Citation: "A Building of Beautiful Design to be Erected by Mr. and Mrs. John Baldwin, Jr., in Memory of Their Deceased Daughter," (Berea, Ohio), n.d.
The Philura Gould Baldwin Memorial Library a Fitting Gift to Baldwin University. A memorial to the dead is a fitting tribute to one that promised so much in life but whose life work was finished ere cherished plans had been fully consummated. Bright expectations and fond hopes were those of Miss Philura Gould Baldwin the estimable and cherished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Baldwin, Jr., but the death angel ended all these hopes of youth. Since that time Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin have been carefully considering an appreciative manner of commemorating the desires and hopes of their beloved one. The memorial has taken the form of a handsome structure to be built on the new university campus and to be known as the Philura Gould Baldwin Memorial Library. No more fitting tribute could be paid to the departed, for in life her own hands shaped the present course and design of the university library. She was the first duly appointed librarian and for a whole year even when the ravages of disease were upon her, she devoted time and consideration to the arranging of the boots and even when death was near she made a generous bequest to the library fund.
The building will be of stone and dimensions 40x65 feet, the architecture to be composite. It will be built 125 feet to the left of Recitation Hall and face front street and Bagley road. The basement floor will be for the heating apparatus, the storing of documents and the unpacking of books. The second floor will be the Iibrary room proper and will be 37x42 feet, and will accommodate from thirty to forty thousand volumes. On this floor will be the librarian's, room. The third floor will be for the consulting library and reading room. Here will be filed the periodicals and the books in regular use. This floor will be 27x87 feet finished to the roof. The architecture and finish will harmonize with that of Recitation Hall.
Citation: "Turf Broken: The Philura Gould Baldwin Memorial Library Building," (Berea, Ohio), 1893.
The first shovel full of earth was removed by Milton Baldwin, grandson of the University's illustrious Founder: son of the magnanimous donors of the new building to be erected, and brother of her whom we all revere, and whose name is to be immortalized by a magnificent structure on the new college campus.
A large number of the friends of the University and citizens generally assembled on the grounds Wednesday afternoon to witness the interesting exercises of breaking the turf preparatory to laying the foundation, with President J.E. Stubbs in charge.
A hymn was sung by the congregation and prayer was offered by Rev. J. E. Collom, pastor of the Congl. Church of Berea.
A most eloquent address was then delivered by Prof. E. D. Lyon, Superintendent of the public schools, extracts of which we are permitted to reproduce, as follows:
Today it is the happy privilege of the people of our town to see the first steps taken toward the erection of another college building; and it is no small pleasure to me, in behalf of the youth of our community, to speak our joy. We can bear testimony that a taste for the good things in literature which is created in youth is enduring. It is our hope that the younger generation in our midst may form such an appetite for books that nothing can satiate it.
We in Berea should not be rough hewn. The building whose walls so soon shall rise before us is a spot where not only the good and the true in us may be worked out, but where Phidean touches may be given to character.
We rejoice in this opportunity offered the College to increase its usefulness. We rejoice in the spirit prompting the donors of this splendid gift. Happy must he be, who in life can spare of his means to elevate his fellows! Above all, we rejoice in the life of her in whose memory these walls will raise themselves.
Who that knew Lura Baldwin and her rare love of the beautiful in literature and art, dares say that any one before me is so interested in this immediate prospect of a well equipped college library, as she would be were she among us today? Who with a gladder, prouder spirit will the walls grow, the shelves become filled, than would she? Who of you will handle the books with a fonder appreciation than would she?
Yet that spirit is among us, and shall live as long as endures the solid stones, and so long as the power created here shall exert itself among men and women. Surely, to live in hearts we leave behind s not to die!
Prof. Lyon was followed by Prof. Smith of the university faculty, who spoke at some length, after which Dr. D. T. Gould of Berea, an uncle of the lamented Philura Gould Baldwin, spoke as follows:
Dr. Stubbe has requested me to speak as a representative of the family of her whose memory is to be honored by this structure. While confessing my inability to add new praise to the already honored name of Baldwin, or new laurels to the Founder of the institution, whose memory is well nigh imperishable, but yet, by reason of my kinship to this descendant of that Founder, I accept the honorable duty, while inwardly shrinking front it.
Baldwin University was most fortunate in its founder. How often the noble traits of character of a parent are extinguished and buried with him at his interment, his descendants being incapable of continuing them; but in the illustrious example before us, the second generation, and the third generation repeat these qualities, which we so much admire in the first.
Philura Gould Baldwin. whose untimely death we as a family still lament; whose absence yet causes the eye to fill with tears, and sobs that are but half supposed; one whose infancy, childhood, youth and early womanhood we watched with high hopes for her future, has gone forever!
Only those who have passed through such a storm can know the utter wreck of hopes which remain. How natural it is at such a time to take up arms; to resist with all the force of which we are capable, the seeming ill usage we have received.
But fortunately our better judgment triumphs. To a degree we become reconciled to the loss, and at this time the tho't comes to us, how can we best perpetuate a knowledge of the noble traits of character of the departed one? We see how this bereaved family, by this the noblest of methods, propose to perpetuate the memory of their daughter, and at the same time give substantial aid in elevating the community at large. It was but little short of inspiration that first suggested this method to them; and how fitting and appropriate it is! A library, named for her! She, a lover of literature, and art, of music, science; and in fact of all the things of beauty which this world contains; who delighted to be among books, and who by an unerring instinct knew good books; whose pleasure was to tie among those who talked of books, and art and science; and whose ambition was to excel in all the higher walks of life; those final labor was to place the college library on its present basis; and whose latest thoughts were of it. We see how eminently fitting that her memorial should take this form; that not only those of us who knew and loved her for her noble traits and intrinsic merits, but by the unknown thousands who in the future are yet to tread these halls, and be benefitted by this gift. When you and I may unremembered sleep, the name of Philura Baldwin will still be pronounced with praise, and the story of her untimely death be repeated to attentive ears.
As a family, therefore, we unite and concentrate our efforts to make this building a worthy memorial of her whose loss has seemed well nigh unbearable; and that as we shall see this building rise, our grief will lose the keenness of its edge, and be replaced by pleasant recollections of her virtues. And as with tears we parted from her, her mortal part committing to the kindly keeping of old mother earth; and while the earth has hid her from our sight, yet steadfast are our hopes that somehow, somewhere, she still lives, ‘mid scenes of beauty far greater than here she knew, a patient student studying under the immediate instruction of the Great Architect of all, the loving Father of all the Eternal Goodness, in whom she confidently placed her trust, and that He says ‘Tis well.
Likewise we now again remove the soil, striking deep down that what we place therein may steadfastly remain, though hid from sight, and that upon this firm foundation we may safely build, and as the building grows toward completion under skillful hands it shall prove to be symmetrical, a harmony in stone, delightful to educated eye, instructive by its true proportions, adapted to the use to which designed ; is fine, that it may be of such a perfect form that she ,whose memory is thus to be immortalized, would say, 'tis well!
Brief and pointed remarks were also made by Mayor Nokes, and by President Stubbs.
The turf was then broken by Milton Baldwin, Miss Walker, a daughter of Rosanna Baldwin, Dr. Gould, and Mrs. Gould, each of whom lifted a shovelfull of earth.
"Philura is Remembered," Exponent (Berea, Ohio), n.d.
The Philura Gould Baldwin Memorial Library building was built in 1893 by John Baldwin, founder of Baldwin University. The building erected in memoriam of his daughter, who died of tuberculosis a few years after her graduation from Baldwin University in 1886. Seeing a need for a library at Baldwin, Philura had gathered together the books of several literary societies on campus. A room in the basement of the old Hulet Hall was used as the library. An old wood stove provided heat during the winter months.
Although Philura never saw the library actually built, her dedication to literature led her parents to put up the Library. Sandstone from the Berea quarries and stained-glass windows of exceptional quality are distinctive marks of the structure. A bust relief of Philura stands on a mantle over the fireplace in the library.
John Baldwin placed a stipulation over the school in that every year at commencement, a white rose is to be placed on the fireplace mantle in Philura. This traditional ceremony has never been broken throughout the years.
When Ritter Library was built in 1960, Philura was used as the Art Library. However, when the Art and Drama building opened, the collection moved there. Since that time Philura has been used-for storage of art treasures' and rare books.
At present, the future of the Philura Gould Baldwin Memorial Library will soon be decided upon. An article will be printed in the exponent when Philura's fate has been determined.
John Baldwin. Jr. presented Baldwin University with the Philura Gould Baldwin Memorial Library in 1894 in honor of his daughter; thus moving the library out of Hulet Hall's basement. This building served the students until Ritter Library was constructed in 1959 when it became the headquarters for the Art Department.
Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.
The Philura Gould Baldwin Memorial Library was built in 1893-94 by Mr. and Mrs. John Baldwin, Jr., in memory of their daughter, Philura Gould Baldwin. She was a 1886 graduate of Baldwin University and the first librarian of the college. Philura Gould Baldwin, granddaughter of founder, John Baldwin, died on March 3, 1892 at the age of twenty-seven. She worked to establish a library at Baldwin University, gathering together the library collections of several the several Literary Societies on campus, including the Alethean, the Philozetian, the Clionian, and the Phrenocosmian Societies. She also obtained other gift books and did the work of cataloguing them herself. The White Rose Ceremony still held each year at commencement is in honor of her life.
The building, which replaced the library room in Hulet Hall, was constructed entirely of Berea sandstone. The sandstone and stained-glass windows added to the distinctive structure. The dimensions of the library are 41 ft. by 66 ft. Its cornerstone was laid on June 8, 1893 and was built on the comer of Front Street and Bagley Road. It was dedicated in a ceremony on June 14, 1894. Dr. J.E. Stubbs, President of Baldwin University, presided over the service. The Reverend David H. Moore, Editor of the Western Christian Advocate, gave the principal address. John Baldwin, Jr., gave his and his wife's invested right of prope1iy to the Trustee's of Baldwin University, under the condition that each year at graduation there shall be presented by a member of the graduating class, one white rose in memory of Philura Gould Baldwin.
The basement was arranged for the packing, unpacking, and cataloguing of books. It also contained the heating unit for the building. The first floor of the library had the capacity to hold 30,000 to 50,000 volumes, along with an office for the librarian. The second floor was a reading and study room for students. The were also periodicals and reference materials located on the second floor. Files and bound materials were found on the third floor of the building as well as Theological Seminary books.
When the Ritter Library was built in 1960, Philura Gould Memorial Library was used as the Art Library. During this time, it served the Art Department, housing a gallery and was used for many exhibitions and shows. In 1972, the Art and Drama Center was built and the art collection was then moved into that building. Since that time, Philura Gould Memorial Library has been used for storage purposes. It houses rare books and in recent years, it has been used by the Methodist Church as the East Ohio Conference Archives Center. A renovation is planned for the library within the next six years. The building will be restored and updated with modem facilities, along with Carnegie Hall. Together, the building will be connected to a new structure to be built, and will serve as the center for the Social Sciences, including Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice.
Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.
The Pop Collins Tennis Center was dedicated on Friday, April 27, 1979. The courts are a tribute to Josephine and Arthur Worth (Pop) Collins, who were remarkable friends and neighbors of the college and its students for several decades. Pop Collins served as a faculty member, Athletic Director, and head coach of football, basketball, baseball, and track from 1924 to 1928. The courts were made possible by gifts of alumni and friends of the college. Bud Collins, TV Tennis Commentator and writer for the Boston Globe, the son of Pop Collins was present at the dedication of the courts in honor of his late father. Bud Collins is also graduated from B-W in 1958. The tennis center is on the corner of East Center St. and Beech St. across from Klein Hall and next to the old Women's Gymnasium. The courts are used for Varsity competition, physical education classes, and recreation.
Citation: Updated B-W History, n.d.
The house located at 329 Beech Street in Berea, was the first official residence to be built by the college, and was first occupied by Dr. L.C. Wright, B-W President. The house is located on North campus, next to the North Hall and east of the Burrell Observatory. (North of the old Smith Observatory)
The home, which was considered by many to be the most pretentious house in Berea, is a large, brick, Georgian Colonial Mansion. Wilber J. Watson was the building's architect (Watson also designed Emma Lang Hall and Phi Kappa Fraternity house). It was constructed by the R. S. Ursprung Co. of Berea at a cost of $25,000, and was completed in 1935. The house featured an open porch on the campus side. From the porch, an entrance would lead to Dr. Wright's study, giving students easy access to his office. Also included, was a living room spacious enough for college receptions.
In 1982, the home received renovation. It was rewired, re-roofed, insulated, receiving new plumbing and the addition of a family room and three-car garage. This work was done because of the two-fold use of the building, as a residence as well as a place for entertaining faculty, staff, and students. Remodeling occurred after Dr. Bonds moved out after twenty-five years of residence. The home received many honors including the Greater Cleveland Landscape Merit Award in 1983, while President Malicky resided in the home.
In 1992, President Malicky built a private home, and the residence became the Alumni House. The first floor remained essentially unchanged. It is used as a public area, popular for meetings and small receptions. The second and third floors were converted to offices for the Alumni and development staffs.
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