth dresses. During the 30's and 40's the dancers were clothed in long pastel dresses. Short white dresses are now worn and the dance is performed barefooted.
This past May Day Weekend may have been lacking in sunshine, but it was certainly not lacking in spirit.
May Day has been an anticipated tradition at Baldwin- Wallace since it begun on May 22, 1920. It involves the crowning of the Queen of the May and athletic competition.
This year's May Day was coordinated by the Junior Class Officers and their advisors which includes President Trevor Behm, Vice President Amanda Sutler, Treasurer Al DiFranco, Secretary Sarah Oreb, and advisors Kristie Delbrugge and Ralph Caraptllotti.
Events began on Friday, May 1, with the May Day Picnic and the coronation of this year's Queen of the May, junior Susan Winterhalter. Coronation was held in Upsprung Gymnasium due to inclement weather. Later Friday evening, the scooter race, men's and women's obstacle, and the medley race took place at the George Finnie Stadium.
On Saturday, May 2, the games continued at the Wallace Lake Area of the Berea Metroparks. Beginning at 9:15 AM, teams competed in the men's and women's x>at races and men's and women's tug. That night, Campus Entertainment Productions sponsored a battle of the bands for live entertainment.
In all, there were seventeen teams that competed. Some teams were Greek, and others, such as the Commuter Advisory Board and the Pi Guys of Findley Hall, also competed.
Sutter noted that May Day is not just for competing teams. "May Day is open for the whole community," Sutler said. "Our judges are faculty and staff. We also have one paid referee," she added.
Phi Kappa Tau fraternity was one group that participated in this weekend's events. Sam Kalb, junior, and president of the fraternity, said that his fraternity sets up a committee which organizes the teams. There are no try-outs for teams, Kalb said, and there are also no practices held. Kalb added that basically whoever shows up for the events can sometimes form a team. Kalb added, "Some teams take it too seriously. We just tend to have fun with it."
The Delta Zetas also took part in this weekend's competition. Junior Annika Limberg, Delta Zeta President, said that 20-25 girls participated in the various events and the rest of sorority would be there to cheer them on. Limberg said she greatly enjoys May Day Weekend. "I like how the whole BW community, not just Greeks, comes out for the events.", she said.
The standings of the events, according to DiFranco, are as follows: The scooter race was won by Alpha Gamma Delta. The men's and women's obstacle were won by Alpha Tau Omega and Alliance, respectively. The medley race was won by Alpha Gamma Delta. Women's and men's boat race were won by Alliance and Lambda Chi Alpha, respectively. The men's tug champions were Lambda Chi Alpha, and the women's tug champs were Alliance. The Overall Men's Award went to Lambda Chi Alpha, followed by Alpha Tau Omega in second place; and the Overall Women's Award went to Alpha Gamma Delta, followed by Alliance. The Men's and Women's Sportsman's Awards went to Sigma Phi Epsilon and Zeta Tau Alpha, respectively.
Though the May Day festivities only last two days, much work is involved regarding the organization of the weekend. "
Knowing that it's the last traditional May Day, I feel fortunate to have worked on this." said Suiter. She added that she has worked on the Coronation Ceremony for three to four hours per day since she returned from spring break. "I was in charge of pulling together the entire Coronation Ceremony, the flowers, the may pole dancers, the practices for the court and the dancers, ordering a cake, working with buildings and grounds, finding information, and organizing the program."
This year marks the last official May Day; if the tradition is continued next year, it will be held in April due lo class ending in the early part of May with the semester change.
May Day began al Baldwin Wallace 78 years ago with events that differ from the events of recent May Days. According to Sutter, "The games are fairly recent. They've only been going on for 30 years." She said that in the beginning, May Day consisted of dancing and singing. She added, 'There was a parade on Front Street; that was the big thing.' Everybody did floats. They were amazing."
According to Sutter, May Day events moved to the Berea Metroparks Amphitheater in the 1960's. "Two years ago is when we brought [May Day] back to campus to its original location,' she said.
According to DiFranco, May Day was a "great weekend." He added, "It ran really well. The sportsmanship was really good, and that's important to me," he said.
According to Sutter, of all the events, "Tug is the most intense. People look forward to it the most,"
DiFranco said, "The best part of the weekend was men's tug, first round. Alliance and the Pi Guys had two overtime tugs which has never happened. Afterwards they shook hands and hugged each other. It was really cool," DiFranco added.
DiFranco was pleased with the athleticism of the individual teams as well as the sportsmanship.
He commented that he was pleased that Alpha Gamma Delta "upheld their tradition" by being victorious 16 out of 17 years and how Lambda Chi Alpha did the same by winning six years in a row.
Despite the less-than-perfect weather conditions, DiFranco said that this year's weekend was "a great way to end traditional May Day."
Citation: Harold A. Speckmann, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1914), p. 84.
Formally Unite Berea Colleges
(Taken from "Berea Enterprise," August 29, 1913)
Baldwin University and German Wallace College, both located at Berea, were merged Tuesday night by formal action of trustees of both institutions and the general board of education of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States.
The Consolidated school will be known as Baldwin-Wallace College. The institution, while under the general direction of the Methodist Episcopal board of education, will continue under the patronage of the Methodist Church conferences.
"It is merely making formal a condition that has been real in practice for a great many years," said Bishop W. F. McDowell of Chicago in a statement.
"This makes an institution of great strength, with property and endowment approximating $1,000,000, and a strong constituency from which larger things are expected in the future."
The executive committee of the two boards of trustees were directed to take immediate steps to carry out the details of the consolidation. This will necessitate the taking out of a new charter.
The merging of the local institutions which for many years have had a working agreement that in effect have made them one as far as benefit to students was concerned, was the result of action taken at former meetings of the Education Commission of the M. E. Church, and trustees of the institutions interested. At these meetings, held in Toledo and Cleveland, the need of consolidation in order to strengthen the schools and make them more efficient was pointed out.
A proposition outlining the basis for consolidation was presented at the last meeting of the Board by Bishop Anderson and submitted to the trustees of the two schools. The terms of this proposition were at once accepted by the trustees of Baldwin, who were present, and at the meeting held at the Hotel Statler in Cleveland, Tuesday night, formal acceptance was made by the trustees of Wallace.
Because of the vast amount of work necessary before complete plans for conducting the consolidated institution can be completed, no official announcement of the program for the future conduct of the schools has been made. It is said, however, that the consolidated institutions will be governed by a board of 27 trustees, selected on a basis of property holdings by the two schools. This, it is understood, will give representatives of the three German conferences a majority of the board. Trustees representing the English-speaking institution will be selected by the supporters of Baldwin, including the alumni and the North Ohio Conference. Trustees to represent the German institutions will be chosen by the three German M. E. conferences and the alumni of German Wallace.
Sentiment, so far as expressed on the consolidation, seems to be entirely in favor of the action taken.
Among those present at Tuesday's conference were John Baldwin of Berea, son of the founder of Baldwin University, and Dr. Albert J. Nast of Cincinnati, son of the founder of German Wallace College. Both expressed themselves as well pleased with the outcome of the conference.
Dr. G. A. Reeder is president of Baldwin University. Dr. A. L. Breslich is president of German Wallace. The new president is to be selected at a joint session of the boards of Trustees.
Because of the amount of work involved, it is believed that the new charter cannot be issued before April of next year. In the meantime, committees are at work arranging details for the conduct of the college for the coming school year. Plans under way will greatly strengthen the faculties of the institution, and afford a greater field for the education of its students.
Baldwin University, founded in 1845 by John Baldwin, has been under the patronage of the North-East Ohio M. E. Conference.
German Wallace College, founded in 1863 by Dr. William Nast and Jacob Rothweiler, has been under the patronage of the East, Central, and Chicago German M. E. conferences.
October 25, 1976, Lang Hall hosted the second annual Miss Ugly R.A. contest. The proceeds raised at the event went to UNICEF.
The Mistress of Ceremonies, last year's reigning Miss Ugly R.A., Janet Horvath, introduced each of the four contestants in four different phases of competition. This gave the audience and Channel 5 mini-camera viewers a well-rounded picture of the R.A.'s poise, talent, obnoxiousness and of course their resident floor's creative talents in making them Ugly.
Zulma Blasini walked away with the title of most obnoxious while Kyle Hennings stole the talent award. Gloria "Toots" Bowser's responses about situations such as what to do when one has two dates for the same night or what to say to the Hall Director when she catches a man in your room after hours reassured the audience that she definitely had poise. The fourth floor residents really had to take most of the credit when it came to Janet Spears' Ugliness. The $29.57 she made alone, was proof that the floor had out done themselves in designing Janet's costume. and makeup.
The total sum of money received from spectators was $61 .53 and Student Body President Jon Palmquist donated $20.00 from Student Senate funds for UNICEF.
Janet Spears, Miss Ugly R.A. 1976, was presented with a certificate, roses, and a kiss from Jay Bacchus, Channel 5 newsman.
Citation: “Mozart Festival Highly Praised,” Baldwin-Wallace College News Letter 9, no. 3 (1943): p. 4.
The following are quotations from the music editors of the Cleveland daily papers in their review of the recent Mozart Festival held at Baldwin-Wallace College.
"It was evident from the work heard yesterday that faculty and students have put into this festival the same kind of diligent preparation that goes into the annual presentations of the music of Bach. They are the more deserving of congratulations at this time since the difficulties in carrying through such a valuable educational project are daily increasing with the war effort.
"An event that brought special distinction to last night's program was the performance said to be the first in America of the Rondo for tenor 'Per Pieta, non Ricercate' written by Mozart for a singer Adamberger, who wanted to insert it in Anfossi's opera ' I I Curioso.' A capital aria, it was sung by Clyde Keutzer. Carl Schluer of the piano faculty, was heard in a rigorous, cleanly etched performance of the C Minor Piano Concerto.
"So rarely does one hear the religious choral music of Mozart nowadays that the performance of his Litany in B flat for chorus, soloists and orchestra was a delightful and almost novel experience. One could not help noting with indulgence how characteristic Mozartian exuberance found continuous outlet even when the Latin words were those of solemn supplication.
The performances of the College Choir under Cecil Munk were creditable ones, and there were capable soloists. They included Mary Marting, Soprano; Clyde Keutzer, Tenor; Annie Lea Rose, Contralto; and Oscar McCullough, Bass.
"A gifted violinist, Emily Mutter Adams of Detroit, scored a marked success as soloist in the D major Violin Concerto. She played with laudable clarity, assurance and warmth. "George Poinar is again to be congratulated on his successful efforts to get the best possible results from a student orchestra, which in these restricted times was of almost luxurious proportions."
(Herbert Elwell in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.)
"We can have nothing but admiration for the devotion and enterprise of the Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory in preparing these Festivals. It is good to see that apparently a considerable number of people appreciate this aim of keeping alive the work of the great masters of music, not alone through their more famous compositions, but through those that changing fashions and the routine of the concert business have caused to fall into neglect."
(Arthur Loesser in the Cleveland Press.)
"The Baldwin-Wallace Mozart Festival closed with the concert yesterday afternoon at Kulas Musical Arts Building in Berea. Director Albert Riemenschneider is to be commented for this presentation of Mozart music, some of it seldom heard, the sum total being a most revealing cross section of the Mozart inspiration and genius."
(Elmore Bacon in the Cleveland News.)