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Encyclopedia of Baldwin Wallace University History: Greek Life - P

An Index of Historical Content and Their Sources

Panhellenic Council

Citation: Maria J. Hoffmann, "WBWC-88," ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1977), p. 101.

In 1977, seven Greek organizations for women functioned on campus, loosely tied by the Panhellenic Council. The seven sororities, Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Zeta, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Xi Delta, Phi Mu, Alpha Phi, and Delta Sigma Theta; are each represented on the council by four sisters, a member of the executive board, a delegate, the president of the sorority, and a member of the rush committee.

Panhel cooperated with the Inter-Fraternity council to sponsor such Greek events as the Pumpkin Sale, All-Campus Bon-Fire, lnterfraternity Sing, the Spring Retreat, the Winter Greek Ski Weekend, and Sig Olympics. Panhel is also involved with community affairs such as a dinner with citizens of Berea at the Berea Community Center. An auxiliary of Panhel is the Junior Panhellenic Council, made up of two pledges from each sorority. These girls raise money for various projects, and get acquainted with the Greek system and Baldwin-Wallace administration. Carvel Skow, the 1976- 1977 president of Panhel, described the purpose of the Greek organizations as sisterhood, unity, and the building of the individual's character through sharing with each other and lasting friendships.

Phi Alpha Theta

Citation: Ann Skoglund, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1966), p. 60.

Membership in this national society is limited to those students with a 3.2 average in their history courses. Each year the national group grants four $300 scholarships to deserving history scholars. Mr. Clary is the Faculty Advisor.

Phi Kappa Delta

Citation: Ann Skoglund, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1966), p. 63.

The purpose of this forensic honorary is to further the progress of and the interest in intercollegiate speech activities. The debate and Individual Events Team were quite successful this year in their endeavors at numerous colleges in and around the state. This year the women's state tournament was held at Kent, Ohio. Although neither team won a first place trophy, their efforts were rewarded, for BW established a record Marathon Debate. Not only did the debators and "Eventors" participate, but overwhelming enthusiasm was expressed by the student body. Topics from birth control to communism were discussed. The Marathon was a tremendous success and recognition should be given to all those who helped in establishing the record of fifty-six hours.

Phi Kappa Phi

Citation: “Society Events,” The Exponent, November 21, 1917, p. 5.

Phi Kappa Phi

The first social event of the Phi Kappa Phi Literary Society was held Tuesday evening, November 13. The crowd of merry young folks went "for a ride to Mr. Roe's beautiful home in Strongsville. The air was cool and bracing which fact added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening. The time passed rapidly for there were games, music, contests, as well as eats. Mr. Pautx pleased all by two readings which were given in his usual charming manner. After a series of songs and yells for B.-W. and for Mr. and Mrs. Roe whose kind hospitality was greatly appreciated by the young people, all started for home and dreamland.

The guests were the Misses Alice Kehren, Dorothy Hoffman, Alice Maher, Lucille Tracy, Ruth Lindner, Beatrice Chevalier, Marion West, Theodora Porter, Lottie Munn, Twila Hains, Florence Bick, Helen Gray, Florence Crawford, Lois Wood, Hazel McCuen, Bertine Jones, and Messrs Raymond Filter and William Pautz.

Citation: A. Wesley Roehm, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1928), pp. 162-164.

The two organizations of which Phi Kappa Phi is the successor were the Philozetian and Phrenocosmian Literary Societies. The former was founded in 1848 and the latter in 1857. The one was incorporated in 1883 and the other two years later.

During this early period the two organizations were bitterly opposed to each other in vying for Campus honors, but when they united in 1915 each of them conceived of the future as a new era of development. Since that time there has been no trace of sectional feeling, even among the alumni who were originally members of the one or the other. Three of the present members of the Fraternity are sons of former members of the Philozetian Literary Society.

The purpose of the Fraternity is "to perpetuate the high ideals of brotherhood and scholarship and the record of worthy achievements which are a vital part of our honored traditions; the improvement of its members in moral, social, and intellectual culture; and other collegiate purposes." With that in view every member is striving toward the betterment of the Fraternity as an organization, toward the betterment of himself as a member of the Fraternity and especially toward the growth and welfare of the College exclusive of the Fraternity.

Always proud of its alumni, of itself, and with consciousness of its close relationship with its sister, the Alpha Kappa Sigma Sorority, Phi Kappa Phi holds forth to the future resolutely and with interest in the generations to come.

Citation: Dean Webb, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1935), pp. 90-91.

Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity came into existence through the union of the Philozetian and Phrenocosmian Societies of Baldwin University. The Philozetian Society was the first organization of its kind in Berea, and was established on February 2, 1 849. The need for another society was answered in 1857 when the Phrenocosmian Literary Society started its career.

These two societies were united in 1915. Temporarily halted by the war, it resumed activities in 1920 and was incorporated under the laws of the state as Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity of Baldwin-Wallace College in 1925, and since this time all members and alumni have joined together to build a house which was erected in 1931.

Phi Lambda Chi

Citation: Doris Hauser, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1940), p. 106.


All for one, one for all-from this idea originated Phi Lambda Chi. In the fall of l935 a group of girls formed the AFO-OFA Club, which on May 27, 1936 became the Phi Lambda Chi sorority with sixteen charter members. Last year they finally achieved a new sorority room. Today-forty-six girls bound by pleasant hours, dances, teas, sing practices-all of which adds to being "together."

The year rolls 'round and we say, "Adieu, seniors, we'll miss you very much. Please come back often." There was Iris's tactful "No, dear, you won't bring 'a' paddle, you'll bring two." We'll remember your and our most representative woman, Edie. Who can ever forget the March 9th dance at Shirley's Country Club, the most fun we ever had? Then there was the dinner at the Westlake. (P.S. Janet was in the church all the while, Hazel). We have two cups now, yep, basketball champions for two successive years and undefeated at that. The Co-Croft representatives, late again, dishes, oh yeah? Jeanne Schuman's Exponent-nice work. We're getting a cottage this summer, won't it be swell? The pledge cruise was quite a trip, remember the jungle stew, and the Dutch treat? Then home again with a crew of seventeen new actives -yes, the year went fast, maybe because it was such a happy one-until the next-goodbye, all.

Phi Lambda Sigma

Citation: A. Wesley Roehm, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1928), pp. 166-168.

Phi Lambda Sigma Sorority was originally organized in 1870 as the Bettina Literary Society of German Wallace College. For twenty years, until 1896, the society retained its original name, principles, and purpose.

On October 3, 1896, with the aid of Doctor Carl Riemenschneider, President of the College, the Bettina Literary Society was reorganized into the Philmathean Literary Society. In 1918 it took the name Phi Lambda Sigma. The Sorority obtained a state charter in 1924.

Phi Lambda Sigma has always held a prominent place in campus activities, and scholastic standing, and her girls have been regarded as leaders among the students on the campus.

Another year has been added to the Philo Log Book. The dreams of the crinoline co-eds of 1870 have been replaced by their progressive granddaughters, but the visions and dreams of those early sisters are still instilled in their hearts and they are making every effort to make those dreams come true.

Phi Mu

Citation: Mary Papp, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1945), p. 86.

The local sorority of Theta Tau Delta was organized as a local sorority in 1931. One year later they became the Eta chapter of Sigma Sigma Delta sorority. In 1939, they withdrew to return to the status of a local sorority. In 1943, the Tau Delts became the local chapter of the national sorority of Phi Mu.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia

Citation: Maria J. Hoffmann, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1978), p. 144.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is another organization of the Conservatory which has a lot to offer through its service projects and its talented members. The fraternity's primary goal is to encourage and actively promote the highest standards of creativity, performance, education, and research in music in America. Sinfonians develop the truest fraternal spirit and desire to instill in all people an awareness of music's important role in the enrichment of the human spirit.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is partially responsible for the Conservatory's preparation for Bach Festival, aids with audition days, and has a representative in the Conservatory Student Council. The chapter annually chooses an individual outside the chapter for outstanding service and is given the Orpheus Award. The Commissioning of American music and Sinfonian recitals are also important facets of this fraternity.

Phi Pi Phi

Citation: A. Wesley Roehm, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1928), pp. 170-172.

On November 22, 1883 two men from German Wallace College conceived the idea that a third society was necessary to relieve the already overcrowded conditions prevailing, and on that day called an unofficial meeting in the Administration Hall. Ten students met in a mom on the third floor, denuded of all its beauty; plaster having fallen from the ceiling and the doors torn from their casements, the room presented a very uninviting home for the new organization. Determination, however, overcame the environment. A president and a secretary pro tern were appointed and also a committee to present the new idea to the faculty for approval. On November 27, 1883 the petition was granted.

An election was then held, the constitution presented and accepted, the decision to adopt the name Goethe, after the German author, and the motto "Age Quod Agis" was made.

The old worn out brick building soon became inadequate to accommodate the rapid growth of the college and in the year 1895 the new Administration Building was completed. The Goethes moved into their new quarters which has been their permanent meeting place for thirty-one years.

In 1908, to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding, the fraternity held a banquet to which a goodly number of alumni, who had already achieved prominence, were present. This was the beginning of the annual banquets, since held every year by this and all other fraternities and sororities.

In 1915 the Greek letters were adopted in significance of the spirit of the day and these were Gamma Lambda Sigma, the ritualistic meaning of which was developed exceptionally in the local organization.

Then came the day of nationalization. The need and call were heeded, and Gamma Lambda Sigma was installed as Mu Chapter of Phi Pi Phi, on May 21, 1926, two months after petitioning. Phi Pi Phi Fraternity has experienced a conservative but steady growth since its inception in 1915, and in two years more will be admitted as a Senior Member to the American Interfraternity Conference, of which it is now a Junior Member.

Mu Chapter has experienced a colorful history through a span of years and gamut of events extraordinary to an organization of its character. It has been a leader in campus activities, especially in forensics, dramatics, journalism, and honorary and executive positions. Moreover, ever since the College began figuring scholarship indices, Phi Pi Phi has headed the list.

Phi Pi Phi has done much to forward more congenial and co-operative inter-fraternal spirit on the Campus. It sincerely hopes such a state may be attained, to the glory and well-being of Baldwin-Wallace as well as to the fraternal organizations.

Citation: Dean Webb, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1935), pp. 92-93.

Phi Pi Phi Fraternity had its beginning back in 1883 when a group of men banded together to make a thorough study of the works of Goethe. This organization took the name of the Goethe Literary Society and continued as such until the year of 1915. At that time it changed its name to Gamma Lambda Sigma, a local Greek letter fraternity. In the spring of 1926 the Fraternity was granted admission to Phi Pi Phi National Fraternity and designated as Mu Chapter. The Chapter is now located at its new residence, 301 Front Street.

Philozetian Society

Citation: John J. Martin, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1900), pp. 73-75.

Presiding Officers: 

Elias Roe. Ora J. Shoop. William H. Indoe

The history of the Philozetian Society during the year is quite similar to that of preceding years, that of steady growth and development. Nothing extraordinary has happened. We have met regularly, and-have done honest, thorough work. Each one performing his duty as best he could, consequently the programs have been good. 

During the Spring term of 1897 our society consisted of thirty-seven active members, and was then, perhaps, as strong as at any time in its history. The banquet given to the Clionians, faculty, seniors, and friends· was a great success. Commencement came, and from the society five men graduated. They left us, but went forth to benefit the world.

The spring term closed. The Philos said farewell, and separated. Some engaged in one occupation, some in another. Some earned more, some less. But each did the best he could.

When college opened again, eighteen old members returned full · of life and Philo spirit. New men joined the society and soon the number was thirty-one.

During the fall term the meetings were held on Friday evenings. All the other societies met on Monday evenings. The visits of those who thus were free to visit the Philozetians were highly appreciated by the latter.

The winter term of 1898 has been characterized by quiet hard work, and 73 this has brought its reward. Both first and second places in the home oratorical contest have been won by Philos. They have also won the debate held under the auspices of the Inter-Society Literary and Debating Union.

One of the most enjoyable events of the winter term was the reception given the Philozetians in honor of their victory by their loyal Clionian sisters. It would be difficult to tell whether Clios or Philos were the happier over the result of the oratorical contest. Philos are justly proud of their Clionian sisters, and hope that the spirit which now exists between the two societies may ever remain.

By the death of Mr. S. M. Upson, sadness fell upon the society of which he was an honored and loyal member. He belonged to the class of '95.

The source of the society's strength lies in the fact that the members work for the interests of the society; they put society first, friends second. self last. They put forth their best mettle, and strive by every honorable means to defend their colors. the blue and the white; the blue, a symbol of genuineness, the white a symbol of purity. Long may they wave! Wave to thrill every Philo's heart with the desire to stop short of nothing but the very highest attainments, with. the desire to make each succeeding year better than the preceding one.

Phreno-Cosmian Society

Citation: Will H. Oswalt, ed., "University Notes," The Bulletin (Berea, OH.) May 1, 1896, pg. 3.

The Phrenos have introduced two new features into their society work. “Parliamentary drill'' is assigned to some member as a regular performance at each meeting. Some feature of parliamentary law is assigned to him, and he occupied the chair fifteen minutes, while there is a drill on the rules assigned. The Phrenos also have four short extempores at each meeting. A good knowledge of parliamentary law, and ability as a ready speaker, are two important objects of literary society work.

Citation: John J. Martin, ed., The X Ray (Berea, OH: Baldwin University, 1900), pp. 65-67.

Presiding Officers:

Howard W. Storer, Zeno L. Griner, Lewis L. LaShell, James J. Louzecky, Austin C. Hoak.

That noble body, the Phreno-Cosmian Literary Society of Baldwin University, was organized in March, 1857. From the beginning it has been a society composed of young men of integrity, common sense, and determination. These are the elements of character which have brought us our great success.

This word success is one full of meaning. All life has its ups and downs, its pleasures and disappointments, its victories and defeats. Our downs, disappointments, and defeats have been our greatest blessings; for they have driven us on with greater zeal and determination.

When came the struggle between the North and South, many loyal Phrenos fought for the Union under Grant and Thomas, and some fell at Chickamauga and Mission Ridge.

Reference to death recalls the fact that two of our members have this year passed away from us. We feel assured that they are resting in peace which nevermore shall be broken.

During the last forty years we have graduated many strong men. Some of these have entered the professions, law, medicine, and the ministry; some few have gone as missionaries to foreign lands; while a large number are holding prominent positions as professors and teachers in the leading universities and scientific schools of the country. We can boast of the finest Greek scholar ever graduated from Baldwin. And in mathematics and science we have always stood very high. Our motto, "Eloqui Aude" is a soul inspirer, and has carried us on to success in oratorical and forensic contests. Nor do we foster the intellectual only, for we have many true hearts throbbing with love for the great cause of Christ.

Meeting at first in the Old German Wallace Building, then in the Natural Science room in Hulet Hall, then in those dingy but remarkable rooms in South Hall, where the writer was filled with Phreno enthusiasm, we, at last, hold our sessions in the spacious room over the library. But impatiently we wait for the erection of Hulet Hall, where we expect to have a room all our own.

April 20, 1885, our society was incorporated under the laws of Ohio. This school year has been most profitable, both financially and intellectually. And ever onward move the Phrenos to success.  

Pi Gamma Mu

Citation: Dean Webb, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1935), p. 78.

The purpose of Pi Gamma Mu is the inculcation of the ideals of scholarship, scientific attitude and method, and social service in the study of all social problems. It aims to instill in the mind of the individual a scientific attitude toward all social questions. Social science is used in the widest sense to include sociology, economics, history, religion, education, philosophy and biology.

The purpose of Ohio Epsilon Chapter of Pi Gamma Mu is to encourage and to reward scholarship at Baldwin-Wallace College. For the former it offers annually a Pi Gamma Mu scholarship key; for the latter, the election to membership of a limited number of students with highest scholastic standing.

Pi Kappa Delta

Citation: A. Wesley Roehm, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1928), pp. 148-149.

Pi Kappa Delta is perhaps the largest honorary fraternity of its kind, having today one hundred and twenty chapters in schools both big and small, and dispersed over the whole territory of the United States.

Ohio Alpha Chapter has been very active ever since its installation, due largely to the wholesome influence of Professor Burns, the debate and oratory coach.

National Convention at Baldwin-Wallace

For the first time in the history of Baldwin-Wallace, a gathering, national in scope, was entertained on this campus, when the women's section of the Pi Kappa Delta 1928 Convention convened here, April 1-3. The men's section was received as guest conjointly by Heidelberg and Otterbein Colleges.

The delegations began to arrive on Sunday, April 1. (It was no proverbial joke either.) The guests numbered about a hundred when all had arrived, and Miss Beyer, Dean of Women, kindly looked after the lodging accommodations of the majority of them in the women's halls.

The preliminary rounds started on Monday morning and continued throughout Tuesday. The winners in the preliminary contests then traveled to Heidelberg on Wednesday to compete in the finals. All the final rounds were staged at Tiffin, both men's and women's sections.

Baldwin-Wallace entered representatives in all the contests except men's oratory. These included debating for both men and women, oratory for women, and extempore speaking for both men and women.

The male members of Ohio Alpha Chapter, as a mark of distinction, adopted what one might call a costume in the form of derbies, canes, and white scarfs. These accoutrements were worn all during the convention, and were the subjects of no few remarks. (We'll not venture what kind.)

The last convention of Pi Kappa Delta was held at Estes Park, Colorado, in 1926, and it is indeed a signal honor Lo have had it convene here this year. It not only furnished opportunity for Baldwin-Wallace to display her largesse; but in a more significant sense, it helped to make known more intimately the name of this College to visitors from other schools all over the country.

Citation: Dean Webb, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1935), p. 77.

Pi Kappa Delta is one of the three great national honorary forensic fraternities. It is especially interested in cultivating intercollegiate forensic relationships in the fields of debate, oratory, and public speaking. The Alpha Chapter on the Baldwin-Wallace campus gives the students of Baldwin-Wallace a goal of high forensic achievement as well as the opportunity of earning the key of distinction.

The art of speaking for which Pi Kappa Delta stands is indeed worthy of recognition, and therefore this organization is a great contributor to our college life.

Citation: Alvin Norcross, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1939), p. 32.

Baldwin-Wallace has the honor of having on its campus the Ohio Alpha chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, national honorary forensic fraternity. The organization is one of three great national forensic fraternities in the United States, having the largest number of chapters of any fraternity of any type. Pi Kappa Delta holds a national tournament and various provincial debating tournaments every two years.

Locally, the group is the most widely travelled organization on the campus, and participates in more intercollegiate contests than any other college association. The members have as their goal forensic achievement, the stimulation of clear thinking on contemporary problems and the development of the ability to present these ideas with verbal intelligibility. The eight members of the fraternity for this year are: Gene Simon, Robert Avery, Edward Kramer, Herbert Rasey, Margery Young, Ruth Zillefrow, Jack Kramer, and Virginia Hejduk. The number of members is proverbially small, the organization being one of the most exclusive on the campus.

Psi Chi

Citation: Ann Skoglund, ed., Grindstone (Berea, OH: Baldwin-Wallace College, 1966), p. 63.

Chartered on campus in 1956, Psi Chi is closely associated with the American Psychological Association. The group has received regional recognition through its participation in the annual Midwestern Psychological Association Convention at which several members have read papers on their own research. Dr. Whiteman is the Faculty Advisor.

Encyclopedia of Baldwin Wallace University History: Greek Life - S ►

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